Chatstalkers- August 2008


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2008
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as this hasn't been done yet this month i thought i'd do it :D hope you don't mind :D

If I'm missing anyone, Please let me know. Thanks

sookie: Cheri predicts "Girl - March (birth, conceive, find out)". Phooldyu and Minniehaha said "Girl and June"
ROM: got bfp
shellbham: got bfp in july
Loola: Cheri predicts "GIRL - Around Feb 16th, to ovulate or test"
welshpolly: Cheri predicts "BOY - July as conceive, find out or give birth"
skairdykat: Jennyrenny predicted August to get BFP and also see's a girl
Anna23: bfp in August

Good luck everyone :hug: :pray:

as i've never done this before if it's wrong please let me know :D
Hi hun can you remove me im not charting this month. Having a break from it all.
Thanks for starting a new thread Anna :) Good luck to everyone this month and hope to see you back next month Flossy :hug:
Hi sorry i forgot to add i was just finishing this cycle off. Waiting for AF i guess now think she maybe on her way as temps have dipped :(
:hug: :hug: if it's not your month this cycle i hope it is next cycle :hug:
i am 8dpo and i am trying not to symptom spot but i am!! :roll: sore boobs, tiredness etc

praying that i can get my BFP next sunday!! :pray:

good luck everyone. i don't tend to use fertility friend but i do my own chart at home and its clear when i ovulated and my temps are staying nice and high i know i have a few days yet though!!

babydust to everyone xx :cheer:
Hello :wave:

Can someome please tell me how I can link my chart to here? I have one but i have no idea what to do with it now :roll:

This is our first cycle TTC and I *think* I may have ovd yesterday (My temp dipped, i had watery cm and a high/med/med cp) :cheer:
If you go to sharing in the menue on the left hand side, and press on it then go to home page setup it'll take you to your url, you can change it too :D
Hia everyone :wave:

Just wanted to pop on here and wish you all luck for this month :pray: . My thoughts are with you.

For those of you who remember me, I thought you might like to know that I had my 20 week scan today and we are having a girl . We are thrilled! :cheer: I hope you dont think I am being insensive by telling you :( but I miss you girlies and I remember all the support you gave me.

Babydust to all this month :hug:
Aww Sally thats brilliant news! Its not insensitive at all! I love hearing your news :) Im so glad that its all going well for you.

How is everyone today. I havent done any stalking for ages sorry, I really must get back into it. We are not TTC anymore really, just focusing on being healthy for the next year so I guess Im not too bothered about charting myself anymore. In other news, I have finally booked the wedding! August 1st 2009 at 3pm. So only 360 days to go! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: I just cant wait!

Congratulations again to Flossy who got her BFP. Im praying this time goes well for you hun :hug:
Thanks Anna :hug: :hug:

My FF chart is - if anyone would like to have a look to see if i'm doing it right I would appreciate it :) I dont think I have had a thermal shift yet so I must not have ovd afterall :think:

Sally - Congrats on Team Pink

Loola - what fab news about your wedding :D :hug: :cheer: bet you're so excited :dance:
Hey girls

Loola - fantastic news about the wedding. That really is not too far away, it will come around so quickly. You must have so much to organise! Enjoy yourself! My friend got engaged at the weekend and Im meeting up with her at lunchtime to discuss the plans - I love weddings! :cheer:

Andreaaa - I would say that you were about to ovulate so keep BDing!!! Hopefully FF will show a good temp rise in the next couple of days! :pray:

So pleased for you Flossy - my fingers are staying firmly crossed for you :hug:

Rusks - lots of luck for this it sunday you are going to test? Very restrained of you! I didnt have any symptoms on the moth I got my BFP but I had plenty of symptoms on all of the other months! :lol:

Anna - hope all OK with you :hug:
congratulations sally, great news about team pink! :dance:

fab news about flossy isn't it :cheer:

loola congrats on booking your wedding how exciting! :cheer: lots of planning to do for that now, it may help take your mind off ttc a bit :hug:
sally12 said:
Anna - hope all OK with you :hug:
yep just waiting on the wedding in like 5 weeks oh and my bfp which i AM gonig to get on the 28th (i ruddy hope especialy as we working extra hard this month lol))
andreaaa said:
Thanks Anna :hug: :hug:

My FF chart is - if anyone would like to have a look to see if i'm doing it right I would appreciate it :) I dont think I have had a thermal shift yet so I must not have ovd afterall :think:

Sally - Congrats on Team Pink

Loola - what fab news about your wedding :D :hug: :cheer: bet you're so excited :dance:
added you to the list lol hmmm you look like your about to ov :D
ok i'm REALY confused :lol: (not that that's hard) i have been very good at charting atthe same time etc... anyway i'm cycle day 8 and my temps went down and now back up by 3 so does this mean i have ovulated? isn't it a bit early to be oving? its so confusing as i can't go on last cycle as i had the mc then so this is like a whole new cycle some advise would be great on whats happening to my temps :D please, i can't get used to this charting cm so i haven't done it anyway here is my chart
(btw usualy i have a 28 day cycle but only started hcarting last cycle 3-4 weeks into the cycle and becasue of miscarriage i then had a 45 day cycle)
Anna make sure you get bedding - I definately ovulated on CD in May!! I had never ovulated so early before and took me by surprise.......

Jane x
:D can you not see from my chart i am deffo bding :rotfl: :lol:

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