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Cycle Buddies - hoping for a BFP in March!

Hi Rachel

Just read your mail about your yearly smear test. Try not to let it worry you too much, it's probably the doc being extra carefull. It's in your interest that they are. I've had 2 result where I had to be re-tested. Once because the smear test was done too close to the end of a cycle and the reading was not too clear. The 2nd time I had to go back for a re-smear was because I had abnormal cells. I was worried to hell. But my doc made an appointment for me at the womans hospital where they deal with births and all sorts of ladies problems. I was in and out in 1 hour. They lazered off the cells (i didn't feel a thing) It took less than 10 min's. They explained everything to me very clearly so I knew I had nothing to worry about. That was 9 years ago and every smear test since has been okay. So it's best to go back and see your doc, have the smear test taken again. It may be that the first time was not taken correctly.

And good luck with doing your pregnancy test at the end of the month. No cheating.... I know i'm dying to take a test (i've got 10 to be sure) but i'm waiting till the end of the month - maybe around 3rd or 4th March. Every day i'm begining to feel that it was a light period (in the middle of my cycle) and not implantation bleeding. I went onto another site and read that implantation bleeding happens around 5 to 6 days after ovulation. Mine was only 2. I guess everyone woman is different and I shoudl just try and put it out of my mind until the begining of next month. (easier said than done) I hope we all get our BFP this March.. we'd be going through pregnancy together. Good luck.
Hi ladies - My name if Yvonne & I'm new to this site!
I'm 28 & dh is 36 - we've been ttc#1 since October 2004 with no luck.
Cycle really messed up since having the implanon removed - AF 24th december (really bad) then nothing until 20th Feb (mixture of spotting & V light af). have had every pg symptom since ttc - but I'm sure it's all wishful thinking, apart from the fact that since jan i have had leaky boobs!! they are really swollen & leak a clear fluid (this is sometimes white). think it's my body trying to sort itself out!!!!

Been charting since early Feb & have just bought a saliva test (OPK have never shown a surge for me so thought I'd try something else).

It's really strange being so in tune with your body - normally you just plod along & don'y give a second thought to things, now days I obsess about even the slightest change..... but I guess that'a all part of the fun!

I think my cycle is 32 days with AF next due 26/03/05

Good luck & baby dust to you all - will keep posting xxx
Yvonne, Welcome to this circle, In regards to you paying to much attition to your body, we all do that im sure, i probably do it to much, and then worry about every little thing that i notice different about my body.
So you have been trying since october?, Thas not to long, but sometimes it takes a few months for your body to adjust, and get back on schedule.
Do you think that you are preggy's right now? The booby leaking thing is a pretty good sign, do you chart your temps?, its a good thing to do so that way you migh have an idea about if implantation happend when you ovulated?, take a test and see maybe you'll get a BFP.
Yeah i cant seem to get nothing detected on Ovulation test's either, so i just chart my temps, when my temp takes a high sky rocket, then im more in likely ovulationg, and then it wil go down a day or 2 later, then in a few days if it hikes up again, that might mean that inplantation started, which is a good thing.
So hey take a test if you think this might be it..
And weclome again to this circle.
BaBy DuSt to all those TTC****
Thanks Rachel - I've been charting since early Feb - I've posted the link if you want to take a look

I'm pretty sure I'm not pg - don't even know if I am O'ing!
4-5 months isn't a long time to try I know - but I have 2 sisters who have both had 3 children without even trying - so I knid of thought I would be the same!!!
The leaky boobs are a bit worrying - I'm sure they wouldn't occur this early in pregnancy & my GP isn't very helpful, says to come back after 6 months if no HPT!

I guess DB is on the menu for the next month - better keep at it, never know when you might catch that egg! Yvonnex

don't yea find that ever change you feel or your body has makes you think "yea i'm pregnant this time".

I was just sitting at my desk yarning and i've confinced myself that it's because i'm pregnant and i'm going throu those tired first weeks. (nothing to do with work being so boring it's putting me to sleep)

Then my jeans started cutting into my belly button and again i thought yep i'm pregnant (not that i've been leaning over my desk typing after i've just eaten lunch)

My chest was itching like mad this morning - I though maybe i'm gonna get itchy boobs instead of sore ones! (absolutely nothing to do with me wearing a new lacy bra)

I wish this month would roll on so I can just do a test and find out.... I'm probably not.
Hayley-- i know exactly what you mean, i was in the grocery store with hubby lasnight, and while walkiong down an aisle, i said "ouch my boob hurts". then at the same time, hubby looked at me i looked at him, i wonder could of been to cold in there (lol).
We really do convince our selves because of all the bodily changes, and then really convinv our selves.
I was sitting here earyer this morning, and was feeling a little vomitish, and then said oh yeah im preggy's, and well i wont test for about 5 days .
Hey ladies?, do you have your tickers made?, so they can be posted.
if not ill go ahead and give you directions real quick
ok click this link, and follow the instructions on the page to make your little ticker like mine..theres 2 sights you can go to .. tickerfactory, or lilypie, i like lilypie, cuz it gives the ticker more detailed info,
http://lilypie.com/trying_to_conceive.php -http://tickerfactory.com/ezticker/ticker_designer.php
Ok ladies ater you get your ticker made use the link that says BB code, and what you do is, highlight it and press ctrl-C , press ctrl first then C, then go to your profiles and in your signature press Ctrl-V, ctrl first then V.
Ok go try and it so you can get your tickers up, you can even make them for your kids and how long youv'e been married.. im gonna go do 3 more, for my 2 kids, and how long i been married.
Hi I am new to all of this and sort of stumbled into your forum ... I hope you don't mind ... you are all so supportive. My DH and I have been TTC #1 since September 2004. My AF is expected on 12 March and I'm keeping my fingers and my toes crossed for a BFP. Good luck to you all too!

Honey- welcome, the more better, Uhhm, i see your ticker didnt quite work.. did you copy and paste correctly.
When are you testing? , im testing in 4-5 days, and some other ladies R to i think.
Good luck i hope you get a BFP when u test..
Wow - the days go slow. I've really just started trying again this month - and I'm really eager to know the results! LOL!

Rachael - to answer your question - I'm TTC #1.

I too am very tired lately - and a little dizzy - convincing myself it's early signs.. just waiting for the breast tendernous - but I know it's probably the cold icky Chicago weather that is making me so sleepy! I have spring FEVER BAD!!
JenniferT-- yeah im not really feeling funny today. last few days i was. and now today i got sore throat, darn maybe im catching something, i was convinced i was preggy, o'well I'm just gonna let nature take its course, if AF dont come then ill be testing about 2 days ater, so in a bout 5 days.
Im tired rigtht now my son has been driving me insane, just bout a frontload washer, got rid of old one, and he pulled the handle open during rinse and spin cycle, you can only imagine the mess, he was mad cuz he wanted juice before his nap. oh no he wont get that sugar just so he can stay up (lol), kids they think there so smarter, or should i say toddler's, (lol).
Hey everyone Just wanted to know how everyone's doing??
Ok well i tested today.. BFN, Af will be here in next 1-3 days (yuk),
Im not upset i kinda figured.
O'well always next cycle...
hi Rachael

i thought you wasn't testing till early next week. Could it be that you tested too early? if you dont get your AF try testing again. I'll wish for you* I'm due AF Frday/Saturday bu i'm gonna test thursday. I've never done a test before. I always wait even if my AF is late. It always comes.... but this time i feel different. Still trying not to build up any hope. My chest has gone quite big. My bra's are a little tight. I'm actually popping out and the husband mentioned yesterday that they looked bigger.... now that could be from my holiday's. Went to america just last month and i ate eveything and desert... (it was my hols).

Anyway i'm just enjoying a gin and tonic. Watching a funny move with my husand.

Hello Hunny...

Rachael.. try again on Mon or tues and let me know. Fingers crosed for you.
aholley said:
I see you guys talking about af what does that mean
oK AHOLLEY--- AF is your menstrual monthly theing, i dont no how to spell the words that AF means..lol but its your period.
Are you trying for your first, and whats your cycle length, and whens ur Af due.. keep us posted
Hayley-- i no, i couldnt resist, and its still negative, so i no im not, but i took a ovualtion test today weired it sai i was Ovulating and to do "it" in the next 24hours, i think my body wants to preggy to (lol), so weired, cuz my AF is due like any day, i dont no Ive always have had abnormal cycle lengths and period amounts (blood), sorry to be so graphic, but i took B/C a year ago for 4 moths to get regular, and i have been for soem time now, but again what we talked about before about our minds convinceing ourself, and so im suren AF is comming, and then when its over on the last day ,m i will test in 16 days from the last day of my period, only if i feel weired, i mean test said i ovulated yesterday, and my temp was up, so well say, i'll just test every 3 weeks, (lol)..
Oh hayley i wanted to tell you , i seen this GREAT< SAD<LOVE STORY its called "The NoteBook", oh my gosh you have got to see it, its a great movie, i cried, it seems boring at first but then it gets reall good about 30 minutes into it.
ok im ogg to watch "the grudge" with hubby, talk to you all later.
Just disregard that message I just went onto the forum and read what it means. Thanks!!!!
This will be our first!! We have been ttc since Aug. that's when I went off the bc. I am learning about doing temps and it is all a little confusing. I started yesterday. So I guess I can start this month fresh!! Just tested Monday but no luck...Hoping for March.

Good Luck to everyone and thanks for letting me join your group!! I need all the help I can get!!

I know on a 28 day cycle you wait 14 days to O but what is it on a 32 day cycle??
Hi Aholley

I think you find the middle of your cycle, so 32 days would be 16. Are you using ovulation testing sticks as well as taking your temp? I think you start testing for ovulation about day 13 or 14 (from the first day of your af) when you detect your ovulation period by using the testing sticks you get 2 days when your most fertile. If you buy an ovulation kit it explans it all in the leaflet. I went onto the net and bought 40 sticks and 10 pregnancy tests for around £20 ($40 us). But you can get a months test from any chemist - they come in 5 to 7 sticks per box. I found i used up all 7 sticks before i found my ovulation period. Think i started testing too early. My af cyle is around 28 to 30 days. Good luck.

Hi Rachael

So weird.... I have the note book on DVD. I got it out last night to watch but the husband didn't fancy it. So we ended up watching Bad Santa. But the note book is so sad. I've only watched it once. It's a proper girly movie. I was off work sick(aew months back), so I got the quilt coveron the couch, loads of hankies and sweets and watched it. I cried my eyes out. I'm gonna test this week.. fingers crossed. I had another dream last night that i gave birth. I droped the baby but just caught it by the foot in time before it hit the floor. Weird..... I didn't have any nappies or wipes, clothes, pram or cot... I just gave birth and then went shopping for all the stuff...Dreams are so weird. Pregnancy must be on my mind even when i'm sleeping... Anyway i'll let you now how i get on with testing good luck this month
Hi ladies - how is everyone today? just thought I'd update you all with what's going on here. Still charting bbt's and using the saliva scope, my temp has stayed high since before the end of my last cycle, but had a slight dip on Sunday (Cd 6), a few ferning patterns but nothing much to write home about. My right boob still leaks occassionally (tmi I know - sorry), but this has reduced no end over the past week - so I'm hopeful :lol:

Queried if my Prolactin levels are too high (which would account for the leakage & lack of Oing) but still trying to pluck up the courage to approach my Gp - he was so unhelpful last time & dismissed every concern I had just because we have not been trying for over 6 months!!!!

Anyway, fingers crossed for all of you hoping for a BFP in March, Yvonne x

blw - did a hpt just in case AF last week wasn't AF and no surprises when it was a BFN
Hey ladies, How's everyone doing, Im doing good.- Went to the doctor today to get my blood test results back, she said i was en-ne-mick (i no its spelled way wrong), so she put me on iron, ont top of the prenatal iron.
And she said my cholesterol was low, and to do a little bit of excersize during the week to help with that.
Well AF is due today March 1st, and nothing so far, it 9:43 pm, i dont have cramps, but im sure it will sneak up on me in the night or first thing early morning. I have been getting horrible migrane headaches, doctor says its due to the en-ne-mick, so she gave me advil for that, she also had me go to the lab again today for a blood/pregnancy test, i told her i was negative from home pregnancy's, she said that its just to make sure no tubil pregnancy, because of the pain in my left side, but that pain is also partially due to a ovarian cyst. which friday i will have an ultra-sound to see how big it is, if its bigger then an egg size, they will do surgery, but im 85% sure that its very small , cuz the pain is very minimal, and i have had one the size of an egg before and it went away on its on, thank god.
Ok, well im off to bed, another day gone, gosh time fly's.. talk to you all later bye bye....

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