*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

Eeeek not long now. Can't wait to not be the only one who knows x

Any last guesses?


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I’m sticking with my original guess of boy x lovely scan photo x


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Oh how lovely. The girls are in favour so far
Have you got any names x
Wow! Congratulations Cossie! Loula, looks like you gave a good start for girls in April group :) xx
Thank you!! We have a couple in mind but we are struggling to agree on names! What about you Loula? Any names?

Thanks happy! I know! I shall be eternally grateful! :) I’m going to have one of each!!! Xx
We are just throwing names around. Anything OH suggests I'm not keen on and vice versa x
Yes, Cossie, I think it's great to have one of each! Lucky! Congrats!xx

P. S. My husband and I had a chat about names and it's exactly the same! What I like he doesn't and he does I don't! :)
Thanks ladies! I am so excited, although I had a moment of panic last night that I only know how to look after boys! :lol: it didn’t last long though and I’m back to being really excited and feeling incredibly lucky to have one of each! :D

How is everyone this morning? DS has another cough that sounds exactly like the one he had just a few weeks ago so I’m wondering if it’s another infection :( I think I’ll ring the drs this morning and see what they say :)
Congrats Cossie xx

15-16 week hormones seem to have hit me with renewed queasiness. Nearly gagged at DS teething nappy just now. Not bothered me before!!

I got a three day migraine at 16wk last time.
Thank you!! We have a couple in mind but we are struggling to agree on names! What about you Loula? Any names?

Thanks happy! I know! I shall be eternally grateful! :) I’m going to have one of each!!! Xx

Me and my partner are the same, he suggested our son Toby’s name, and I agreed with it so I’ve saif I feel like I should suggest the names and he picks one he likes from my suggestions, but his stubborn lol!

Toby James, would have been Alice Joan rose (after my great Nan and 2 Nan’s) if he had been born a girl, would like to stick with Alice for a girl but with it being a high choice for the new royal baby name it’s Swaying us massively because as of right now it’s not common but it would become common, so it’s a hard one! As for boys names my partners suggestions are Freddie, Teddy, Lincoln :shakehead: my top 3 are, Hudson, Blake and Arthur

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