January babies 2012

Bah humbug to Christmas baby! I am now going to have to crash your January thread! Except I dont know a date! Only that I am over due, grumpy and unless it comes in the next 10 hrs then its going to be next year now! In fact it is already 2012 in Australia (where annoying people keep ringing me up from to shout Happy New Year! - Bugger off the lot of you" lol (Did I mention grumpy?)

Could we put me down for 3rd as a random date?

aww huni, he'll be here soon. xxxxx :hugs:

welcome to the january thread.
Think we should start taking bets for when pinky and stars baby's will arrive :D
I'm not ready exactly, I just bought a baby monitor and need to charge it for 16hrs. After that baby can come.:pray:
I'm betting pinky on the 2nd and star on the 3rd..
Hi Pinky! I get to see a consultant on the third to discuss induction but I'm really really hoping that I go into labour naturally before then :pray:
Just a thought ---- We (Should) Have our babies THIS MONTH!!! The day countdown begins! xx
I'm betting pinky on the 2nd and star on the 3rd..

My body is not at all ready so 3rd (my induction day) or 4th is a better bet.

So star they won't even book you in until after 10 days?!?

They wanted to see me at 7 days but because of bank holidays I have been pushed forward to 10, it sucks doesnt it!

I swear with the next one I am going to try to time it much better!
I was hoping you would surprise us early! Although I see you guys as the year 11's so when you go it will be our turn *gulp
Just upping this :)

I didn't realise ninj wasn't due till the 14th!!
RIGHT YOU JANUARY BABIES You can all start to stay put now!! Everyone seems to be leaving early this month!!! xx
Don't they redbear! getting lost with who has had LO'S, who is in labour and who are having signs! kicked me into gear though. everything but printing my birth plan is now done!
There dropping like fly's there will be only me left before long! x
You're due two weeks before me! I'm the last of the January mummies due! Come Tuesday I'm eating curry every night with pineapple juice, and a bit of loving for the OH for afters...once I have walked the curry off by going up and down the stairs 20 times lol
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I'm hoping that I'm going to be on time but who knows :(!
Two weeks means nothing in this game knowing my luck i will go two weeks over and you will go two weeks early!
Although back pains still continuing now and agin today along so maybe things are getting ready fx! x
Oh my god!!! Just realised that I've been beaten by the majority of the Jan babies!!! I think I must be the latest person here now... scary!
I wonder what it is that alot of the Dec babies are running late and Jan babies are going early?

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