*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

Amazing news about your results Loula!!

Has everyone told there work their pregnant now? I haven't and I'm dreading it!

I told Work at about 6 weeks purely because my job involves a lot of heavy lifting. Not that it’s changed anything :roll:
Hi Cossie, not to sure on maternity clothes, but my mum went to Cheshire Oaks today and she said there were lots of decent baby stuff :)
Thanks jward. I’ll keep my eye out as I need some maternity bras and tops. I already have 3 pairs of jeans (one of which was from my previous pregnancy) but no specific bras and only 1 top from my previous pregnancy. And I’m slowly becoming more and more uncomfortable in normal clothes so need something that’s going to stretch with me! We’re heading off in the next hour or so - should be fun!
Eee I'm officially tri 2 tomorrow!! Can't believe its finally here,tri 1 definitely seemed to drag forever!

I haven't told work yet but plan to in the next week,I was already pregnant when I got the job so will be a bit awkward but they don't have to pay mat pay so suppose they can't be too mad!! X
Mrs Cookie, I'm in pretty much the same position to you, which is why I'm so nervous about telling them. I found out 3 days after I started I was pregnant. I've been there 2 and a half months now and I have no idea how they will react.
I’m sure everything will be fine for both of you. They can’t discriminate against you because you’re pregnant so you’ve got that going for you if they aren’t as good about it as you’d like. My place have been fine about it but still no risk assessment has been done and I’m still moving heavy equipment. I just do it really slowly and carefully. Hopefully they’ll get tired of how long it’s taking me to do stuff that they’ll get someone else to do it! :lol:
And 14wks..... Just waiting on tomorrow's scan. Seems to have had a growth spurt though. In my maternity jeans from last time. And they're too big over my bum and hips !!

Least of my worries but saggy jeans whilst I chase my toddler about is kinda annoying.
Yay more people are coming over x
I know! October is disappearing quicker than we can blink! It won’t be long before we are all here! The next milestone for us all is v-day! :D
This month has really dragged for us lol.

Scan this morning good thankfully. Baby well and bouncing about. There had been a small bleed they almost didn't see, under the amniotic sac but it's already almost resolved. They agreed it was likely to have been where bump has grown and 'popped' up.

Feel a bit better and looking forward to Halloween, my in-laws 40th anniversary party, 20wk scan, couple of dinners out with friends and then Xmas.

Have felt far too anxious the last few weeks.
The next 2 weeks will fly by here as my daughter is off school for 2 weeks from Friday so we will be busy busy.
I've had a sneaky look at baby clothes today on next. Oh they are so cute, can't wait to actually start buying x
Next baby clothes are gorgeous. I'm thankful we have a Choice outlet up the road though (Next outlet store).

Though Asda is just over the back from us and their stuff is pretty decent too. Certainly for basics. I'll be stocking up on vests etc soon before we have gender at the end of November.

I was saying to DH in looking forward to having a bump over Halloween and Xmas. technically i was pregnant over Xmas with DS but only three weeks as conceived about 19th Dec and got BFP on New Year's Eve but that barely counts!
Oh yeah my daughter lived in asda stuff. I know sister in law have a lot so we are seeing what they have first. We don't want to get anything until after Xmas when the room is emptied and we have somewhere to put it.
My last pregnancy i was pregnant over this time of year as had a may baby x
Fantastic news Lander! You can relax now! We’ve got a gender scan on Monday and I’m bricking it. Why do we always get so nervous before a Scan?? Even when deep down we know there’s unlikely to have been anything wrong, especially since the cramps haven’t been excruciating and I haven’t had any bleeding so it’s highly unlikely anything is wrong - and I’m sure I keep feeling baby move!

Haha my due date with this one is the same due date I had with DS! :lol: so I’ll be pregnant exactly the same time as last time! Can’t wait for us all to move over here and start putting genders up on the first page! Yours is the only one at the minute Loula! X
Woop woop feel like I have known for ages.
I feel nervous as I have my 16 week midwife appointment tomorrow at 15+5. My midwife only works every other week Thursday and Friday so it was either tomorrow or at nearly 18 weeks x
Hi ladies I've come over to the other side....I'm officially in Tri 2 today woohoo!
I'm in next week for my quad blood test on the 24th then I have midwife November 7th, consultant November 14th, 20 week scan November 30th and consultant again December 19th lol

I already have growth scans booked Jan 29th, Feb 26th and March 26th. This is because DS was born large for dates at 9lb 10oz.
Just had my 16 week appointment. Heard the heartbeat which was great.
Due to my papp a levels being low at my 12 week bloods I will be scanned every 3 weeks from 26 weeks x

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