*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

Ah right,might be different in different areas then,I was just told I was getting it lol,good job I don't mind needles! Ive moved since last baby tho so wonder whether I'll get the option here! Were currently trying to decide whether to pay for a gender scan or not. 20 week scan is 6th December but could have a private one at 16 weeks 3rd November,hmm is it bad paying 50 quid just to find out a month sooner? I'm so impatient haha xx
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£50 isn't bad. Check they aren't doing any deals with it cheaper.
Personally we would have waited but the experience of a private scan is something else x
Yeah its on offer half price for 44.50 and includes a 4d peek. Its not bad but does seem a bit impatient for the sake of a month. But I really just can't wait to know lol. How long have you got left to wait for your results loula? X
We had a 4d peek and pics. Was a bit odd as at 14 weeks it was all skeletal. If your sure you don't want any more scans layer on privately go for it. Id prefer a private scan around 30 weeks just for piece of mind.
They said 7 to 10 days had it done Sunday I assume the bloods didn't get shipped until Monday maybe arrived Tuesday. I guess it's been 5 days so any day. Really wanted then for my birthday but oh well.
We’re paying for a private gender scan. I’m far too impatient to wait for 20 weeks and as Loula said, the experience of the private Scan is incredible. It’s like 15 - 20 mins of just looking at baby :) mines a week on Monday and I can’t wait!!! :D
Ohhh Cossie thats so soon! Can't wait to find out what everyone is having! I keep trying to justify it saying if we had a private one and they said same as NHS one then at least you could be more confident its right if two people have said it as I suppose there's always the chance they get it wrong! I think we probs will go for it,I cant see me having the patience to wait and I'd love to do a gender reveal on DD birthday which is 15th Nov x
I know! And yet it feels so far away! :lol:

If they say it’s a girl I’m already planning to ask at 20 week Scan too so I can get it doubly confirmed as I really really want a girl so it just won’t feel real until I’ve been told by two different people! :lol: obviously I’ll be happy with whatever I’m having as long as it’s happy and health but I already have my son and I’d love one of each :) does anyone else have a preference for what they’re having?
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Preferably a girl but right now I'll take a healthy baby. Time will tell x

Please though ladies be aware that at 16 weeks the gender is only just noticeable I've had a few friends be told different sexes between 16 weeks and 20 weeks x
Yeah if we have a private well def ask at 20 weeks to confirm lol,can just see me selling all dd's clothes If were told boy for it to be wrong!

I'd slightly prefer another girly,I just think sister would be lovely and I know what I'm doing with girls bits when doing nappies haha!! Hubs would slightly prefer a boy but we'll both be happy either way. Its funny last time around I had no preference and we didn't find out,when hubby said she was a girl I was so relived! Must of really wanted one without realizing lol xx
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I'm waiting until my 20 week scan to find out the gender, I would lI've to find out early but I've decided to be patient and wait it out. I'd absolutely love a girl but I'll be happy either way as long as it's healthy!
The results are in from the NIPT.
We got Low risk and are having a girl. So relieved and happy.
Awww loula amazing news!! Our first team pink! How exciting!! Xx
I know. 14+6 and it's out there already.
AAAAAHH!!! Fantastic news Loula!! :D not gonna lie I just had a little cry (happy tears) for you!! I’ll update the front to team pink! :D
My god I feel emotional having read your news Loula! :) I’m so so so happy for you! You can really enjoy your pregnancy and telling people your having a little girl!!! :D
This pregnancy so far has had so many ups and downs I feel like I'm o a rollercoaster. Let's hope the rest goes smoothly as possible x
You've def had a rough time loula,time to relax and enjoy the news of your baby girl!

Cossie could you update me to 17th on the first page please if you get a chance,got put forward at scan.

Eeeee so exciting,i literally cant wait to find out what ours is now! xx
Of course Mrs cookie! Sorry I thought I already had done - please god don’t let baby brain be kicking in already!

I really hope all our pregnancies go a bit more smoothly from now! I seem to remember that the April mummies group from 2015 had a lot of mummies who had trohblesome pregnancies be it from bleeding and cramping or simply just sickness or picking up every bug going! Maybe it’s just a curse being due in April! :lol:
Been feeling really tired today, more so than usual. Not sure why.

We are planning on heading out to Cheshire oaks outlet village tomorrow. Anyone know whether any shops there have any maternity clothes?
Amazing news about your results Loula!!

Has everyone told there work their pregnant now? I haven't and I'm dreading it!

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