Chartstalkers -- December 08

puds said:
melissa: :hug: your so knowledgeable- you shouldn't be having trouble!!!! :pray: for a definate ovulation soon.

:hug: Aww, thanks hon. I've just been SO stressed lately with everything (husband is working the equivalent of 3 jobs right now b/c he's so busy at work and I hardly see him at the moment, so I'm trying to help out with stuff at home that I normally wouldn't be). I think my body is maybe waiting until it knows that we can both put our feet up for a while finally!
melissa5317 said:
puds said:
melissa: :hug: your so knowledgeable- you shouldn't be having trouble!!!! :pray: for a definate ovulation soon.

:hug: Aww, thanks hon. I've just been SO stressed lately with everything (husband is working the equivalent of 3 jobs right now b/c he's so busy at work and I hardly see him at the moment, so I'm trying to help out with stuff at home that I normally wouldn't be). I think my body is maybe waiting until it knows that we can both put our feet up for a while finally!

In a way Melissa, it's good to hear you are stressed at the mo' as it explains this month. Hope you get to put your feet up soon. Looks like you are possibly ov'ing in the next few days from your cm. :pray: Take care and spoil yourself a bit, you deserve it!!!
waterlilie said:
I looked at your chart and your temperature seems a bit higher than usual, have you been taking it every day at the same time lately?
i have had a high temp all week, been sick with a bug, shouldnt really have been taking my temp as they mean nothing this month but didnt want to get out of the habit! feeling much better now so hopefuly things should settle ready for OV... count down!

thanks waterlilie and puds for the advise!! :hug:
:wave: everyone :D

i felt HORRIBLE this morning. thought i'd caught the tummy bug from work and was so upset that i'd be ill during the main days i should be BD because of OV! but it passed after a hour/2, tummy gives a grumble but it's ohkay now :D

OH has already said he's in the mood to BD tonight, and we did last night.. and 2days before that so hopefully we're in with a good chance!

my temp has evened out again at the moment but hopefully by the end of the week something will happen.
lilly said:
waterlilie said:
I looked at your chart and your temperature seems a bit higher than usual, have you been taking it every day at the same time lately?
i have had a high temp all week, been sick with a bug, shouldnt really have been taking my temp as they mean nothing this month but didnt want to get out of the habit! feeling much better now so hopefuly things should settle ready for OV... count down!

thanks waterlilie and puds for the advise!! :hug:

Glad to hear you're feeling better. I'm sure things will get back to normal fron now on :hug:
holly said:
:wave: everyone :D

i felt HORRIBLE this morning. thought i'd caught the tummy bug from work and was so upset that i'd be ill during the main days i should be BD because of OV! but it passed after a hour/2, tummy gives a grumble but it's ohkay now :D

OH has already said he's in the mood to BD tonight, and we did last night.. and 2days before that so hopefully we're in with a good chance!

my temp has evened out again at the moment but hopefully by the end of the week something will happen.

Holly, good luck with the bd'ing tonight!! make the most of it if your hubby is in the mood :cheer:
Hi ladies. Sorry to hear youve been unwell Lilly, glad your feeling better xx
Have fun bding Holly :wink:
Melissa, what can I say but big :hug: 's
My new thermometer arrived today, blimming quick I must say, so the morning will be the truth with my temps. Am so hoping it was the thermometer, but got a feeling it's me.
waterlilie said:
Holly, good luck with the bd'ing tonight!! make the most of it if your hubby is in the mood :cheer:

indeed. that's if i'm awake. i'm so tired!
i've told him and he's said he'll keep until tomorrow, which will still be every other day so it's all good.
i so want my BFP january, it'll be the best birthday present ever.
Hi ladies, thankyou for the lovely welcome. Its so nice having people to share things with :hug:

melissa5317 said:
Yay - welcome! How are you finding the book? I adored it and read it twice to make sure I got everything (but I'm a dork like that). :lol:

Are your periods always so long?

Melissa, the book was fantastic. So interesting, it really put things into perspective for me, especially after all my questions last month. I read it all the first two days I had it and now read chunks each day to clarify things, I guess that means we can be dorks together lol!

This is my third cycle after coming off the pill but before starting and whilst ttc our son I was a regular 28 dayer, (conceived DS on second cycle). First cycle after coming off the pill was 27 days too but after last month I havent got a clue whats going on. I was hoping it was a one off but there been no change in my temps yet so Im either having a later ov again or not at all :( Think Ive got EWCM atm so fingers crossed xx
Hi Cypress :wave:

Great that you enjoyed the book (my bible). It is by far the best fertility book around. I find it stunning that most docs in the U don't understand temping and heve even told me in the past that there are two camps with temping those that don't follow and those that do. It's not a bloody religion, sorry but it is fact.

Oooo, little rant there,sorry. Low progesterone was causing me to loss babies before and I have spotted it through charting. Had to go private to be taken seriously and to get treatment.

Anyway, off for a good stalk before my day begins. Hope everyone is well and Donnas new thermometer shows nice high temps.

Becs x x x
temp is the lowest it has been so far. maybe this is my drop in temprature before OV, i thought it was CD 15,16 and 17 but it then went up and was stable for 2days again.. and has now gone down. i 'should' OV monday. fingers crossed.

i woke up with backache this morning too, and more of the cramps on my right/left hand side ( i had both this morning :shock: ) that i've put down to being OV pains.

ETA: I think after checking my CP.. i've been completely clueless about this but it does feel softer, and i have more CM today than i have so far it's sort of watery sort of not (sorry TMI!) :lol: because it stretches like half a cm/1cm i'd say, not EWCM but i'm thinking this is a good sign.. ?
Becs said:
Anyway, off for a good stalk before my day begins. Hope everyone is well and Donnas new thermometer shows nice high temps.
Morning ladies xx
It was a bit strange this morning. I woke up at 6:15 and I had a temp of 36.66 but thats just under an hour to normal testing and I woke up again at 8:10 and it was 36.50, but then thats 40mins after normal testing, so I took the average 36.57 :D Its not that high, but better than 36.1's & 36.2's! I got FF to ignore the 3 really low temps and it's put me back in as oving but only buy the skin of my teeth. Still don't really know this month. But my new thermometer is cool. Oh and like an absolute numpty I done a pg test :oops: why I dont know it's never going to show anything this early :oops: but I did :doh:
Going for a little stalk and see whats going on with you lot. Haven't had a look for the last 3 days, been a little busy with last Christmas shopping and my sons birthday yesterday so lost it a little.
Had a good stalk :D
LucyC and Sukie17, best of luck over the next couple of days :pray:
Becs, has your thermometer got stuck :lol: never seen 4 days so consistent lol, looking good though :pray:
Melissa, looking to me like you might of finally ov's hun, how you feeling??
Nice dip Holly, I wonder if you are ov'ing soon, I get a little dip as I ov. Your fertile cm is a good sign too.

Donna :cheer: Back on for Christmas day testing then :D !!!!
hello ladies! :wave:

im on my way to OVing now. watery CM this morning. but i stayed at a friends last night and didnt want to take my temp while on a sleep over. i was meant to start testing for OV too this morning on the ditital kit i bought because im on day 10. but will have to do all that tomoz now! oh well will still BD tonight just to be sure!

hope you are all good and having fun with christmas shopping!! :D
on my calender on FF it has 4 days that are like green.. what does this mean ? :oops:
hi holly.

Green is when your at your most fertile. Its going off the CM data you input. Egg white and Watery for example.

Its a good time of the month, im ready for Oving now same as you!!
ah, it's on the 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th when i said i had watery CM on the 14th and 15th.

i don't think that was my most fertile time thought, as this morning like i said posted about my CM being slightly stretchy.. it's more so this evening still not EWCM i'd say. but yeah.. BD tonight, then OH is away tomorrow so will be BD on monday which is meant to be my day to OV.. then a few days after just to make sure :D

thanks anyway :D makes sense now.

ETA: just looked and we're due to test one after the other in January :D fingers crossed we both get a BFP.
holly said:
ETA: just looked and we're due to test one after the other in January :D fingers crossed we both get a BFP.

i do hope so Holly... would be fab!!! :hug:
PMSL at my chart, I've flatlined. It's getting silly now :rotfl:

Loving stalking at the mo' it's all so exciting!

shaunie_louise Looks like you might be about to get those lines today

Melissa, hoping for another high temp today.

Cypress/ Holly/ Lilly, looks like you might all be on the brink of ov.

Cori/Waterlife :wave:

Donnas here, OMG, I have never had such an edge of your seat chart stalk! You would be a sell out in the box office! Hope those temps stay above that line today!

Can't wait to check in later to see what you've all got today!!

Love Becs x x x

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