June/July Mums - check in thread

Fran where are you?

Nothing off you since this morning!!
Thanks girls slightly pissed off here!!
I'm having a sweep on friday but again this is only good if the cervix is ready, so if not I'm buggered!!!
Thinking if that doesn't work then they'll make an appointment to be induced at the hospital, not good.
I'm with you on the no knickers!! Boxers are good right now would love to go naked but I cant put the family through it. :D
good luck helen fri with the sweep... you never know! you just mightn't need it.. anything can happen between now and then...

Fran - have you gone in to hospital? don't get us excited like this.... (hope your not just having a sleep in) with this heat and all you ladies about to drop i'm can hardly control my bladder as it is.... :rotfl:

bubble i know about those sharp pains... wish mine would turn into something else thou! had them now for ages... get them every couple of mins.. then nothing for an hour... i've also got the baby lying on a nerv in my groin... every now and again my leg goes into a spasm... not good when walking around sainsburys... :rotfl:

Been out and done my bits for the day already! had to before it gets too hot. Joined a bloody book club the other week... well i filled in a form without reading it... i keep getting books in the post - editors choice! p***ing me off because i have to go down to the post office collecting office to get them... then pay for them to be returned. Tried to call the book club to cancel them but its a bloody machine!!!! gonna try e-mailing them... also got stuck in sainsburys car park... someone parked too close to my car and i couldn't get in... the car park was empty too... :shock:


Hi girls,

Just wanted to wish the last few of you good luck.......not long till you have your little ones!!!!

Hope your all feeling ok......any more twinges??

Amy xx
Hi girlies..how are you all?? helenuk poor you..still holding in there!!!

Its ok girls i havent gone into hospital. sorry i havent
posted..i've been trying to go out and keep active hoping L/O
will get the hint and arrive already!! dont cry bubble hunny i'm still in the same boat as you! i went to see my mate, then i shocked everyone at work by showing up for the last part of this training course we were doing before i left..you shoulda seen my bosses face he kept thinking i was gonna drop the baby there and then!
then i went and said hi to some of my friends in my local pub (they were in the beer garden) it was a lovely warm night so sat and had an orange juice! walked home with my OH...but NO BABY!!! tried inducing him the natural way ;)..NADA! pains came back about 6 this morning and i just went to the loo..i swear i swear i felt a gush somewhere else?! how can i tell if my waters went??
your contractions may start, plus you will be trickling water still.

I can't believe you haven't had LO yet!! :roll:
neither can i! i think it might be psychological..because theres a couple of things i havent sorted out. (not through my own fault)
like the baby furniture which certain b*stard company have STILL not delivered!!!
maybe once thats sorted my baby will know i'm ready!

but on the other hand..i definitly felt a strange gush down there..and it carried on for a sec after my wee had finished!
Ring the hospital and see if you can go in and get checked. Some people don't start with contractions and need to be induced. you may just be going gradually.

i'm scared..lol
sorry this might be tmi so sorry but atm
i dont feel any pain i feel like i'm gonna be sick..also feel like i need
a poo..but i dont. :oops: (gross i know sorry)
just gonna ring the hospital,oh please let it be today!!!!
Feeling sick is a good thing and the runs are to, but it could also be the heat causing the sicky feeling.

Let us know hun :pray:
well the hospital said if i think my waters went to come in and they can check how things are..my OH will be home about 1.30 so i'll wait for him..meanwhile i'll see if anything else happens! so yeah..fingers, toes, legs and anything else crossed (AGAIN) lol

i'll keep you ladies informed!!! xx
How can you wait til then!! :shock: I'd be straight in there so i could get an update! lol

Fingers crossed
tbh i'm scared of going in, i'm in denial. i'm panicking coz i want my wardrobes
and my hr sent me a letter this morning without enclosing the form i needed...
i feel theres too much i havent done and i'm not ready even though i'm more than ready to have the baby..too hot to be pregnant anymore! i think i'm having a mental breakdown today, just rang OH at work and started crying. ugh i think i'll go back to bed and start again 2mo.
Fran, stay strong! They'll come when they want to, remember.

Now is not the time to worry about wardrobes, it will all be fine! Keep calm and remember your breathing!

Good Luck this afternoon, we'll be thinking of you xxx :D
Fran do you know the sex of the LO?

Keep your chin up hun, its nearly over.

oh fran huni try not to panic :hug: im sure you will be fine hoping its not going to be much longer for you :pray:

just got back from the midwife (see how embarrassing post :oops: ) anyway apart from that my cervix is still quite hard she has said that if i havent had her before i am due to go back and see her next week when i go back she will check my cervix again and if it is any softer book me into be induced :doh:
thank you girls..it must be my hormones..i just got in a right panic which is unlike me! i'm feeling a bit calmer now, nothings happening still..no contractions anyway!

i'm having a boy yvonne (explains the stubborn streak) :)

ah bubble your midwife story cheered me up..you'lll laugh too in a few days probably...think of it during labour it might cheer you up! lol
:cry: << "i dont get it..who is she? who is she? where did you find her?"

hehe when you feel down imagine this smiley as nikki from big brother..it works a treat!

also i only saw this cheeky one that moons yesterday! how rude! :moon:

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