Hi ladies,
I'm back on the forum, please can I add my little boy, Trey born on 8th May 8.4lb. It's great that everyone has migrated over here now!!
We are combi feeding and struggling a bit to get into a routine, his feeding times are 2-4 hours apart. I've been breastfeeding which is so painful about 4-5 times in 24 hours but also expressing about 2oz in a 30 min sitting, i'm so scared my milk will dry up, We are also topping up with formula as he seems to still want more after breastfeeding and just doesn't seem satisfied. I'd like to exclusively breast feed but it's a real struggle, I feel like I have to fight with his arms to get him on the boob and then to get him to latch properly, its bought me to tears a few times, i just got some nipple shields yesterday and tried them this morning and they are ok, I guess I just have to persevere and hope it gets better? I can't wait to be settled into a routine that suits both of us.
I'm loving being a mummy though, my little boy is perfect and i really have to stop myself from just cuddling him and staring at him all day!
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Hiya! Your little boy is gorgeous! I love his name and his babygro lol
I'm having problems to with BF and still struggling. Scott has only managed to latch a handful of times and I pretty much exclusively pump. It's hard work but I hired a double hospital grade double pump from my HV and it has been an absolute god send. I manage to pump enough milk to only feed him breast milk and have even managed to freeze some.
If you check out my posts in the breast feeding section you'll see a link to a really good video about how to increase breast milk production by using your hands to compress the breast while you pump. It has really helped me pump more milk. I also soak a tea towel in water, wring it out and heat it up in the microwave till its as hot as my skin can stand and hold it on my boobs before pumping or feeding and it really helps get the milk flowing.
My little one will also only latch using Nipple shields and we are still persevering with it, I'm hoping he will get the hang of it so I can just BF without the need to express but taking each day as it comes. I try him on the boob loads and now refuse to stress about it if he can't latch and just pump and bottle feed it him instead. I know what you mean about their bloody hands! Constantly in the way lol. I don't like swaddling him though because when I feed him I like him to only wear a nappy and me topless so we get maximum skin to skin. I just do my best to move his hands instead.
Obviously Trey drinking direct from your boob is far better but I well know it can be a struggle so I do recommend asking your HV about hiring a double pump to boost your supply. I'm pretty sure if I didn't have that pump Scott would be on formula now.
I also spend hours every day just staring at my little bundle lol, they grow up so fast and I'm determined to enjoy every second xxx
Tapatalking so can't see sigs or click thanks!