*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

I'm over in this thread from tomorrow! Yay!!

Mrs Cookie and Loula, I also have a horrible cold at the moment. I think there's a lot of it going around right now. I hope we all feel a lot better soon!

Interesting theory about the heart rate. That would mean that JWard is having a boy. The heart rate at my scan today was 159, so according to the theory it's a girl, we will see!

Glad to hear that your 16 week appts went well today. X
Saying that the heartbeat at my 12 week and 14 week scan were so in the 160s 150s I had a look x
Do they put the heart rate on the paperwork? We never looked at our 12 week Scan and our 16 wk midwife appt is after our gender scan! Would love to have a bit of a hint before Monday! :lol:
Never mind, found where it should have been but there was nothing input but never mind! It’s not long til we find out now!
It’s like being able to breath a sigh of relief when you get here!
Urgh. Up to pee at 11pm, DS lost his dummy at 2.30pm and I had to pee again and then he woke up wet at 5am and didn't settle again until ten to six. Pee again then everyone up at 7.30am.

I've then felt depressed and borderline tearful most of this morning.

This pregnancy is so different from last time. I swear the hormones alone are suggesting a girl.
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That's a normal night for me and peeing lol
Aww sorry you had a rough night lander,its much harder work being pregnant when you already have a little one,I've found ive struggled much more with sickness and tiredness this time. Have you tried not drinking after a certain time on a night to try and reduce how much you wake? Im lucky i only seem to wake once but think its cos i throw up so much not t much liquid stays down lol. Also i used to leave about 6 dummies in the cot for dd so she could find one herself,saved me having to get up,dunno if you've already tried it but might work xx
We have tried that with DS but he just knocks every single one out of his bed because he's such a fidget!

How is everyone today? I'm actually getting sick of suffering with headaches. I didn't have them with DS but am getting them almost everyday this time. Other than that I'm actually alright! Starting to gain a bit more energy now and I can't wait until Monday! I know my photo is a bit grainy but do we think boy or girl?


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We have tried that with DS but he just knocks every single one out of his bed because he's such a fidget!

How is everyone today? I'm actually getting sick of suffering with headaches. I didn't have them with DS but am getting them almost everyday this time. Other than that I'm actually alright! Starting to gain a bit more energy now and I can't wait until Monday! I know my photo is a bit grainy but do we think boy or girl?

Not officially in tri 2 yet but always over checking it out 👍🏼 I’m guessing boy based on skull but don’t count me on it as I’ve only been researching since my scan on Thursday lol
He's very much a fidget. It's turning out he's just teething big time again. Same last night from him but less peeing from me so not as bad.
The joy of going to bed feeling freezing cold but not wanting to put thicker pjs on as you know you'll be a puddle of sweat within 90mins of going to sleep....
I’m with you there kander! I remember with DS, my partner bought some gorgeous fluffy jammies but they got me so hot I had nose bleeds in the middle of th night so couldn’t wear them!

This time tomorrow we will know whether our little squiggle is a boy or a girl! I’m so nervous though that we will be i there and they’ll give us really bad news. I hate anxiety, it stops me enjoying the moments that I should be excited for. I am excited don’t get me wrong but I’m more nervous
Good luck for scan today cossie,hope baby plays along and you get a nice clear picture of the gender! Cant wait to find out what you're having xx
Thanks Mrs cookie! I can’t wait either! My appointment is at 4 and we are going out after for a meal with the family :D

Hope everyone is doing well today?
Good luck Cossie! How exciting, you are going to know the gender today and can start thinking of names :) xx

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