June/July Mums - check in thread

no not at all i'm totally unprepared and this is my first baby so i really dont know what to expect!

dont worry hun i'm sure we will get it together..we have that built in women coping mechanism thing somewhere!!

how you feeling this morning fran?

I have had those horrible pains all night was up and down doing a wee every 10mins :wall: really hoping its not going to be much longer now :(
good luck all... its getting exciting!!!! these babies are coming thick and fast...
aarrhh just typed up a long post and lost it....

Can't believe we're the only 2 left for July... :shock: been looking out for a post from Fran.. might still be early days!

I feel okay today - no aches or pains... didn't even get up once last nite for a toilet call... baby is happily kicking away... i bet i go over!!! i just know it... I'm going to be left in here on my own... :cry:

Went for a long walk yesterday with DH and got the worst stitch ever... i tried to walk it off and breath.. but in the end it was awful.. I had to stop! i ended up leaning against a shop window. Not one person sitting out at the cafe next door offered me a seat... they could see me blowing and struggling to stand... DH was going to run back for the car but i ddn't want him to leave me... i really thought i was going into labour... this is the 2nd time its happened to me... never had a stitch like it before... what am i going to be like in labour if i'm like this over a stitch????? OMG

So how have you been? any twinges?

Hi girls i'm soo frustrated...as you all gathered was having really bad pains and ended up with my mum taking me to hospital after i had a show early hours of friday morning..was having contractions every 10 mins...so they examined me and put me on monitor but said my cervix had softened and was wet (how gross) starting to open but not yet dilated even 1 cm...so kept me in to monitor me as it was so early in the morning..long and short of it the pains and contractions stopped at about 4 in the afternoon yesterday..cervix hadnt budged they sent me home about 7 said i'm in slow labour and to come back in when the contractions are regular again..could be days! i stayed round my mums shes looked after me! pains started again bad at 3 in the morning and woke me up..but they aren't regular!! GRR i want me feckin baby whys he being so darned awkward???

Bubble_dreamer i gather you had a similar experience..poor you! hopefuly things will speed up for us..i asked to be induced but they said no!! b*stards! lol
oh fran! i really thought u would be holding your LO by now! it is so frustrating isnt it :wall:

Hayley im sure you will be fine when your in labour! Stop worrying!
Saying that when i was in the delivery suite last night there was a woman in the room next to me and my god she was screaming so badly it was actually quite disturbing :shock:
I ended up coming home and asking my OH if i screamed during labour his reply was 'no the worst you did was moan and call me a c**t coz you were so out of it on gas & air' :oops: :oops: :oops:

Had loads of twinges today and its driving me mad the pains are still there but im getting really sharp twinges right down below, was attempting to help dan paint the bedroom in the end he sent me out the room and told me to go and lay down as every couple of minutes i was hanging onto the walls where i was in that much pain - only problem was i kept forgetting the walls were covered in wet paint :oops: :lol:
aww poor you!! :hug: i really hope something happens for you soon because i know how you feel and its so horrible!
i dont think i'd mind being in pain if something was happening,
but nada, hope your bladder infection is feeling better, i'm constantly peeing and thats bad enough let alone if it was hurting aswell! not nice on top of pains you already have! :( :cry: <that crying emoticon looks like nikki from big brother! lol
i know.. and try not to sneeze as i did a massive one yesterday and was in agony! hehe :x :rotfl:
i god id best get up n go out early tomorrow then! the council cut all the grass round here on a monday :x with that n bloody hayfever i aint got a hope in hell :lol:
hey maybe it'll help move baby along! wheres that pepper?? :rotfl:

god i need some sleep i'm getting dillusional..a pot of pepper and
some sneezes to induce labour..who ever heard something so ridiculous?

lmao :rotfl:
you wouldnt believe the hours i spent googling yesterday afternoon to try and find something different to help her along the way :lol:
i've just wet myself... that crying emotion really does look like nikki from BB... god ihate her! (hope no-one on here knows her personally) i was buying a mag i wanted today but had to out it back because she was on the cover.... can't stand to watch BB for 5 mins because of her....

Oh fran - i was really looking forward to hearing your birth story.. i was so sure you was in labour... whats all this slow labour about!! how annoying.. :twisted: pure evil....

so 3 of us left... any others? my memory lately is up the wall.. i forget the most simple of things... i was filing in a form for a comp at mothercare today and forgot the date... not the day or month! the actual year..

does anyone know how to set a jelly quick! made a nice strawberry jelly and i've bee checking on it every 10 mins.. it's still runny...

bubble - get sneezing.. if it does the trick don't knock it. I'd do anything for a few twinges.... my folks are away for a week so they've warned me not to move from the house... no lifting, no excercise, no walking - i'm not allowed to go into labour till next sunday... cheers!

Got to go DH taking me for a drive....

erm not sure about jelly..but if u keep opening the fridge it'll take longer coz the temp will go down!

lmao about nikki from bb :rotfl: :rotfl: she has a weird face doesnt she!!
aswell as a weird personality!

basically with the slow labour thing..my cervix is open but its just dilating very slowly so it could take hours, days... feels like years!
it is evil! i hope it speeds up i tried to get them to induce me, break my waters or anything but no...i have to wait!!! its not on! lol
no point in asking me about jelly everytime i make one i either end up freezing it or 2 days later its like slop :rotfl: the kids dont ask me to make it anymore :lol:

get DH to drive over lots of bumps hayley ;) should start to give you a few twinges :lol:
It's very quiet on here today have you all gone into labour??? :think:
i wish.... been looking for the coolest place in the house to hide... i've changed my clothes so many times.. given up on knickers... they just get too wet (sorry :oops: ) i'm now sitting in a vest and a pair of my husbands boxers... hope no-one knocks at the door.

Helen - you must be fuming... 3 days over. Has the hospital given you a date to be induced or a sweep?

Fran - bubble any more twinges? i've still got those sharp pains below... keep thinking i'm about to pee myself..

i've re-packed the babies hospital bag... i've ordered my high chair.. (wont need one for a while but had vouchers from work) i think i've attached a picture below... well i tried anyway! hope it works...

http://www.mothercare.com/invt/ly1560&b ... highchairs

might have a sleep to pass some time!
the pains have gone it all seems to have stopped again :wall: still gettin the sharp twinges down below though! :x This is driving me mad now! :lol:
Back to see the midwife again tomorrow so il see what she says then :pray:

hayley i no what you mean im sat here in a pair of pyjama shorts n a vest top :lol: its far too bloody hot to be pregnant at the mo :lol:
That high chair is lovely fab choice :dance: love the colours of it!

Helen i cant even imagine how you must be feeling going 3 days over yu poor thing hopefully it wont be much longer for you :hug:

Fran where are you woman? you had better not be having that LO of yours u promised me we would go on the same day :rotfl: And if you have you know im gonna have to cry :rotfl:

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