~ February 2017 yummy mummies - 2nd trimester ~

Sorry to hear you're getting to the uncomfy stage Prash. I had a Feb baby 4 years ago and I remember Christmas time onwards being particularly uncomfortable.

This week we've all had the norovirus, my 2 daughters and I that is. A low point was when I had just finished being sick and came back in the living room, sat down and my littlest vommed all over me. Mum life! Then just as we were getting over that we've been hit with a cold and cough. I cant wait to feel normal again.
Question though, my bought of norovirus lasted a couple of days and i was able to keep water down so didn't become dehydrated. I didn't bother seeing a doctor though as didnt think there was much they could do. My sister is now freaking me out by saying i should get checked. Would you get checked?

Oh also is anybody thinking of making a tri 3 thread? Id volunteer but Im rubbish at maintaining that sort of thing.x
Sorry to hear you're getting to the uncomfy stage Prash. I had a Feb baby 4 years ago and I remember Christmas time onwards being particularly uncomfortable.

This week we've all had the norovirus, my 2 daughters and I that is. A low point was when I had just finished being sick and came back in the living room, sat down and my littlest vommed all over me. Mum life! Then just as we were getting over that we've been hit with a cold and cough. I cant wait to feel normal again.
Question though, my bought of norovirus lasted a couple of days and i was able to keep water down so didn't become dehydrated. I didn't bother seeing a doctor though as didnt think there was much they could do. My sister is now freaking me out by saying i should get checked. Would you get checked?

Oh also is anybody thinking of making a tri 3 thread? Id volunteer but Im rubbish at maintaining that sort of thing.x
Ill continue you and do it if everyones happy for me too.

Sorry to hear you had a rough time with norovirus, you be fine dont worry. They only want to check you out if your not keeping fluids down which then runs risk of dehydration.

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Thats good to know Lura, thankyou!
And yes id be more than happy for you to make a tri 3 thread! Thanks hun. So excited, a week to go!xxx
Hello lovelies, looks like time is flying and all you girls busy preparing !

I have now completed 26 weeks and can see the stretch marks getting bigger. I still haven't started shopping, and looks like I must ask my midwife about the jabs. Nobody mentioned anything to me so didn't think of it.
I seem to have trouble with having proper food as I got bad constipation and painful haemmarhoids. Anybody else suffering from these ? I take lactulose solution and hydrocortisone cream at the moment as advised by GP, but I'm worried if it's alright to be taking this too often. Any thoughts ?
Hey hun I suffered awfully with constipation last month, my Doctor prescribed me Lactulose twice a day snd Fybogel drink to take every day. Both were fine to use throughout pregnancy every day. The Fybogel drink is brill!

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Lura - thanks a lot. Had a bad episode and feeling better now. Does fybogel need to be prescribed by GP ? My diet is screwed up now. Any bit of spices triggers piles

Babybee - thanks ! I feel excited about being in 3rd trimester . But now I have my complaints too ! My abdomen, back and legs are severely aching. Another 3 months to go and I'm surprised all this pain has started already

Pink bunny - in my opinion piles condition won't be so bad after pregnancy. Right now there is a tendency towards frequent constipation making it worse. So I'm hoping it won't be so bad later. What suppositories are you taking ? I use the hydrocortisone ointment to reduce swelling of hAmerrhoids. But the moment I eat anything spicy it swells up and bleeds again

Tigress - how are you feeling now ?

Yeah, they should get much better after baby is born. Mine are fine at the moment but I had a bad couple of weeks with them. I think they are worse if the baby is laying low as it's a lot more pressure. I was given some from the doc, I'm not sure of the name, spheriproct or something?! I only used one and then I was fine! It's really difficult to manage with being so constipated all the time. I hope they get better for you soon xx
Hello lovelies, looks like time is flying and all you girls busy preparing !

I have now completed 26 weeks and can see the stretch marks getting bigger. I still haven't started shopping, and looks like I must ask my midwife about the jabs. Nobody mentioned anything to me so didn't think of it.
I seem to have trouble with having proper food as I got bad constipation and painful haemmarhoids. Anybody else suffering from these ? I take lactulose solution and hydrocortisone cream at the moment as advised by GP, but I'm worried if it's alright to be taking this too often. Any thoughts ?
Hey hun I suffered awfully with constipation last month, my Doctor prescribed me Lactulose twice a day snd Fybogel drink to take every day. Both were fine to use throughout pregnancy every day. The Fybogel drink is brill!

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Lura - thanks a lot. Had a bad episode and feeling better now. Does fybogel need to be prescribed by GP ? My diet is screwed up now. Any bit of spices triggers piles

Babybee - thanks ! I feel excited about being in 3rd trimester . But now I have my complaints too ! My abdomen, back and legs are severely aching. Another 3 months to go and I'm surprised all this pain has started already

Pink bunny - in my opinion piles condition won't be so bad after pregnancy. Right now there is a tendency towards frequent constipation making it worse. So I'm hoping it won't be so bad later. What suppositories are you taking ? I use the hydrocortisone ointment to reduce swelling of hAmerrhoids. But the moment I eat anything spicy it swells up and bleeds again

Tigress - how are you feeling now ?
No hun you can get fybogel just from a chemist. Just have to make sure you drink plenty of water with it after you had it.

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26 weeks tomorrow and today finding it really hard to breathe I don't know if little one has moved up but I just feel cramped
I felt like that for about a week Bethany and then the baby must have moved because i can breath a bit easier now and get into comfier positions at night time.

As for 3rd tri, this forum has 27 weeks - birth as the description so I just go with that.x
Im not complaining but this baby never stops moving ever. Im concerned this will be it's wakeful pattern when it's born...never sleeping!
Don't wish to scare you but don't put away the pile cream just yet :p I had crazy bad piles after birth due to all the pushing I couldn't sit comfortably for like a month :) after that though it should be fine.... I think my other problems were just a fluke that I won't scare you with lol :)
So amazing to see you in the second tri ery! Hows it all going?xx
I'm more relaxed now it's starting to feel real! I had my scan on Fri and it was such an active baby!!! my son slept through his scans now I know why I'm hiccupping more and I'm convinced I'm feeling the very first flutters too. I got one in the scan room! I didn't think I'd get to tri 2 again but I'm made up x x x your so close to tri 3!!!!!! I look like I'm about to enter tri 3 lol but I'm happy to be here x x
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Thats so amazing it was wriggling around! Im sure you are feeling it move, with no.2 I definitely felt movements from 14 weeks. Just over a month to go until your 20 week scan, so exciting! Are you finding out the gender?x
Yea we are :) my son was a surprise but I think I'd like to know with this one as my son is 8 I want him to be prepared for the gender though he says he's not bothered! He just wants a baby lol. He's excited about getting the big room too lol

I was in the scan room ages first it was upside down then it flipped the right way then it rolled over to show us its spine it kept waving the whole time lol at the end it rolled to face the screen and waved lol it was a right wriggler!
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26 weeks tomorrow and today finding it really hard to breathe I don't know if little one has moved up but I just feel cramped

I've been finding it hard to breathe too - it's so uncomfortable. Especially after dinner! I've also started getting heartburn too - in the middle of the night I'm reaching for the tums...
Don't wish to scare you but don't put away the pile cream just yet :p I had crazy bad piles after birth due to all the pushing I couldn't sit comfortably for like a month :) after that though it should be fine.... I think my other problems were just a fluke that I won't scare you with lol :)

Oh no! I thought the pushing would make them worse. Not looking forward to those. Horrible things...
Good luck lol. Oh and I find gaviscon slightly better than tums and you can get it free if you speak to your doc for a prescription x x
Cant believe Im 26 weeks now! Time seems to be flying! Baby has taken to now putting feet in my ribs the past few days especially when I am sat down.. very uncomfortable indeed.

I have started a new thread in third trimester now as I know some ready to move over now. :) xx

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Good luck lol. Oh and I find gaviscon slightly better than tums and you can get it free if you speak to your doc for a prescription x x

Thanks - I'll try Gaviscon. I don't have a gall bladder so used to having heartburn but this is like no other!

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