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Chartstalkers -- December 08

Becs said:
Fingers crossed that witch stays away for everyone and that Donna and I get some magic ovulation line dust to keep make our charts look all pretty with red stripes.
Becs x x
I'll 2nd that, no witches and pretty red stripes for us 2, no make that 3, melissa is missing them too.
Oh yes you too Melissa!!!

Bahhhh humbug! I'm ony hanging on to mine by the skin of my teeth :evil:
Well FF gave me my stripes back this morning, I must be a good girl to get me stripes back lol, but my temp is still very very low, cant work it out :?
i'm getting that niggly shooting pain in my right side again this morning, me thinks i'll be OV soon.

am going to see how money is when am shopping tonight and maybe get some OPK :)

my temp is slowly going down. does that mean anything ?
holly said:
i'm getting that niggly shooting pain in my right side again this morning, me thinks i'll be OV soon.

am going to see how money is when am shopping tonight and maybe get some OPK :)

my temp is slowly going down. does that mean anything ?

Estrogen can make your temp go down, so that's probably what's doing it.

Donna, mine has crashed this morning as well!! I'm thoroughly unimpressed with my body this month. :|
Morning ladies. Well it's over for me this month as my temperature has dropped below the coverline. I knew it anyway so no big disappointment there but what's bothering me is that AF hasn't shown up yet...just the spotting which is sooooooo annoying arghhhhh! I get this every month and i spot usually for 3 to 4 days before AF so i'm a little worried as i read on many websites that this could mean a serious deficiency in progesterone which can prevent implantation :? this probably explains why my temperature has dropped on DPO 8! :roll:
I think i'll go to my GP and ask for a progesterone level blood test just to make sure everything is fine or if not get some supplements.

Cori, how's your temperature this morning? i hope it's gone up again! :pray:
down today :( but again was expecting that so no biggy!! its amazing how quickly u get used to the disappointment! just waiting for her to show now!
i'm in antigua next month when i'm due to ovulate so hoping the relaxation and sun might be the missing ingredient! :lol:
at least my temps are getting more consistent now and i've learnt to temp correctly :lol:
melissa5317 said:
Donna, mine has crashed this morning as well!! I'm thoroughly unimpressed with my body this month. :|
Whats going on with us 3?? Me, you and Becs! I cant work it out. None of us know if we ov'd or not, what the hell??? :(
Trying to cheer myself up, but it's not working. Just got back from crimbo shopping again to a phone call that DH has had a little crash at work, he's ok, but he drives for a living and I just dont need this at the mo. Oh well, deep sigh, deep breath, smiles back on :wink:
Waterlilie hun, my temp dropped under coverline at 3 dpo :lol: You never know! You and Puds dont give up till AF arrives!
Donna's here said:
melissa5317 said:
Donna, mine has crashed this morning as well!! I'm thoroughly unimpressed with my body this month. :|
Whats going on with us 3?? Me, you and Becs! I cant work it out. None of us know if we ov'd or not, what the hell??? :(
Trying to cheer myself up, but it's not working. Just got back from crimbo shopping again to a phone call that DH has had a little crash at work, he's ok, but he drives for a living and I just dont need this at the mo. Oh well, deep sigh, deep breath, smiles back on :wink:

Oh no! Hope he's not too shaken up.

I'm almost 100% sure I haven't ovulated yet as my boobs always get really sore about day 3 and they haven't yet, but at this rate, I'll be lucky if I get to test in December at all! Looks like it's time for another reflexology treatment...
Donna's here said:
Looks like it's time for another reflexology treatment...
i have been having reflexology once a month for the last 3 months- i swear by it! after 102 days without af after coming off pill i thought i may as well try it out- 14 days later af showed up!! i now have it once a month and my cycles are starting to get back on track. whether it does anything or its just psychological i don't know but hey- it works for me!!
:hug: to all u 3 wondering whether u've ovulated.
hope oh is ok donna. my dh won't drive cos accidents scare him to death!!!! (that or he likes the fact i always have to be the designated driver and he can drink! :lol: )
Argh, I HATE this uncertainty! I keep almost starting to cry over little crap that shouldn't make me cry, so I know there's SOMETHING going on but my body won't tell me what it is. I hate secrets.... :roll:
gave in and tested- bfn- knew it would be so god knows why i wasted the test!!!!! oh well feel better now as i can just start thinking about next month!
is it completely normal to be thinking "what are we doing wrong" even though its only been 2 proper months of trying?! we've been bd'ing loads around time of ovulation both months so hoped it would happen. i know 2 months is no time at all- but i am normal (just paranoid) to be feeling like this aren't i :lol:
puds said:
gave in and tested- bfn- knew it would be so god knows why i wasted the test!!!!! oh well feel better now as i can just start thinking about next month!
is it completely normal to be thinking "what are we doing wrong" even though its only been 2 proper months of trying?! we've been bd'ing loads around time of ovulation both months so hoped it would happen. i know 2 months is no time at all- but i am normal (just paranoid) to be feeling like this aren't i :lol:

Aww, sorry hon. That sucks :hug: It's SO normal. Honestly, I wouldn't worry about anything until it's been at LEAST 6 months of you trying everything you can think of, and even then it could be nothing wrong at all. Two months is just a blip - you'll get there! :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: thanks hun
back to square 1 - at least dh will be pleased- more bding!!! theres always a positive :lol:
melissa5317 said:
Ok, I'm starting to get ovulation envy...

me too and its not even my time yet!! i love all this talk, its an excitin time of the month!!

keep your chins up girls... we can get through it together!!!

:hug: :hug:

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