Check in thread for late jan / early feb mummies

yup! it feels so heavy. i can't begin to imagine what you must be feeling (hug). this morning when i went for a pee it felt as if a melon had been stuck up me during the night! lovely :wink:

and i have nothing booked yet. i have a GP's appointment tomorrow but i can't even be bothered as she is pretty useless most of the time. my midwife is away on holiday so i will get a colleague of hers next week and i hope she can give me a sweep then if nothing has happened

could you not try swimming jo jo? it really is wonderful to release pressure... i'm going again tomorrow
I wish i would have tried swimming from early on in the pregnancy but i didnt so i dont have a swimming costume apart from a pre pregnancy bikini. The pool would empty when they saw my huge belly and stretch marks.

I dont really wanna go and buy a new costume now ive only 2 days to go but i can imagine swimming is heaven, just floating about. Oh well maybe next time if there is a next time.
hi everyone this is simon, hels other half just letting you all know how fantastic she is and how madly in love i am with her... this morning at 04:26 after 32.5 hours labour a 6lb miracle arrived by the name of charlotte, both are doing fine and hels said she will tell you all about it once she gets home....
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Wow, congratulations to you both. Can't wait to hear all about it Hels.

Nicki.xx :D :D :D :D :D
:lol: Congratulations Simon and Hels!!!!

Brilliant news, glad they're both doing well - can't wait to hear the full story!

40 wks
congrats hels and simon! :D
and well done hels (long labour!!!!!)
Signing in for another day!

No signs or twinges or anything and I've now tried all the things on Petchy list bar the castor oil, evening primrose and reflexology (going to look into that today).

Jojo - anything happened or do you think you'll be off for your induction?

Pips - any twinges/contractions?

It's a beautfiul sunny day here so I'm going to go for a nice long walk, if anything it'll help shift some calories following the second batch of Petchy's cookie recipe!

Hope everyone is well,

40 + 1
Hels - congratulations!!!!

And what a fabulous OH it sounds like you have!!!!!

Can't wait to see pictures of your little girl.
hi! still here as well

just back from GP's appointment where she was checking the baby's heart beat on the wrong side... it was well worth getting up for :evil:

no new signs *sigh*

jo jo hasn't signed in, i wonder what's happening there... fingers crossed

have a nice walk lucy, i hope it gets things moving. i'm off for that swim :)
Congratulations Hels and Simon, can't wait to see pics xx
Congratulations Hels & Simon! and welcome to the world Charlotte.
Congratulations to everyone who has just given birth in this section.

I am about to give the little one another feed, and trying to stuff food down my mouth at the same time, so can't catch up properly, but I will definitely catch up with you guys soon.
am i late or just plain blind but has petchy been on recently or has she had bubba
we're still waiting for news from petchy.. she hasn't been on for a while so fingers crossed she's had baby and all is well. same thing for jo jo...
thinking about you girls! :)

and that's me nearly one day off EDD and STILL nothing new... i really hope this baby is not one of these VERY late people: i don't want a sweep and i don't want induced :(

(lucy you still here too?)
Hi Pips - yep I'm still here, two days over now and still no twinges or pains or aches or anything! This baby must take after me, I'm late everywhere!

Got a sweep booked for tomorrow at 9am so am hoping that'll help things along..... although I'll probably still be here in 10 days!

How are you feeling Pips?

I hope Petchy is ok, I'm sure she's just really busy with her newborn - I'm wondering if she ended up having to go to the hospital?

40 + 2

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