Chartstalkers -- December 08

Melissa - I'm not crying, just really pee'd off and down with it so :hug: to us both.

Cori - :( :hug: Sorry hun xx

Puds - :( :hug: Sorry too hun xx

Lilly, I'm jealous, want to be back at bding and mean it lol
I've just been through the last 200 BFP charts on FF to see if any of them were like mine in any way with the big dip. There was 2 our of 200, so I guess I have a 1% chance of being pg this month :lol: :( :wink: :wall: :doh: (how many more can I use?) :shakehead: :? :cry: :bored:
Donna, that 1% could well be you! :pray:

ive just bought a digital ovulation kit, given up on the ebay sticks! think im going to start testing from sunday.. giving myself a 7 day window for OV.

looking forward to next week now... When the fun starts!!

Baby dust!

Donna's here said:
: :( :wink: :wall: :doh: (how many more can I use?) :shakehead: :? :cry: :bored:

Oh.. and good use of all the smilies there!! :lol:

Keep smilin hun...!

Sorry puds and cori :hug: :hug:

Cori - sorry the biatch witch of the blob is visiting you. I hope she's shuffled out of there before Christmas icks in and you can have some guilt free pleasures. Perhaps your little one wanted you to have a good christmas before he takes up resisdence :hug: :hug:

Am hoping to have some company at my 'I am pretty sure I ovulated party' my lovely temp went up today. Get up girlies I want to see yours!!
Morning ladies xx Guess what!! FF took away my stripes again this morning. Talk about yoyoing(sp?) my emotions :(
thanks girls :hug: just gonna enjoy christmas and start afresh in the new year! can it be my new years resolution to get pregnant? :lol:
donna yours looks like a case of when your body gears up for ovulation then for some reason- such as stress doesn't. The cases i've looked at where that happens peoples bodys tend to try to ovulate again approx 1 week later- so keep bding and opking!!! you may well ovulate still. :pray:
wish everything was straight forward!!!
ps full marks for use of smileys!!! :D :) 8) :lol: :wink: :clap: :dance: :angel: :wave: :cheer: :rotfl:
Morning all! well i'm officially out this month as the witch caught me this morning! I am happy though that the spotting has lasted 2 days only instead of the usual 4 to 5 days!!! :D this could mean my progesterone is getting back to its normal level :pray:

Cori and Puds sorry the witch caught you too :hug:

but let's look at the bright side! we will ovulate during the holiday season when we are relaxed and stress-free so the bding will be most effective :cheer: i am planning to eat healthy food and exercice a lot starting from next week. so chin up girls, we will all be mums in 2009!! :dance:

Good luck to all the remaining December charters, i really hope you'll get your BFP before the end of this year :hug:
:wave: waterlilie!
think i'll ovulate beginning jan- last month day 24 month before day 28 so hoping for slightly earlier this month- hopefully getting back to normal!!!
eating healthy next week??!! are you mad- thats what january is for! :lol:
i'm restocking the grapefruit juice this afternoon :lol:
good luck to everyone else!
Donna, it looks like you and I have the same problem. I think my body's trying again, but it seems that it had to start over at square one. And I have been SOOOOOOOO tired the last couple days! Stupid winter solstace. How have you been feeling? :hug:
melissa5317 said:
Donna, it looks like you and I have the same problem. I think my body's trying again, but it seems that it had to start over at square one. And I have been SOOOOOOOO tired the last couple days! Stupid winter solstace. How have you been feeling? :hug:
Hi Melissa :hug: I'm feeling damn well fed up tbh. I had the right sort of cm around day 17 to 18, but i dont really get the ewcm. Also had pains on both side for 3 days around the same time. I've carried on with the opk's (must do one in a mo) and nothing again. Just checked cm and its very very thick white nasty stuff, bit like thrush, but then I had that last month too and treated myself for thrush, but guess thats what I get like and just never noticed as I dont normally check up there :lol: So I'm confussed. It isnt helping as I'm trying to sway for a girl and I have to know when I'm oving and it is all stressing me out. Probably the stress of trying to bd at the right times is whats stressed me out and made me not ov! Oh well, I'm gonna test christmas day anyway as that is when af should be due and just wait till af arrives and try again. Do you wish you never asked now :lol:
Thanks everyone :hug:

Sorry to all those who got AF :hug:

I should be popping another egg out between boxing day and the 28th, so I will still be hoping for a Christmas miracle, lol. Thank goodness for my 24 day cycles. :D
Hello all, :wave:

The newbies back to bug you all again!!

Could someone take a look at my chart. Just to check all looks okay up to now.
Any feedback you can get from it would be greatly appreciated!

temp has gone up .1 today. it seems to stick between 36.0 and 36.3 so far. and FF says i'm 'probably not ovulating' although technically i should be Sunday.. so fingers crossed everything's working. my CM is like no existant this month which is strange.

at 5 o'clock this morning when OH's alarm went off for work, i hadn't even got the energy yet to move my arm to do my temp and he goes, nice and loudly 'you know what today is ?' and me half asleep is dead confused answers 'thursday?' and he goes 'no! it's BDing day!' haha :rotfl: he does make me laugh. i was thinking WTH ? it is thursday stupid..
So sorry Melissa and Donna that you got stuck without ov so far this month. It's so frustrating when that happens. I have had that in my charting past. Melissa, you look like you might well be gearing up to ov again certainly with a little drop in temps to have coupled with creamy cm you seem to be on track. Donna, you temps seem to be going that way too but Sticky CM can be either at the very begining or end of a cycle so you might find you just get AF and have an anovulatory cycle. If this happens please don't freak out. Absolutely everyone has the occasional one. Otherwise you might just be getting ready to gear up to ov in the next week or so. You might well be right about stress impacting on your body. I remember this happened to a couple of us when I was charting before at christmas. It is supposed to be a happy time of year but I think actualy a lot of people find the run up to Christmas and New Year quite stressful. Keeping my fingers crossed for you both, I know it's horrible and frustrating, I've had both an anovulatory cycle and a looong cycle where my body tried to ov and failed only to ov a week later. That's why temping is so good. If you rely on opk's you assume you have ov'd then wonder where AF is when it's due but negative pregnancy tests. Anyway, I'm rambling. Just wanted to send lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: to you both.
shaunie_louise said:
Hello all, :wave:

The newbies back to bug you all again!!

Could someone take a look at my chart. Just to check all looks okay up to now.
Any feedback you can get from it would be greatly appreciated!


Hi Hon,

Everything looks good! Very typical pre ovulation temps. How long is your cycle normally?

B x
This is my first period after coming off the pill so I'm going off my pre-pill periods which tended to be around 31 days.


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