Chartstalkers -- December 08

Becs, I remember when I was charting that flat lining was supposed to be a good thing :D I seem to remember someone saying it meant that you had had a good strong ovulation - keeping an eye on you to see if you get an extra pressie this christmas :D When are you testing?

Jane x
OMG Jane, you are soooooooo pregnant now. I've gone all warm and snuggly inside, looking at your ticker :D Keeping my eye on you too :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
lucyC have you tested yet? your 14dpo
ohhh Sukie17 you could test soon :D
my temp has jumped from 35.9 yesterday to 36.2 today. that's the biggest difference i've had in temps from one day to the next so far.

coughing this morning i got a really sharp pain in my left hand side, low down and my CM is getting more like EWCM by the day :D haha, is it quite sad i'm getting excited by CM ? :rotfl:
Becs said:
PMSL at my chart, I've flatlined. It's getting silly now :rotfl:

Donnas here, OMG, I have never had such an edge of your seat chart stalk! You would be a sell out in the box office! Hope those temps stay above that line today!

Can't wait to check in later to see what you've all got today!!

Love Becs x x x
Your charts great Becs! If mine looked like that I'd be sooooooooo excited. Fingers crossed honey xx

Mine came in just under the cover line this morning, but then I dont agree with the coverline being so high :? It was much lower than that last month and my temps seemed lower again. Its all a puzzle isnt it lol.

Good luck to all you testers in the next couple of days and good luck bding ladies who are due ov :hug:
Morning peeps...

bex... your chart is looking fab!! do you round your temps up/down or put them exactly as they are? mine are never that precise.
Hey girls,
I don't know if its any help, but my chart was a bit of a weird one this month, was different to other bfp charts.. my vip ran out the other day so it doesn't seem to let me have my older charts on my homepage anymore, but i know i was obsessed with the chart overlay.
GL to you all.
lilly said:
Morning peeps...

bex... your chart is looking fab!! do you round your temps up/down or put them exactly as they are? mine are never that precise.

I just take my temp at 06.30 bang on and put what it says on my thermometer. It only has one decimal place though, some have two I think.
the vertical line is when FF thinks you have OV'ed they are dotted because its not 100%. the horizintal line is your cover line, your temp DPO should not fall below that.

correct me please ladies if im wrong! :)
Becs said:
I just take my temp at 06.30 bang on and put what it says on my thermometer. It only has one decimal place though, some have two I think.
oh, that will be why then. didnt know there were different types. :doh:
lilly said:
the vertical line is when FF thinks you have OV'ed they are dotted because its not 100%. the horizintal line is your cover line, your temp DPO should not fall below that.

correct me please ladies if im wrong! :)
Your spot on hun :D The horizontal line is the average temperature before ovulation and its normal for your temps to be higher after ov and in pregnancy.

Becs said:
I just take my temp at 06.30 bang on and put what it says on my thermometer. It only has one decimal place though, some have two I think.
The proper basal thermometers have 2 decimal points and are recommended using in charting. Some peeps are known only to rise 1 and a half points, so the second point can make a difference. My temp yesterday was 36.57, today 36.50 and it does make a difference on my chart (put me below coverline) but if I didn't have that extra point I'd still be above it :wink:
i think i'll get a themometer with the two decimal points in the new year if i have too, hopefully i won't as i'll get my BFP before hand :D haha.

i had a nap earlier (i couldn't help myself, i was so tired!) and woke up convinced that i hadn't OV and it was never going to get a baby. it really stressed me out! :wall: i tend to dream things, wake up and think it's deadly real, wake up many times crying ect!

i don't think i've ever woken up so scared before!
holly said:
i had a nap earlier (i couldn't help myself, i was so tired!) and woke up convinced that i hadn't OV and it was never going to get a baby. it really stressed me out! :wall: i tend to dream things, wake up and think it's deadly real, wake up many times crying ect!

i don't think i've ever woken up so scared before!
i do that all the time! its a nice feeling when you realise its only a dream.. and it was hun!!

My CM has changed during today... very strtchy now and egg white. im going to lead my OH upstairs soon!! hoping i will get a postive on OPK tomoz morning!

we go away at the weekend for a week to scotland (to play in the snow) so would really love to get a BFP while there!! :pray:

night night ladies!!
my CM is sort of stuck between watery and EWCM at the moment. wish it'd make it's mind up!
holly said:
my CM is sort of stuck between watery and EWCM at the moment. wish it'd make it's mind up!

its hard to decide whate it is, but watary and egg white is a good sign! Ov is coming! i got that gradually throughtout the day so BD'd last night and finally got a positive on my OPK this morning!! :cheer: will be DBing again tonight!!!

ive only used 3 sticks out of the 7, i dont kneed to do any more now do i???
Holly, your cm is FAB, get bding big time. Lilly, I wouldn't worry about your other 2 strips hun, you got your positive and cm's spot on as usual so save them for next month. Your cycles seem so regular maybe next month use the 2 left around when you think ov is due and see if your right. Good luck ladies, hope you catch that egg :hug:

On Saturday, i took it too early got 36.66, then took it again later and got what I thought was 36.50 so took the average for that day, put in FF 36.57. Then Sunday, got what I thought was a 36.50, then this morning took it and got 36.88. Now my old thermometer kept my last reading so I never read it straight away, nodded back off till the alarm went off again on snooze, then got up and read it. This morning DH got up for work and as I was taking my temp he put the light on and i read it, 36.68. I went back to sleep and when I got up, habit made me reach for the thermometer and it was 36.50. IT DOESN'T HOLD THE LAST READING FFS :lol: :lol: So, I've changed FF again a popped in 36.66 for sat & sun, so I haven't gone under the coverline like I 1st thought. It's been a very testing month and what else could possibly go wrong with taking my temperatures :wall: :lol: It's still not a high enough reading for pregnancy I dont think but it feels better not being under the coverline already. What a month!

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