****April 2019 Mummies****

Not long now! I’m sure the time will fly by til your scan :)
I think it’s a :pink: :D There’s a lot of girls in both of our families xx
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Me and my OH have already decided names for a boy or a girl :D Took us a long time to decide, especially for the boys name, but tonight we decided for a girl she will be called Ivy-May (after the OH’s grandma) and for a boy Lincoln James (after my grandpa). <3 So happy with our name choices! I adore them both <3 Has anyone else thought of any? Xx
Me and my OH have already decided names for a boy or a girl :D Took us a long time to decide, especially for the boys name, but tonight we decided for a girl she will be called Ivy-May (after the OH’s grandma) and for a boy Lincoln James (after my grandpa). <3 So happy with our name choices! I adore them both <3 Has anyone else thought of any? Xx

Funnily enough ivy is on my shortlist for girls names! Lincoln is really nice too, I really like that, we’ve got a shortlist but haven’t decided on anything yet xx
We&#8217;ve got Ben for a boy and Jessica for a girl. Love hearing everyone&#8217;s name choices &#55357;&#56469;
Hi ladies. Scan today went amazingly and I am now happy to officially join you all. Due due was moved up 4 days so is now the 25th. What a start to the week


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Hi ladies. Scan today went amazingly and I am now happy to officially join you all. Due due was moved up 4 days so is now the 25th. What a start to the week

ahhh amazing coles <3
We’ve got Ben for a boy and Jessica for a girl. Love hearing everyone’s name choices &#65533;&#65533;

These are both names i love <3 however oh doesnt like Ben :roll: and Jessica came to me last week, but i already have my girl name decided <3
So my girl name is Rosie, i have always wanted Summer, but oh isnt keen, so we have stuck with Rosie, seeing we both agree on that one - thank god.

I like Ben and Joshua for a boy, and the oh likes Arthur - we both dont like each others choices :roll: :wall2:

Lets hope were having a girl, as currently if its a boy he will be nameless :dohh:
So my girl name is Rosie, i have always wanted Summer, but oh isnt keen, so we have stuck with Rosie, seeing we both agree on that one - thank god.

I like Ben and Joshua for a boy, and the oh likes Arthur - we both dont like each others choices :roll: :wall2:

Lets hope were having a girl, as currently if its a boy he will be nameless :dohh:

Aah that’s lovely, we have quite a few names shortlisted but I’m definitely more keen on all the girls name I have then the boys, and me and OH definitely won’t agree on anything!
Hi ladies. Scan today went amazingly and I am now happy to officially join you all. Due due was moved up 4 days so is now the 25th. What a start to the week

Great news coles, congratulations x
We have gone with Harrison James for our little one! :)

Our girl name was Evelyn Rose
OH and I struggled to agree on names too! It&#8217;s a nightmare. We were debating DS&#8217;s name right up to when he was born; we called him Logan James :)

We&#8217;re thinking of Wyatt David for a boy and Lilian Elizabeth for a girl, though I&#8217;ve pitched the idea of Rosalie (Rosie for short) to OH and he said his friend has a daughter called Rosie so probably not!

Naming a child is ridiculously hard!
Hi ladies. Scan today went amazingly and I am now happy to officially join you all. Due due was moved up 4 days so is now the 25th. What a start to the week

Aww gorgeous Coles! Welcome to tri 2 xxx
Oh I love Irish names as mine is a complicated Irish spelling Haha! My mum is Irish. I have trouble trying to convince my hubby to agree on them though. I am having trouble with boys names although I love Toby and Benjamin. My girls names are Aoife or Nula xxx
One of my girls is Jessica Rose Xx
Just a quick update because I can hear DS moaning from his cot!

I saw the consultant today about the placenta accreta and PPH last labour, and the jist of it is that because it is unpreventable, to go on as normal and labour as normal. If anything is picked up post labour then it will be managed immediately as it's all over my notes. I'm a bit worried about this wait and see approach, but she's right in that there's nothing to do in the mean time. I've updated my pregnancy journal with a more in depth explanation of what we discussed..

I am relieved she's not pushing for a c section though!
Next appointments are the early gender scan on 13th Nov and midwife appt on 19th Nov.

Hope everyone is doing well this evening <3
What lovely names you all have in contention!

Winning with us at the moment are Cassie or Elijah. We're still in debate about middle names because we want something geeky haha.
What lovely names you all have in contention!

Winning with us at the moment are Cassie or Elijah. We're still in debate about middle names because we want something geeky haha.

How lovely :) I love geeky names, the only reason I managed to convince my OH to go with Lincoln for a boy is that it can be shortened to Link, one of his favourite video game characters haha <3
What lovely names you all have in contention!

Winning with us at the moment are Cassie or Elijah. We're still in debate about middle names because we want something geeky haha.

How lovely :) I love geeky names, the only reason I managed to convince my OH to go with Lincoln for a boy is that it can be shortened to Link, one of his favourite video game characters haha <3

Oh I love that! Cassie is for Cassiopeia which is our fave constellation. Toying with Malcolm as a middle name after the captain in Firefly but we keep changing our minds! My nephew's middle name is Star-Lord, so my brother set the middle name bar quite high! :lol:
So many lovely names. OH and I cannot agree on many. Noah, Nico and Luca are all there for a boy. I love Deacon but hubby not keen. Middle name will be William. For a girl we have Amelia (which our son was going to be called), Orla (our son is Oscar so I like the 2 O&#8217;s), Myla and Ella. Middle name Helen or Helena. So only a few lol xx

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