August 2020 Mummies

My two will probably be here in July as well!

@MelC2011 I went for the Roma Gemini. It was one of the slimmest twin prams I could find, other than the mountain buggy duet which was waaaay out of my budget! I wasn’t very keen on the tandems in the end, since whoever ended up at the bottom wouldn’t get to see much and I felt it wouldn’t last as long. I am hoping with this one it lasts me until they are 3/4.


22 weeks 1 day! I feel gigantic compared to what I was with my first. I guess that’s to be expected. Hoping it gets a bit ‘rounder’ as I honestly still just feel fat! Haha
Thank you for the welcome :hugs:

I’m 24 weeks exactly today and the nausea hit again about a week ago, also thinking I may be suffering with SPD, but apart from that all is well. I have a 17 month old son so I don’t have time to worry really which in some ways I think is probably a blessing!

How are you all feeling with being isolated, I’m struggling not seeing my Mum more than anything else.
I’m starting to hate bring isolated. I keep wanting certain foods (chocolate especially) and can’t go out. I’ve not left the house in 16 days.

Sounds like you have your hands full with a 17 month old ... I thought I had it tough with a 3.5yr old.

Are you in lots of pain with your SPD? Did you suffer with your son?
I literally couldn’t walk from around 30-35 weeks and dreading feeling the same again this time around xx
@mummybear2 what a pretty bump ♡♡

I've found creating a timetable has been an amazing help today, whilst being off work I was really getting down and frustrated from lack of structure today has been a massive improvement sticking to my timetable maybe give it a try? I dont have any little ones so it's easier for me I guess x
I was out for my scan and consultant appointment last week but other than that I’ve been staying in doors. My sister was lovely enough to get my shopping for me as she drives and I don’t, and you can’t get a slot for delivery anymore.
I will be happy when this is all over and we can get outside again like normal.

@MelC2011 I feel you with the cravings! Just anything I can’t get a hold of I want. Today it was a McDonald’s Apple pie!

I’ve been feeling lots and lots of movement. Many kicks. Nothing you can see on the outside yet though. My 4 year old likes to kiss and hug the babies’ so It will be nice when she gets to feel a kick.

@BabyWomble the nausea is awful! I hope it goes away soon for you. Mine calmed down a little then came back. Now it’s mostly in the morning which isn’t too bad.

That’s good you find the timetable helpful @Jade jones. I just don’t have the energy or the motivation for anything at the moment. Honestly if I could just sleep for the next 4 months, I would!
Good to see you are all safe and well. Haven't been on as much as just trying to keep mind healthy through all this and stay off Internet as much as possible but will check in on you all.

@mummybear2 your bump is beautiful. For twins you are nice and neat.

@BabyWomble great to see you joined in the group. Hope to hear you all safe through this and July we are back out and about and restrictions are lifted.

My boy just loves to kick all night long.. And stronger each day. My OH loved to feel it and watch my stomach moving. Be in Tri 3 before we know it.

Keep safe all and big hugs to you all xxx :hug:
Ladies, are any of you suffering with SPD? I’ve been getting low left side pelvic pain along with backache and it’s steadily getting worse, especially at night and when I get up. Tonight I’ve had 4 hours of unbroken sleep because the only thing that relieves it is to roll onto my back but then I’m petrified of falling asleep so I turn onto my side and wake again after dozing. I’m exhausted and with a 17 month old this is far from ideal. My MW is useless, works at my surgery on a Thursday and the rest of the week her phone is switched off so I got a phone consultation with my GP and she said if it persists or gets worse to call my pregnancy unit which I think I’ll need to do today. I wanted to avoid that with the current situation and as my OH is a key worker he isn’t around to take care of my son. Could you tell me what your symptoms are so I can get an idea if this is what I’m suffering with. I have a low paying placenta so I rarely feel my baby and when I do it’s still only flutters so that doesn’t give me a lot of reassurance. Sorry for the whinging sounding post. I’m just tired x
Sorry you’re so uncomfortable @BabyWomble, did you give your pregnancy unit a call today? Usually you are able to self refer to the physio therapist, depending where you’re from.
I’m suffering from pelvis and groin pain, especially when walking. I’m not doing that much walking these days though so it isn’t troubling me too much right now.
Struggling with side sleeping too, can never get comfortable. Then wake up with such a sore hip and shoulder and have to switch sides. I can’t even lie on my back because it feels like all of my internal organs move up into my chest... not ideal.
Hopefully you can find something that helps you. What about one of those support belts?

Online4baby are having an Easter sale so I went crazy and preordered my car seats. I doubt I will find them cheaper again before the babies are born so why not. They are the ones that do newborn to 12 years so I won’t need to worry about them growing out of them.

I feel like such a rubbish mum today. I just never have any energy. I am always so tired and unmotivated. It’s so hard to keep a little person entertained when you feel like crap 24/7.

I hope everyone else is doing ok.
I had my 24 week appt today. Doctor wanted me on full bed rest/no going to work. I asked her if I could try light duties first, which she agreed to. I feel so torn, I want what’s best for baby but I also made an oath when I started my job so I feel bad leaving during COVID and leaving my coworkers short staffed to deal with it (we already have 2 people from our station off on mental health leave). I’m glad my doc is pushing for what’s best for baby, but I still feel guilty

Due to my symptoms and history in this pregnancy (and previous miscarriages), she fears if I keep working I will go into full labour shortly. That’s why she wants me doing as little as possible. I get it but these hormones are making it hard for me to mentally accept it
Welcome @angel babe! How are you getting on?

@Gallop17 I’m sorry. That sound like such a stressful situation. While I understand completely you don’t want to abandon your coworkers at this difficult time, you need to put yourself and your baby first. They will absolutely manage without you, and if your doctor is concerned and wants you on bed rest I really do think you should listen. I hope you are doing ok today.

@MelC2011 ahh what a lovely scan picture! Glad everything went ok. Gorgeous bump too!
welcome @angel babe ive added you to the front page how is pregnancy going so far?

@Gallop17 theres a blurry line between whats best for you and whats best for baby all i can say is just listen to your body x

@MelC2011 beautiful scan and bump pics did u find out the sex?
@mummybear2 and @Jade jones thank you. I’m coping much better with it today than I was yesterday, I’m coming to terms with it. I spoke with my manager - she’s been wanting me to go on light duties for a while already so it’s beneficial to have her supporting me/the doc’s decision through this

@MelC2011 congrats! Cute little one :)
welcome @angel babe ive added you to the front page how is pregnancy going so far?
Hiya jade thank you for the add. It’s going great so far 20 weeks tomorrow feeling good feeling the kicks now so that’s so reassuring. How is it going for you?
@Gallop17 theres a blurry line between whats best for you and whats best for baby all i can say is just listen to your body x

@MelC2011 beautiful scan and bump pics did u find out the sex?
Welcome @angel babe! How are you getting on?
Hiya mummybear2 I’m doing really good thank you starting 20 weeks tomorrow scan next Thursday baby kicking which is reassuring in all the chaos that’s going on. How r you?
@Gallop17 I’m sorry. That sound like such a stressful situation. While I understand completely you don’t want to abandon your coworkers at this difficult time, you need to put yourself and your baby first. They will absolutely manage without you, and if your doctor is concerned and wants you on bed rest I really do think you should listen. I hope you are doing ok today.

@MelC2011 ahh what a lovely scan picture! Glad everything went ok. Gorgeous bump too!
Oh dear. I just have no inside space right now. Just had a take away and honestly I feel like I am going to burst.
My lungs just feel like there is no room to expand and I am so so so uncomfortable.
I don’t remember this until I was at least 30 weeks last time. It’s going to be a long few months!!
Needing to have a lie down. Which will no doubt give me heartburn! Haha.

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