~ February 2017 yummy mummies - 2nd trimester ~

Brilliant news! The little monkey was probably having a sleepy few days. You can relax now!
I honestly hate the movement worry. Its the worst part of pregnancy for me. My eldest was really ill when she was born and they managed to deliver her just in time because I went in for reduced movements at 38 weeks. Had I left it just 12 hours she wouldnt have made it. So now Im ultra concerned about them.
Hey everyone, hope you're all ok. I hit my 24 week milestone today, so happy. I've been really anxious about making it to here so I feel like I can relax and start enjoying it now! Baby was really quiet but this last week has starting really kicking which is so exciting
Hi everyone
Gone quiet again on here
Had my 24 week check up with midwife today can't say I was impressed it's first time I've listened to heartbeat with the midwife she did my blood pressure which she just said was low but okay and measured babys heart rate Which was fine but I had a understanding that this was when they meant to start doing the fundal chart but she says she doesn't do this til 26 week which seems silly cause now I don't see her til 28 weeks even though I've been told she's measuring small
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How dissapointing Bethany! I think my midwife measured my bump at my 16 week check up. Its annoying there is so much of a difference to what midwives check region to region!

All good here, reached 24 weeks on Monday so am very relieved. We've come up with a name for a boy and a girl. Ive also got everything apart from the sleepyhead mattress. After I get back from our little holiday at the beginning of December Im going to start washing clothes and sorting out rooms! Its all coming round so quickly!

Has anyone had their flu or whooping cough jabs yet?
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How dissapointing Bethany! I think my midwife measured my bump at my 16 week check up. Its annoying there is so much of a difference to what midwives check region to region!

All good here, reached 24 weeks on Monday so am very relieved. We've come up with a name for a boy and a girl. Ive also got everything apart from the sleepyhead mattress. After I get back from our little holiday at the beginning of December Im going to start washing clothes and sorting out rooms! Its all coming round so quickly!

Has anyone had their flu or whooping cough jabs yet?

Really is! Just did the measurement myself at home anyway
Ahh so nice to reach 24 weeks isn't i feel like it's dragged but everyone says how quick it's gone I've got most things but not quite everything! I've had both of my jabs
That is a shame Bethany, I have a page at the front of my maternity pathway that states when I will have appointments and what they do at each appointment and it says they measure the fundal height at the 25 week appointment but mine seems to be a little different with a 25week appt then next one at 28 weeks. I think I also get my matb1 and things to make my mat leave all official, did you get that?!

I was given my whooping cough and flu jab when i went for my 20 week scan at the hospital.

Eek I still have a few more days until V day but it's almost here and going so quick!

We went and picked our buggy on Sunday which was exciting, we don't really need much else with this being my second so soon after the first but I have a few things I want to buy new for the boy. I have already gone through the clothes we have and sold all the girly bits and some bits that I won't be using this time round, will start washing and getting more organised after new year when I'm on mat leave again.
I know what you mean about not needing so much second time round. This time I've got a fair bit extra, I think all the stuff I wish I'd had 2nd time round - a next2me, sleepyhead and decent baby carrier. Who knows if it will all help and hopefully this baby won't be so refluxy and colicky....fingers crossed!!! I've also invested in some hypnobirthing cds as even though I'll be having a c section, I want to be better at remaining calm and focused when I have a panic before and during the operation.

My daughter and I are having our flu jabs tomorrow then I was thinking of leaving the whooping cough for a little later. Is there a point where they wouldn't offer it anymore?
I know what you mean about not needing so much second time round. This time I've got a fair bit extra, I think all the stuff I wish I'd had 2nd time round - a next2me, sleepyhead and decent baby carrier. Who knows if it will all help and hopefully this baby won't be so refluxy and colicky....fingers crossed!!! I've also invested in some hypnobirthing cds as even though I'll be having a c section, I want to be better at remaining calm and focused when I have a panic before and during the operation.

My daughter and I are having our flu jabs tomorrow then I was thinking of leaving the whooping cough for a little later. Is there a point where they wouldn't offer it anymore?
Dont worry I didnt have my whooping cough until later in the pregnancy last time, sure it was after 28 weeks. Ive not been offered it yet either, with this being my second I saw my midwife at 17 weeks and then next time I see her is 28 weeks. Dont think Ive had my fundal height done yet either.

Im 24+1 week today!

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Hi everyone, I've had both my jabs. They never used to do whooping cough until 28 weeks but it was lowered this year to 16 apparently.

I saw my midwife last week but I've not had any measuring done yet either. I got my matb1 form so handed that in to HR this week. When is everyone finishing up at work? I can't decide when or for how long!

Also moving to my new flat in a couple of weeks time. So pleased to be in there and get settled before christmas! We have got our buggy and a few little outfits but that is all. I need to get cracking soon really.

Is anyone having a baby shower?
I feel rubbish, you're all so much more organised than me, I haven't bought anything at all! I'm hoping to get everything in the Jan sales and just hope baby isn't early! I had my mw appt yesterday and all she did was listen to the heartbeat, didn't even get my MATB1 form and forgot to ask about it. I'm not seeing her till I'm almost 29 weeks now so not sure what to do, I might give her a ring.

I'm planning on working until 2 weeks before my due date which may be a bit crazy as I work 35 miles from home but I want as much time off with the baby as I can
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Im got my MatB 1 form at 20 weeks, well I had to ring up and get it off my Midwife because I dont see her until 28 weeks.
Im finishing just after 34 weeks as I work in a hospital and do 12 hours shifts so on my feet majority of the day. Im taking 3 weeks annual leave at 34 weeks, just after New Year week and mat leave begins at 38 weeks.

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pinkbunny, I had a baby shower for my first baby but I never made it as that's the day she chose to arrive into the world. It was only a small thing for close friends and family. They wanted to organise it again for my second baby but I told them not to worry and this time round noone has asked.

Im self employed and because I work with tiny babies I decided to stop taking on new clients a couple of weeks ago in case I caught one of the many bugs that my daughter brings home from pre-school. Good thing too as weve been struck down with sticky eyes, a sick bug and lots of temperatures this week alone....no place for newborns. So im technically on mat leave now.

Ive only bought loads of stuff because i saw most of it second hand on different buy and sell sites and got good bargains. Room wise, not done a thing! It's sisters share a room and we have a spare room which is currently an office so I guess that's where it's going to go once its not in our room anymore. But i dont think we're going to decorate that for a long time!x
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Aw wish I could stop working soon! The commute is super annoying at the moment, especially on the way home. I think I'm going to try and work until middle of Jan and then take 2 weeks annual leave so my maternity kicks in at the start of Feb. That's the plan anyway!

I don't think I will be having a baby shower as I don't really like being the centre of attention that much. My work mates are doing an afternoon tea and cake thing before I go on leave and that will be perfect.

I can't believe we will be in November next week! Have started getting christmas presents in before I get too uncomfortable and then I can just enjoy the build up to christmas as it's my favourite time of year!
I haven't had either of my jabs yet, my next as appt is on Wednesday when I'll be 24 weeks.

Has anyone picked aname yet and is willing to share!? I need inspiration!
Hello lovelies, looks like time is flying and all you girls busy preparing !

I have now completed 26 weeks and can see the stretch marks getting bigger. I still haven't started shopping, and looks like I must ask my midwife about the jabs. Nobody mentioned anything to me so didn't think of it.
I seem to have trouble with having proper food as I got bad constipation and painful haemmarhoids. Anybody else suffering from these ? I take lactulose solution and hydrocortisone cream at the moment as advised by GP, but I'm worried if it's alright to be taking this too often. Any thoughts ?
Hello lovelies, looks like time is flying and all you girls busy preparing !

I have now completed 26 weeks and can see the stretch marks getting bigger. I still haven't started shopping, and looks like I must ask my midwife about the jabs. Nobody mentioned anything to me so didn't think of it.
I seem to have trouble with having proper food as I got bad constipation and painful haemmarhoids. Anybody else suffering from these ? I take lactulose solution and hydrocortisone cream at the moment as advised by GP, but I'm worried if it's alright to be taking this too often. Any thoughts ?
Hey hun I suffered awfully with constipation last month, my Doctor prescribed me Lactulose twice a day snd Fybogel drink to take every day. Both were fine to use throughout pregnancy every day. The Fybogel drink is brill!

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Hey ladies, hope all is well. I've had an awful night, haven't been to sleep yet. I've been stuck on the toilet all night!! I've got a constant need to pee and tingly sensation downstairs. It has kept me up all night. I rang midwife at 2 because I was so tired and couldn't take no more. Told her my symptoms and she thinks it might be a urine infection, she's told me to go to the hospital today and she has booked me in. I've also got a consultant appointment today for something else. It's one thing after another at the moment. Driving me mad. I'm exhausted but hopefully all will be well by the end of the day xx
I hope the gp can give you something Prash! Also if you're 27 weeks i think you're in the 3rd trimester! Congratulations! So exciting!!! Ive got just under 2 weeks to go.

I hope you feel better soon tigress.x
Hi ladies,
Prash I've got piles too - super annoying. Played up so bad for a couple of weeks and GP gave me some suppositories and now they are shrinking (for the moment!) I've also been dabbing witch hazel on after I've been to the loo. Do they go once the baby is born or do they have to be taken off?
Tigeress - sorry to read you've had a bad night. Certainly sounds like a UTI. Hope you get something for it today at the hospital and start to feel better really soon.
When does Tri 3 start? Is it 28 weeks?
Hello lovelies, looks like time is flying and all you girls busy preparing !

I have now completed 26 weeks and can see the stretch marks getting bigger. I still haven't started shopping, and looks like I must ask my midwife about the jabs. Nobody mentioned anything to me so didn't think of it.
I seem to have trouble with having proper food as I got bad constipation and painful haemmarhoids. Anybody else suffering from these ? I take lactulose solution and hydrocortisone cream at the moment as advised by GP, but I'm worried if it's alright to be taking this too often. Any thoughts ?
Hey hun I suffered awfully with constipation last month, my Doctor prescribed me Lactulose twice a day snd Fybogel drink to take every day. Both were fine to use throughout pregnancy every day. The Fybogel drink is brill!

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Lura - thanks a lot. Had a bad episode and feeling better now. Does fybogel need to be prescribed by GP ? My diet is screwed up now. Any bit of spices triggers piles

Babybee - thanks ! I feel excited about being in 3rd trimester . But now I have my complaints too ! My abdomen, back and legs are severely aching. Another 3 months to go and I'm surprised all this pain has started already

Pink bunny - in my opinion piles condition won't be so bad after pregnancy. Right now there is a tendency towards frequent constipation making it worse. So I'm hoping it won't be so bad later. What suppositories are you taking ? I use the hydrocortisone ointment to reduce swelling of hAmerrhoids. But the moment I eat anything spicy it swells up and bleeds again

Tigress - how are you feeling now ?

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