Check in thread for late jan / early feb mummies

no news from me yet i'm afraid. been up since 5am as couldn't sleep. didn't have a good day yesterday as you will probably see in my other post which i am going to do this morning. pretty pissed off with my MW.
Morning everyone

No signs from me at all in fact any pressure I've had or backache etc has well and truly gone away and I feel quite energetic today so I'm off to do some chores round the house then going for a walk as I feel like I've put on lots more weight in the last wk (Petchy those cookies were so delicious I couldn't stop eating them and the whole batch has gone!)

Hope everyone is ok,

39 + 1
hey everyone!

i was hoping i might not be able to join this thread if my waters broke during the night.. but no such luck!! in fact had the most horrible night i had in ages where i couldnt sleep because of dratted neighbours, flatmates and when i finaaly did sleep had horrid dreams about baby (losing it etc). this morning got up cause i have appointment with mw and couldnt get to the loo because flatmate was playing tidleywinks with gf in the bath.. grrr am in foul mood!!!
hope mw has good news for me...

Lucy- i heard some women get a sudden spurt of energy the day before their LO comes.. i hope for you its not just an old wives tale!!

Incase anyone missed it....Sarah w baby bellys 's news is posted on the january forum!
well guess what? it's d-day supposedly..... and i'm still here. nothing new to report, still got the same twinges and aches as before but nothing more...
Morning everyone

Pips - must be an old wives tale! :lol: We delayed buying the equipment for the baby and so the start of my maternity leave was spent going shopping, now I've outgrown most clothes so spend more time in the house (that sounds really vain, I'm not honest!) and am noticing all the wee cleaning jobs that need doing! Aggghhh and just discovered a huge ironing pile!

Petchy - Woohoo, D day at last! Did you Mum arrive safely yesterday? That must be lovely to have her over here with you.

39 + 2
Morning all!
Im still here, and have had next to no signs, slight period pains very on and off tho. I keep dreaming that i end up at hospital, rather than birth centre where they refuse me a water birth!
Great news for Sarah, enjoy your time with your mum Petchy, wont be long.
Thanks to you all for your cheery replies to my miserable post yesterday!
hi there!
still here too, nothing new :(
petchy, you'll be soon.. how are you feeling apart from impatient?

waaaaaaaay to much info i know :oops: but i've just had a major big poo (proper clearout) and never before have i been so excited to have a bout of diarrhea... :oops: :oops:

i wonder if this could be a sign that things are hotting up????? i certainly hope so!!!

if you don't see me posting in the morning you'll know why! lol (wishful thinking!!)
Petchy that could be a good sign, i had really bad poo's an hour before my waters went!!!

Fingers crossed this is it. Every web page i went on to check for signs or labour approaching said a major clear out is a definate sign.

Good Luck Hun
I won't be able to check tomorrow as i have my op but i hope everything kicks off for you
Petchy (and the rest of you!)

Hope this is it!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: you must be so anxious for things to start moving.

I went to parentcraft yesterday and the M/W brought in a new baby to show us and I started blubbing - cannot wait for it all to happen!

Keep us posted! - did you manage to get your homebirth sorted?

L x
petchy thinking about you!!
let us know as soon as poss :D

and lisa, same thing for me we had a wee baby brought in yesterday and he was gorgeous!! i was hoping it would start my contractions off but no such luck :(
no..... must have just been from the fact that i'd stuffed my face with dinner a few hours earlier!! lol

arghh, i'd promised myself i wouldn't start fretting over it if i went overdue (after all only 4% of babies arrive on their EDDs) but now i'm "officially" overdue myself i've realised it's easier said than done!!!
Hi everyone

Hey I can't see a post from Kx yesterday or today :) perhaps she's holding her wee baby as I type!?

Petchy - I think the clear out was a good sign, my MW was telling me today that that sometimes happens in run up to labour so could be any time now! :) Do you have a sweep booked or anything? Is it today you meet with the midwife?

I'm just back from my weekly MW appointment - I know it's not a significant change as lots of you have had engaged babies for a while but for the first time on my notes it says 4/5ths engaged whoo hoo! I've got a sweep booked for next Friday when I'll be a couple of days over due.

Trying to decide whether to book in for some hair highlights next wk - every time I've had them done during pregnancy they haven't taken as well as normal but not sure how long it will be until I can sit still in a chair for that amount of time :shock:

39 + 3
hi there

still here as well (surprise surprise :lol: )
am 39wks today! happy weekly birthday baby, now if you could just come out so i could give you a celebration kiss...
i did have strong pains in lower tummy all night but they stopped when i got up

people are now calling me the big fat mama :evil:

don't fret petchy, it's still early overdue :)
Hi Pips

Sorry I haven't had chance to send a PM asking after your trip to France. How long are you staying here after the birth of the baby? I was chatting to Jean and we said we'd try and arrange a meet after the babies are born - do you think you'll be here then?

The pains sounds interesting, hopefully if nothing else it means things are starting in some way.

39 + 3
Hi guys

Thanks so much for checking up on me, it means so much.

Not long for you to go now. Your own baby is a wonderful precious gift.

And to keep your spirits up, just take a look at mine!

oh, sarah... he's lovely!!!! i can't wait to hold mine now i've seen your little bundle of joy - i hope he decides to head out soon.

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