****April 2019 Mummies****

Are most of us planning to find out gender? :blue: :pink:
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I think its safe to say i now look pregnant and dont just have a bump that you could class as bloat :lol: I feel like i am getting bigger and bigger everyday now :oooo:


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I think its safe to say i now look pregnant and dont just have a bump that you could class as bloat :lol: I feel like i am getting bigger and bigger everyday now :oooo:

Aww you do have a proper cute little bump! I feel like mine might just be bloat! My diet since being pregnant has been horrendous I’ve never eaten so much bread in my life! Feel like it’s made me feel bloated and fat lol, I’m getting impatient now! X
I took this today while trying on clothes, None of my pants fit me anymore!


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On another note I still feel nauseous a lot and still being sick once or twice a day :-(
Still can hardly eat any ‘normal’ food, I just want to feel well again! I’m praying it goes away soon, does anyone else still feel crap? X
I took this today while trying on clothes, None of my pants fit me anymore!

ahhhh yours is similar to mine <3

but eughhh dont, my diet hasnt been great either :roll: I have made a conscious effort to knock bread on the head this week, so am having ryvitta with my soup now.

The bloat is still very real though and as soon as i eat, i just get bigger :shock:
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Are most of us planning to find out gender? :blue: :pink:

We're hopefully planning to find out with an earlier scan on the 13th Nov, when I'll be 16+4! Otherwise we would have to wait until almost 22 weeks on 20th Dec!

I've had several people comment on how huge I am for 13 weeks, but really I never lost the baby weight from DS so I was huge anyway... :(
We've been discussing girl names as I think we've got a boy's name in mind.. What do you guys think of:

Calliope Elizabeth (nickname Callie/poppy)

Boy will most likely be Wyatt David

DS is Logan James <3
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Aww your bumps are so cute! Mine is really starting to pop too. I can't upload images!!!! So frustrating! Feel like none of my clothes fit the moment :( I have a christening Sunday it's been a nightmare looking for an outfit I am happy with.
Yes I am finding out on Saturday I can't wait xxx
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I have no bump yet! Just a really hard lower tummy that I can&#8217;t suck in anymore! Lol. We&#8217;re defibitely going to find out the sex. We&#8217;re going to hold off til the 20 week scan on the 26th November but if for whatever reason the baby isn&#8217;t cooperating then we&#8217;ll get a private one in December. At the 12 week scan shebtriggled so much to measure it as it was curled up tight clearly not wanting to be disturbed haha x
I have no bump yet! Just a really hard lower tummy that I can’t suck in anymore! Lol. We’re defibitely going to find out the sex. We’re going to hold off til the 20 week scan on the 26th November but if for whatever reason the baby isn’t cooperating then we’ll get a private one in December. At the 12 week scan shebtriggled so much to measure it as it was curled up tight clearly not wanting to be disturbed haha x

My 20 week scan is on 26th November too so also hoping to find out the sex then :-) x
Hey guys! Had such fun last night finding out the sex..... we’re having a little boy!!! :D :blue: Not what I had guessed but such a lovely surprise and me and the OH are so chuffed. <3 And we got a peek in 4D which was amazing. <3
So this is becoming a very team blue thread by the looks haha :) :D xx
Ahhhh amazing Jomo Congrats :blue: I think i am having a boy as well and a lot of people are guessing boy and all the people who have 'never got it wrong' are guessing boy :roll: :lol:

Roll on baby clothes shopping <3
Awww amazing news jomo congratulations, this is definitely becoming a blue team!! Xx

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