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Cycle Buddies - hoping for a BFP in March!

Hi Hayley

I've only told my parents and my DH of course! I'm a bit reluctant to tell anyone else just in case and it's come as such a surprise! I'll be thinking of you tomorrow when you get your result and wish you all the luck and every positive vibe in the world! xxxx
Congratulations Honey!! That's such great news :mrgreen:
honey- congrats on the BFP... that gives me hope, as hayley was saying shes late on for her AF , and i am to, im 16 days late now i think, i was due for AF on febuary 28th and nothing, the last test i took was monday the 14th, im gonna take one more test as insisted by my doctor, and if its negative, ill just keep ona tryn..
Hayley- i will be praying for you today and tommorow, cuz i think your like a day ahead of me, or just like alot of hours lol.. goood luck i hope you get your BFP************
hello ladies

Today is the day.... i can't call the doctor till 12.30. They make things hard! I'm not building my hopes up in case I get a BFN (easier said than done) I'll be back on to let you all know. If I get a BFN i'm getting drunk tomorrow at a family party. If I get a BFP i'll announce my news at the party.....

I'm now 2 weeks today late (due af 4th march) If I do get a BFP i'll be exactly 6 weeks because they count from last AF i think.....
Hey ladies, i just wanted to get on and ask a question..
I was wondering about implantation bleeding, and how long it lasts, and what it looks like and is it alot of blood..
I just woke up about 15 minutes ago, and i looked at the toilet paper, there was a orange-reddish blood on the paper, and i have no pains or cramps, but i got a headache right now..
i guess it gets heavier tommorow then its my AF..
ok i just had to get that out and if anyone has any information or advice that can help, please let me know thanks.......
Hello Ladies

Got my results... BDN... I was a bit upset and a little angry (i don't know who at or why) I shouldn't have built my hopes up. Anyway it now 6 weeks since my last period and no BFP... I think this is why i'm angry. I've got to wait till I get my next AF before I can start trying again and i don't know when it's going to come. If I forget about my last AF and carry on like normal my next one will be due 2 weeks today.

I wish this thing was easier...
hayley-- Im so sorry , i thought for sure you would get your BFP...
Darn all these missing AF's just make it very difficult..
Well this is indeed my AF , i started basicly today.. very heavey and clotty, kinds unusual for thr clottyness, well i guess i will re-arrange my dates now, so im assumeing that my next AF will be due end of april, gosh im lost know... Well im not going to worry myself, we willl all get ours SOON (BFP that is... in due time..)
Hayley, man i feel bad, we just let our minds think yes were pregnant, then to be let down, this really sucks, i hate that so much...
Well dont worry be happy, and we all got next cycle... but im curious on why is all our AF's late.. well mine is here today and it was about 2 weeks late..strange very strange...
Hi ladies, i was trying to figure out how to upload pictures to the posts if at times people wanted to show there BFP, or BFN or kid, hubby pics, and finally after 2 hours of searching i figured it out.. i hope this works..im gonna post picture of my 5yr old girl, 2 yr old son..
ok it worked.. but gotta go back in and make it a tad bit bigger... if anyone wants to no how let me no ill glady give u the links and complete directions...
Hey haley, i was wondering if your AF came yet?, mines driveing me crazy i got bad bad cramps, its not that heavey tho, unlike the first day it started.. very lite now which im glad, cuz usually my AF is extremely heavy...
Ok well i'll check in later.. :)
Hi Rachel

Yep it came at last... I've never been so happy to see my AF! It came Fri nite. Probably because i relaxed and knew I wasn't pregnant. I think i put myself under too much pressure and that's what caused it to be 2 weeks late. Anyway it was a really AF and hopefully i can get back into a cycle again. Hopefully you get back into a cycle. March was a bad month for us. April is going to be much better.

Your children are beautiful. And is that a picture of you too? It's nice to put a face to the name.
Hi Hayley,

sorry to hear about your disappointment :(. I'm glad that AF did turn up soon after you found out though otherwise you would have started to worry about that too. It's so crazy that we can delay it by worrying and getting stressed isn't it? I've been trying to explain that to my husband but I think he thinks I'm making it up!

Sending baby dust for this month :D
Hi hayley, well thats good to hear your AF came, atleast your not to worried know, and your cycyle can proceed as normal..
my AF has been real funny, i think im off today, it was heavy the first day, and the past 2 days was very light, i mean very light, today im not bleeding at all, weired isnt it..
my temp was high yesterday 99.4, i had a really bad headache to..
and gosh were the cramps bad this round, well i hope this is the last day i hate when AF has bad timeing..lol
Well good luck to us all this comming month and days****************
Well, it's getting a bit tense here as I'm now on day 28 and on average AF has usually arrived by day 24- in the last three years that I've charted (and actually as far back as I remember as I used to have an 18 day cycle :( ) this is as long as I've ever gone, it's only gone to 28 once before.... It's 14 days since I Ovd and I had some very odd pale spotting last Thursday that made me email my husband and tell him that I was defo not PG only to have nothing more since.....?

Now- is it just my mind and will-power keeping it at bay as I have had low down about to have AF feelings for the past week or....? Every night since last week I have dreamt of babies (mind you I am obsessed) and I have also started thrashing around when I'm asleep and getting crampy legs which is a totally new thing for me. (last night I biffed my husband on the head but he was too fast asleep to notice!) It could be the new Vit Pills I'm taking that's messed up my chemicals though.

Hmm. My plan is to wait until Thursday, then if there's still no show I'm going to get a test and go for it on Good Friday! Wish me baby dust! Just how far can you not have AF show due to sheer stress and will power- this is the question! :wink:
Hello how are you, i was reading on another site similiar to this, and the title was 100+ days with out AF and negative results, its a very hard thing to sit and wait to test, or sit and wait for old AF, and the both are very stressing, and when results come back negative, your AF still dont show, well that makes it even more stressfull, take me and hayley for example, we have been going nuts past 2 weeks, finally i think both our AF's arrived on same day last friday, but mine was gone sunday night, (still looking into that), that was a very fast period..
but i hope you get a BFP that would be so cool, it would give me hope thats for sure lol..
well good luck and dont stress ok.. post back and let us know..

how are you doing?, Im so confused with my 2 1/2 day AF, so strange, and it was so light after the first day.. i dont no , im going to count it as AF, and then go get a few more OPK tests, going to get some off ebay/uk, there still cheaper there even with more quanity, i think its 25 OPK, and 15 HCG, for 5.00$ US.
husbad went on a 3 day no BD, i think he was getting a little tired of it, but we try and do it every 36 hours.. i think he thinks i just want him right now for the spermy (lol), its true, but not just for that lol ..
well he said lastnight "dammit baby, this better get you pregnant", i started laughing...
alright talk to you all later bye..
Hi momof2_trynfor3,

eek- 100+ days! Good lord. I'm not sure I'd have the patience for that- I think I'd explode! As it is I'm struggling to divert my attention from thinking about it 24 hours a day! I'm trying not to stress about it but it's more like excitement than stress I suppose. Whenever I manage not to think about it my husband comes in and asks if my Af has turned up yet. (Well- his actual words tend to be "Is there one bunny or possibly two bunnies in this room?" which is cute). I agree though that if I get a BFN and it still doesn't turn up then it'll be more worrying than exciting. Hmm. Well, fingers crossed. I'll let you know when I do :?

Baby dust all round :D
Sorry I've not posted for a while, but things have been hectic here with easter on it's way & me trying to keep busy through the 2WW.

Well, tested today & got a BFP, so really happy. Not telling anyone until I've had it confirmed by my GP. Just thought I'd let you ladies know. Good luck to you all & sending babydust by the lorry load to you!!! Yvonne x :lol:
CONGRATULATIONS I hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months. I am also dead jealous!!!
Congrats on the BFP, im also jealous, i have an appt on monday to see my gyno, will be taking a blood test, its only about a 20% chance of BFP, but my doc said because of my supposed AF that was only 1 1/2 2 days about long.. ive not got my hopes up .. but im waiting to O , though my temos are not no higher then 96.9 so i willl no more on monday..
Good luck threw your 9 months i wish u a happy and VERY healthy pregnancy.....

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