*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

Just had my 16 week appointment. Heard the heartbeat which was great.
Due to my papp a levels being low at my 12 week bloods I will be scanned every 3 weeks from 26 weeks x

Oh gosh and I thought my monthly growth scans would be a lot!
I swear this one was awake and having a party at 5am this morning. Distinct buzzing for a good 20mins.

Would have slept through it if hubby didn't have hiccups in his sleep and cat pestering to be let out :roll:
I know but best to be on the safe side.
These growth scans always scare me as they can always measure baby too big or too small. My first was only 7lb2
Yes I've heard a lot of potential big baby stories from other people who then had babies less than 8lb but in my case they were right, DS was estimated almost 10lb and he was 9lb 10oz.
That's quite spot on. I've known people to have been told they are having big babies and have 7 to 8lb and vice versa.
I think because mine is to do with placenta they will be worried about a small baby x
Do you have to take aspirin loula? I have low pappA and have to take low dose aspirin daily to improve blood flow. I don’t think is it causing any growth problems at this stage mind,,I’m massive
I'm on 75mg aspirin daily due to high bmi and being 36yrs old.

I don't feel rough today and my appetite and thirst have gone nuts instead. Taking this as a good sign.
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The midwife didn't suggest aspirin. My papp a levels were 0.36 so just below the cusp. Maybe that might get suggested later on. Yep I'm bigger this time round too x
I had an appointment with the midwife this morning, had my bloods done to find out baby's blood group for this rh neg thing and heard the baby's heart beat which was amazing, especially after she said don't be worried if you don't hear it as they can't always pick it up at 16 weeks. But it came up straight away! Babys heart rate was 150bpm.

I then told work the news that I was expecting which terrified me as I haven't been there long but it all went down fine so I can finally relax!
Ahh glad you've told work and it went well ftm,i have the task of telling my boss this weekend and kinda dreading it as like you I've just started there a couple months ago. Lovely some of you ladies have heard the heartbeat,ftm they say a heart rate over 140 is a girl,was right for my dd but guess it could just be a old wives tale lol.

I've been rotten past few days,really sick and full of cold. Really looking forward to getting further.in tri 2 so this sickness does one! At least im losing weight,every cloud haha xx
I'm 15+5 and baby's heartbeat was picked up this morning at 146bpm.
I've also got a stinking cold I bought a lemon with the Intention of hot lemon but it just hasn't happened.
Colds when pregnant suck dont they! Hooe youre better soon! I think im guna steal dd's humidifier for bed tonight,its bad enough being awake at 3 for a wee without tossing and turning all night cos i cant breathe. Urgh!

Aww loula you're having a girl arent you so the heart rate thing works for you! Will be seeing what baby cooks heart rate is on 31st when i see the midwife to see if it gives me a hint about gender :D im desperate to know lol xx
Once a night. I'm jealous. I'm up 3 times it's exhausting haha x
Yep definitely worked for me. My daughter's was always around that aswell
Oh man 3 times that's brutal! I wake like clockwork at 3 every night then takes about an hour to get back to sleep but its not too bad really. Suppose its all prep for the night feeds,i have no idea how i coped last time round! Seriously hope this baby takes after they're sister,she was always a great sleeper after the first few weeks X
Haha this one is proving trouble already so I'll take what I can haha x
Also had my 16 week appointment today.. quickest appointment ever! Got to hear the baby’s heartbeat which was amazing 122bpm for me x
You'll be fine Mrs Cookie, I was dreading it but it really wasn't ad bad as I thought! When I said to my boss about having a chat he thought I was going to say I was leaving so I think he was actually relieved when I said I was pregnant ��

I hope the heart beat old wives tale is try as I really want a girl haha! Do they book the 20 week scan in the 16week check up or do you hear a a few weeks before as I haven't had anything through about it and the midwife never mentioned it today, I meant to ask but completely forgot in the excitement of hearing the heart beat haha!
My 20 week scan was booked at the hospital when we came out of the 12 week one. It should come through the post or ring the department at the hospital they may have your date x

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