neenorneenorneenor, Kittykins to kmac's rescue!
Your charts are confusing - but if you look at this month's compared to last month's, you'd be expecting to ovulate around now. Your ave post-O BBT last month was around 36.75, so today's temp looks to be right for ov - especially combined with spotting. Though as Rach says, you won't know for sure for a couple of days.
Do you have a list of your cycle lengths since coming off BCP? Mine fluctuated a lot for about 18 months, then eventually seemed to settle back at around 31-32 days, which is what they were before.
when were you testing on OPKs? The surge can be different each month - did you see my pics of the multiple sticks? They showed that had I been testing only mid-afternoon every day (as I did the first couple of months I used OPKs) I would never have seen a + at all.
rach - keeping my FX for you, you never know!
well, I'm not feeling very optimistic today, my temp has started sliding downwards (today's temp was at 5:30 rather than 6, but still comes up with a solid circle). I'm 11dpo today, so am expecting AF tomorrow. I so want it to stay away... but I have no symptoms at all, other than the queasiness I normally get in the second half of the 2ww. It's so frustrating, this is the 8th cycle and all my blood tests have come back excellent, and DH's sperm test was good, and we're managing to time intercourse well (O-2, O-1 and O this month!) so why on earth is nothing happening?
We're not going to be able to try for the next couple of cycles cos of DH's op so it's going to be May before we get another chance...