Chart Stalkers March 2008

See told you im crap at all this :wall: Normaly i am yes. And My cycles have all been about 26 days. Maybe i should leave it this month and start a fresh for next cycle :)
girls i need your advice, i posted in m/c loss section yesterday i did an hcg to make sure my body was getting back on track again and it was positive i didnt take from this that i was pregnant again i was more worried incase there was still something left over from the d&c so i thought i would test again today and hopefully see the line fading, but the line is stronger today than yesterday both werent fmu i have posted pics the one at the top is yesterday and the bottom one is today.
what do yous think, something similar happened the last time but the line didnt get darker and it eventually faded, i am just so scared to call my dr as they are not the nicest of people and i dont want to call the epu again as after the last time i felt so silly for contacting them. do you think i should wait and see what the line does over the weekend?

That's definitely a darker line. I'd say go to docs and get checked out. :hug:
hey :wave:

Flossy - i think I am ovulating around about now too so we can get through the horrible 2 ww together! yay!

Tasha - i think you are a few days ahead of us...

anyone ovulating about nowish?
Do you know if the tests are from the same batch - as sometimes there is more dye in some than others - thats the only reason for getting a darker line I can think of other than rising HCG (and we all know what that means).
It sounds like you dont want to call your doc but I think that a blood test would be a good idea if nothing else - and you might be able to get them to send you for a scan to see what is going on in there?

Is Kitty away on holiday? Haven't seen her for days and days. Hope she's OK.

Loola hun I hope you're feeling OK too :hug:
I think i remember reading that she (Kitty) was going to be really busy with work stuff recently but not sure if that still applies?

Loola - I meant to ask earlier whether you were feeling any better?
babydust - i would go see the docs...that is what they are there for. Remember, it is their job to look after you...i hate mean doctors (v scary!)

Lots of luck, let us know how you go x
Flossy82 said:
See told you im crap at all this :wall: Normaly i am yes. And My cycles have all been about 26 days. Maybe i should leave it this month and start a fresh for next cycle :)

I wouldnt give up yet - but do make sure its the first thing you do when you wake up as otherwise the temp doesnt really mean anything - i.e.if youve been awake for ages or if you have got up at all then it wont be accurate.

Hopefully you will see more of a pattern over the next few days
:shock: claire - ring your doctors now lady!!! That isnt a faint line and it is definately stronger than yesterdays. I honestly feel you may be pregnant but if not then you need to see what is causing this - your HCG levels must be quite high to get that strong a line - on FF you see all these people posting pictures of those tests with just a shadow and their hcg is 10+.

Please please speak to someone - I have found my EPAS unit is great, I apologise to them all the time when I bother them and they always say thats what they are there for...... Please Claire speak to someone soon :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks choklatemunky. :hug: Should i leave my chart as it is then? As i never know when i really OV is it likely to be too late to detect when it is likely to occur? :? Im sorry for being a bit dumb at all this :oops:
Flossy - the first month of charting is always harder as youre not really sure what to expect from your cycle.
With yours being 26 days then you should be oving very soon (if you havent already) so you are doing the right things BDing now.
With the first chart you cant really predict ov - you can only tell when it has happened - but you can go by your CM and yours is looking good right month you will know when you ovd this month and therefore it will be easier to tell when your fertile time is likely to be (if that makes sense) - FF will help with that by highlighting the days for you.
Have you tried OPKs - they dont work for everyone but do help for letting you know about ov in advance?
I havent yet tried the OPK's would it be worth then maybe trying them? And should i do it for next cycle if so :) I always thought i knew when i was OV'ing as i would get those familiar pains but then they would be on and off for a few days so oculdnt be 100 percent sure. Mindue my cycles seem to be a bit more normal as theyve all for the past few been around 26 days.
OPKs cant hurt - but its up to you - you could get some of the cheapy ones for next cycle if you wanted (never know you might not need em! :wink:)

Temps would be enough to tell when you have ov as long as they are taken right ( like I said as soon as you wake up, before you move at all)

Keep going with this cycle as you are - Im sure as I say things will become clearer once you ov and then you'll know what to expect next time, should you need to
:wave: morning all got up this morning with really bad head :( and quite a low temp started bd already as not sure when i will ovulate last time i was ttc i used to ov on day 9/10 but the month i got my bfp i ovd day 14 so am just going to bd either every day or every other day till ff confirms ov its going to be a hard week :rotfl:

hara i would keep bd hun you might not have ovd yet im not convinced by your temps :hug:
rom temps are looking good hun :D
sally looks like ov any day now hun get bd glad your feeling better :hug:
skairdy ive done that a few times with the thermometer lol your temps look really good are you still spottin? :pray:
cb23 sorry AF got you hun :hug: hope this month is your month
flossy you might have ovd you will need to wait a few days and see what your temp does and what FF says keep bd till your sure :hug:
babydust that line is def darker hun :hug: maybe it would be worth getting checked if only to put your mind at ease
choc did you not temp this morning? ive not long got up and keep looking at your chart and getting confused lol

anyone ive missed hope you are ok and good luck to all for this month xxxxxxxxx
:wave: Rach.....

choklatemunky said:
I am a bit miffed - this morning and tues morning I had a bit of a weird time - I 'woke up' but I was aware that Id already been awake for ages - but it was like I hadnt been awake enough to take my temp, but I had def been aware of everything around me - I didnt bother temping on either day as I knew Id already been awake for ages like I say, it was sort of like a transitional stage, not properly awake but not really asleep either - its so annoying! I am going to temp tomorrow anyway even if it happens again just to see what its like but its so weird, like I was awake but not properly conscious or something :think: strange!
just something i thought might be worth mentioning you can chart in celsius but show it as farenheit on your chart this can be helpful for people who dont have big changes in temps can make it a bit easier to tell whats going on xxxxxxx
sorry choc must have missed that post still half asleep lol thanks for clearing that 1 up for me :hug: xxxxxx

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