*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

I bet. But 7 - 10 days isn’t that long at all! :)

Tri 2 today :D I was lay in bed last night and I’m sure I could feel baby moving. It was like a twitching in my lower stomach. Is it too early to feel movements do you thinks?
It's not a long time but it is when the future of the pregnancy hangs in the balance and each day you become more and more attached.
I'm sure I have felt movement from around 12 weeks or so bit nothing consistent and considering how active baby was yesterday it's madx
Where is everybody. Must be a few over here now x
There’s only 7 of us here so far Loula. Still 14 to go! October will fly by though and we’ll all be here and out of tri 1!!
Cossie, can you update on front page for me, I got put three days ahead at 12wk scan. I'm now due 17th April xx.

I'll be over fully next week. Will be 14wks on Tuesday.
Cossie, can you update on front page for me, I got put three days ahead at 12wk scan. I'm now due 17th April xx.

I'll be over fully next week. Will be 14wks on Tuesday.

Wooo! Of course Lander! :D eeek we’re all moving along nicely!

How many of us are finding out what we are having? We have our gender scan on 23rd October at exactly 16 weeks :dance:
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Yep we are finding out from our harmony test, so will hopefully know in the next week.
Otherwise it would have been 21st November at our 20 week scan x
Hi everyone, still a little while for me to wait before I join you here. I am having my dating scan next Tuesday, I will be 12 weeks along then. It's so exciting to see everyone is having beautiful scans! I'd love to find out who we are having, but my hubby doesn't. The thing is if I know whether it's a boy or a girl I don't think I'll be able to hide it from him :)
Hi everyone, still a little while for me to wait before I join you here. I am having my dating scan next Tuesday, I will be 12 weeks along then. It's so exciting to see everyone is having beautiful scans! I'd love to find out who we are having, but my hubby doesn't. The thing is if I know whether it's a boy or a girl I don't think I'll be able to hide it from him :)

Yay Loula! You’ll be the first to know then! :D

You’ve got plenty of time to convince hubby to find out happy! ;)
We're finding out 30th November. I need to organise the clothes depending on what we're having. They're up in the loft. Told DH he can get it all down along with the Christmas decorations lol.
I had my 16 week check up today and I don't really like my midwife, ive only met her twice but i feel she talks down to me and when i asked questions about my blood type (I have the rare rh negative one which means i have to get a blood test and might need an anti d injection)she just made me feel stupid. Has anyone ever changed there midwife? Is it even allowed and how do you?
We only have one midwife in our community as we are a small area so I think I would have trouble changing without traveling too far, however my last pregnancy there were 2 to 3 different midwives so you could always ask.
You have every right to ask questions so she shouldn't talk down to you. I have alot of questions for my midwife about bloods results I've had when I see mine around 16 weeks but I've not even made the app yet as awaiting screening results.
Did she listen to the heattbeat?
Thats what i thought, she just makes me feel like I should know everything and this is my first baby and I'd never even heard of rh negative until I got my blood tests back and read the booklet I got from them. No she didn't, I have another apointment next week to get my blood test done to see what the baby's blood group is and she said she would listen to it then as I'm not quite 16 weeks she said we might not be able to hear it.
My midwife with DS was amazing and always said the only stupid question was an unasked one. I think you call either your GP or the community midwives and see what they say. But you are always entitled to request a different midwife if you’re not comfortable with the one you have!
I never saw the same person more than once until I was on the ward for induction.

I expected that though as we're North London/Herts and it's a generally busy area etc.
Hi Lander,

I'm in the same area as you but so far have seen the same midwife, for both my booking appointment and 16week.check.up but not sure if it's because I went through my doctors and I think there is only one midwife based there x
Ahhh so many of you already over here! I shouldnt be here til tuesday but nevermind haha. Can't believe tri two is almost here!!

Aww ftm sorry your midwife isn't very nice,I had a horrid one my first pregnancy and was on the verge of requesting a change when luckily she changed areas so I was given a much nicer one instead. If youre not comfortable ask to switch,it might also make her realize she needs to look at how she treats her ladies! I'm rhesus negative,they never tested baby's blood for me 2 years ago they just gave me the anti d in case,wonder its a new test? Did they say how they do it? Interesting its changed in a couple years! Will see what my midwife says when I see her at Halloween xx
Im in Hertfordshire.

Thanks Mrs Cookie, I think I will. And you don't have to you can just have the anti d injecton, I was given the option but if your baby is negative as well then you'd be having it unnecessarily. She said it was up to me what I did but so I just decided to have it as it saves me having it if the baby is negative

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