** August 2012 mummies **

Updated for you :) 4th and 27th of August are busy days :p x
I know!! And 27th August actually has 5 babies, Heather Belle is also due that day but don't know what team? 2 boys and 2 girls for the 27th!! x
Nothing much on the telly the night you concieved then? ;) x
Haha yup shit tv that night haha! Can u squeeze me into the 27th too please. Were team yellow.
Thanks xxx
Ladies its July, which means we will be mummys Next month! eee :p xx

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That's the first thing I said to my husband this am!! Now we can say our baby is due next month eek!!! So exciting although I'm due 27th of aug so it's more likely to b a September baby lol xx
I'm sort of hoping for a July baby since I'm due on the 4th. x

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Emily! If you still don't have a bump buddy - I can be it if you like? I don't have one either and my due date is the 15th August. Though I'm hoping he/she comes along during the August full moon which is on the 2nd!!! Fingers crossed :D
Nothing much on the telly the night you concieved then? ;) x

Apparantly not!! haha! X

Ladies its July, which means we will be mummys Next month! eee :p xx

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OMG!! Only just realised this when I re-read this thread!! Gahhhh! How exciting and scary!! Getting ever closer!!! X
Next month!! Omg lol x

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I was saying this to my MIL yesterday, can't believe tomorrow I get to say my baby's due next month! And now July is here! Although we may be in for a July baby, it's still nice to think 'next month' :) xx
Woooohooooo, could end up being this month if baby comes early which sounds even more exciting! x
May I join! :)

My Baby Girl Emma Lee Wray is Due August 18th! :)

But I think this baby is coming early! I feel as if I'm 40 weeks already. Lol.
Hi ladies, how are we all?
Nobodys had their August babies yet? Wander who will be first.

I'm keeping my FX my Lo will arrive soon, at the midwife this morning she booked me an appointment for the 1st of August then said 'but I think you'll have delivered by then, I think your having a July baby' :) xx
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I had midwife yesterday and I've got a scan booked next week as they aren't sure if baby is breech! Hopefully I might see a bit more than just a bum which is what I saw when pg with my ds!i wonder if they'll check sex for me too....
I'm going to enquire about induction at my consultant appointment on friday. The midwife suggested that the stress of recurrent reduced movement and the pain of SPD I'd be better asking than risking going over and getting more stressed and worried xx
I'm expecting my first baby which is a girl. I find it mad how before I found out I wasn't pregnant no one else seemed to be either now everywhere I go everyone seems to be havin babies lol. I didn't believe my mw when she said August is the most popular month this year for babies due. I'm due on the 2nd. Gettin rather impatient! 2 weeks 2mora

Eeeeek. X
Tinkerbell, i've had two growth scans and didn't really see much, because baby is so big now and squished it wasn't very clear!

Leesey i hope they will consider inducing you, after all the stress you've had with the reduced movement, i can imagine you just want baby here!

Welcome to PF Del :)
Em91 thank you. Your 3d scan pic looks really clear I can't believe it :)

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