Check in thread for late jan / early feb mummies

Yeah i will keep posting, i used to post all the time but since i have been on maternity i have not really had access to a computer but now i have worked out how to use my boyfriends laptop.

I really didnt think i would go over, everyone at work kept saying there is no way you will go to 28th Jan yr too big etc so i got it into my head i was going to have her early so im more disapointed (why do people have to say silly things like that).

Im really hoping my membrane sweep will work tomorrow, although im dreading it. I hope i go into labout tonight so i dont have to have it.

On Thursday morning i woke up at 5am with strong pains all across my back and period type cramps in my stomach, the ains were constant untill 7am and then they wore off. I really thought that was it and i couldnt believe it when they stopped.

At least i know i will definately have my baby by Friday, i think i can wait 5 days.
JoJo remember to have some 'cuddles' after the sweep, apparently it makes it more effective LOL!!
5 exciting!! Good luck hun x
Hels - unfortunately I haven't had any signs, well a bit of back ache but I don't think that's a sign?! I really think my baby will be very late, I only rarely get any pressure down there and haven't had any period pains/increase discharge/cramps etc so I'm trying to plan lots of things to keep me busy next wk and the wk after.... although my in laws will take time to understand this as last night MIL was saying she wasn't going on a trip next weekend because of the baby arriving on Wednesday :shock: (due date is either Tues or Wed) so I explained it could be another 2 wks on from that and she said she didn't realise!! :roll:

Jojo my wee one was back to back at my last MW Appt and I was given a sheet of exercises that I could do to help encourage the baby to turn round to a better position, I've been trying to do them but they don't seem to be changing anything as I'm still getting the movements/kicks in the same places.

39 + 5
LOL Lucy...bless your MIL, i wish it worked like that, id be a mummy by now LOL!!!
Have you all got clothes to wear after baby?? I think i may have been a little naive about my size afterwards, can still get my pre preg jeans on, but there is about 8" gap to be able zip them, i thought that after baby i may be able to pop them on after a week or 2. From chatting t others i think im disillusioned!! Gotta get in a wedding dress in 6 months!!! :shock: shit!
well, am back from pool and hels i REALLY recommend it! i was really quite scared to go as well but ended up going nevertheless and it felt so good am probably going back tomorrow and wed. it just took all the strain off me and when i had to get out and gravity hit me it really convinced me about the birthing pool...

news is when i was getting my clothes back on i noticed (sorry tmi) a tiny amount of blood on my underwear, so i don't know if it's anything to get excited about but i'm hoping... also am now getting tightenings and period cramps at the same time. *trying not to hope too much.. :? *

am off for a bit of nipple stimulation :lol: :D :lol:
i know, being in the pool is just SOOOOO nice isn't it?? until you have to get out that is.... makes me feel so heavy...... i wanted to go swimming with my friend today, but she couldn't make it after all, so mum and i went for a 2 hour :shock: walk instead! i admit i'm very slow these days but we must have walked about 6 miles or so. felt really good though, i love feeling shattered after exercice!

i hope it has helped convince LO that it's time to head out!
Thanks Hels for the tip i will try cuddles.

Lucy my M/W gave me some exercises as the babys spine was down my right side she said to sleep on my left to gt her to fall round and then at my last appointment the babys spine was down my left side. M/W said i have alot of water so the baby is still able to move around quite alot. Looks like im in for a long and difficult labour.

Good luck Pips i hope this is it for you, sounds promising.
Pips - things sound like they're starting! Good luck! Fingers crossed this will be the beginning of your labour.

Hels - I hadn't really thought about clothes for me afterwards as I presumed I'd be wearing a mix of maternity and pre pregnancy stuff but I haven't had the courage to try on my jeans as I doubt they'll get above my thighs! In the past couple of weeks I have bought a few non maternity tops as the new stuff in the shops was too tempting! Also thought it would help give me incentive to make sure I do go on some good walks with the pram etc but I think it'll be a while before I wear them!

Jojo - my MW said to me that during labour I should keep doing as many forward leaning things as possible to keep trying to encourage baby to twist round and also that way it will work alongside the contractions which will be also trying to get little one to turn. I feel like you though - that I'll have a long and painful labour with baby being back to back and probably the use of forceps once the head is down far enough. Spose it's better to be prepared then we might both get a nice surprise? :?

39 + 5
things have calmed down -bummer :evil:
looks like i will be signing in tomorrow again
might try another swim (though cracked my bathing suit today oops :oops: )

i've got used to pregnancy clothes.. and i like it in the sense that it saves the hassle of changing 150times in the morning.. hehe. don't know what it will be like getting back into a normal routine.
Hi ladies, just want to wish you all the best of luck-I know exactly what it is like being over due, but believe me it is worth waiting for things to happen naturally.

I got to 40 + 5 then have to be induced cause of high blood pressure. As long as you and bump are healthy, it's annoying but worth the wait.

Good luck to you all, and I was petrified of labour-but believe me it isn't as bad as what I thought. I was anti-epidural, but after 14 hours of labour, it was a god send.

Best wishes and love to you all.

I will keep checking up on you all. xxx
Well girls...its 02.00 not sleeping.
Im presuming that im getting pretty strong BH, its every 10 mins or so, and last about 40 seconds.
Maybe getting somewhere??
Meant to be at MW in morning at 11.00, if this continues i think ill cancel!
Make that every 5 mins!!!!
Im all ready to go to the birth centre....could today be the day?!
Good luck to you all xxxxxx
hels, it really sounds like it could be the day for you!!! <going green with envy> GOOD LUCK!!!

Hels - yay!!! I'm so excited for you, sounds like this is it! One day overdue, not bad eh!?

Best of luck honey, hope you're ok and lets us know the knews as soon as you can!

Petchy - have you had any more signs/symptoms?

Pips, don't worry - even if they have quietened down Hels had cramps and things a couple of days ago and now it looks like it's the real thing so I don't think it will be far off for you now.

39 +6
Petchy - have you had any more signs/symptoms?
i posted about "early or latent labour" earlier today, saying i have been getting pains but not sure if they are trapped wind or "something else" as they're not regular.

well now they seem to come in waves, about 10 mins apart, but sometimes a bit longer and sometimes shorter between them.... i feel twinges in my back as well now. i wonder...... i've not told my mum or anything (she's just next to me) as i'm not sure yet if it's anything to get excited about.

but i'm crossing my fingers!
This is getting too exciting!!!! keep us posted all of you!!

L x
Good luck Hels xx

Lucy im hopin for the worst and if its not that bad its a bonus. I dont mind them using forceps if absolutely necesary but im really against the ventouse im just praying they dont need to use it. I would much rather have a caesarean.
Good luck Petchy, hope this is it for you too.

Im like that when ive got pains i dont want to tell anyone in case i curse it and they stop.
hels, no news for hours now...
she's prob in there right now, hours if not mins off holding her wee baby... good luck girl!

everyone else who's still waiting- this is another of those 'holding on to your seat' baby weeks...
i hope you get lucky, all of you who are overdue

i had a bad morning. not only do i not feel anything apart from cracking back ache but i was woken by stupid twats in my flat shouting about the place because they don't care if i rest or not. then went to the loo and one of the guys had forgotten to tell me the seat is broken, so with my extra 20kilos i sat down and promptly fell on the floor still sitting on detached loo seat :evil: . may sound funny but when you've just got up it's really annoying. so since then been CIFing kitchen from top to bottom and still nothing is happening.

anyone got good baby news then?

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