*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

My friend had her 4th section and was up and about pretty quick hut major surgery fears me I have seen many a c section at work so I know exactly what happens and what can go wrong etc.
I had the nesting feeling the other day whilst cooking a roast I did 2 drawers and 2 kitchen cupboards the other day. I've made a start on the baby's room and thrown a couple being bags out today. Just need OH to out the Xmas stuff and other stuff in the loft. Slowly but surely.
I feel like I'm getting up more and more in the night now and really struggling until I have to get up x
I'm feeling good today just extremely tired. 24 weeks tomorrow though do that's always a relief! I'm feel like we are a bit too organised this time. The only thing we still have to buy is monitors and some more clothes.
I got a lot in Sainsbury's today. They have lots of baby clothes half price :) xx
Ladies that are buying clothes are you buying outfits or baby grows? I've noticed the outfits are still quite wintery
Trying to catch up, hope all is well with everyone, we had our 2nd 20 week scan (although was 23 weeks) all is good baby was still stubborn lol, I kid you not, we were there 2hrs!! And they still couldn’t get images of everything they needed to lol, the lady scanning us asked if we wanted to know what we were having, of course we said yes, and clear as day we saw his willy!!! (Never been so happy to see a willy in all my life lmao!) we finally have confirmation that it’s a boy wahoooo! I can relax now! Not the best of pictures but we got 1 profile shot :)


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Awww lovely Kerry im so glad you know for sure now! Have you picked a name for him yet?

Loula im just doing baby grows,dd barely wore all the cute outfits and dresses we got last time,she was just so much more comfy in sleep suits so this time im just buying really nice sleepsuits for him til he's older xx
Anyone know why extra growth scans are needed, only the lady who scanned me on Monday said I’m to have them every 3-4 weeks my next is Feb 2nd, she questioned why my midwife hadn’t given me a form regarding needing extra growth scans!
As for clothes I’m just buying what I like as I see it lol, I’m terrible as we already have all my sons old clothes, but me and my mum cannot resist getting lots of new bits to. Loula we got some lovely summery bits in the next sale for little man, but I’ve also got some more snuggly wintery bits to, as last April we still had some bitterly cold weather, I remember walking my son to preschool and getting back unable to feel my hands and lips! So beIng a new baby I figured it’d still need wrapping up for a little while anyway x have posted pics of the bits we got in next :)


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These are the other bits we got x


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I'm going to make sure we have plenty of 'supplies' (nappies etc) in before March just to be on the safe side. Like you mrs cookie, we're using DSs travel system. This is the pattern we have, it should be ok for a little girl too right?

Cossie it deffo works for both sex’s we got this for our son (I loved buying a new buggy lol) and I picked this as it was gender neutral, Pretty gutted now that I gave it to the sister in law when hers broke, but I do at least still have my silver cross, joie mirus and another one lol either gracco or chicco lol! And I’m sure I’ll buy more because I just can’t help myself lmao :wall2:
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Kerry, I have growth scans at the end of Jan, Feb and March for 28, 32 and 36 weeks due to DS being large for gestational age. He measured two weeks ahead consistently after 20wks. He ended up 96th centile for weight at birth (arrived 39+5). He's since levelled out at 75th but has remained 91st for height the whole time.

He's 16 months tomorrow and has been in 18-24mth clothes this week as well as size 5 shoes.

I'm 5'8 and DH is 6ft and we're both broad too so we weren't exactly shocked but a bit surprised by just how big he was. This one at 20wk was 75th for weight but average 50th for height etc.
What a day :( DS woke with a really bad cough this morning and feeling very sorry for himself. So I decided to keep him off pre school and send him to nanas instead. When we got to nanas youd never have thought he was ill but when I went to pick him up he had deteriorated so much. He was non stop coughing, he was refusing food and drink, and just wimpering. It was so heartbreaking as hes usually so full of life. So we called NHS 111 and the got us an appointment to see a dr and they said there is something on his chest but if it wasnt for his history of chest infections they wouldnt give him antibiotics. As he has had so many in the past she gave us the antibiotics without question. DS finally asleep now. He hardly slept at all last night so hopefully we’ll get a decent night tonight. Hes sleeping in with me tonight and daddy is sleeping on the sofa
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Kerryjo I'm going to be getting growth scans this time round as my wee boy had a low birth weight, 5lb 11oz at 38 weeks.

Aw poor wee guy Cossie there is an awful flu bug going about we've all had it in this house. Hope he feels better soon.

Is anyone else peeing loads more now? Literally feel like 10 mins after a drink I need the loo. Paranoid it's one of the complications from last time coming back so will mention it to the consultant at my next appt on Tues.

Aww what lovely clothes you are buying.
I'm having extra growth scans starting next Friday due to low papp a levels which can cause slow growth and low placenta functioning levels so they want to keep on to of it .
Did they say why they want you to have extra scans?
Next week I have 3 separate appointments to do with baby, 28 week bloods, midwife and the scan.
This whole oregnancy I've peed loads up loads in the night despite not drinking too late x
Thanks CD, at least we have antibiotics for him so he should start to feel a bit better soon. Im off to drs shortly for the whooping cough vaccine :( absolutely dreading it if im honest

I'm so needle phobic and came over all hot and didn't whilst doing all the paperwork. The midwife I had was great and just did it quickly. It was the bruised arm feeling I had for a week after that got me most x
All done. The nurse was amazing. I didn't even realise she had done it! Now back at home with my poorly boy. Just popped him down for a nap as I'm a great believer that sleep solves almost everything when you're ill.

I had a bit of a panic attack while waiting for the nurse that in 3 months I'll be preparing/have a newborn and a toddler. I'm sure all will be ok, it was just it all of a sudden hit me that as of April I will have 2 children. 4 years ago I would have laughed if someone had told me I would have 1 child let alone 2! :lol:
Got all emotional and cried in the shops this afternoon hearing on the radio that Zara Tindall is expecting again after miscarrying just before Xmas 2016.
Just catching up with everything here. Hope all okay! I’ve had a crap week. Ended up in MAU on Wednesday with reduced movements as I was really worrying. Everything totally fine, as soon as I was hooked up to the monitor little madam started kicking and wriggling loads. Felt like such a time waster but the midwives kept saying they’d rather people went in to find nothing wrong than didn’t go in for fear of time wasting!! I found out I’ve got a high anterior placenta while I was there (no one has mentioned this at any point) but I guess I’m just lucky to have felt and seen soooo much movement from quite early on! The reason her movements had changed anyway was because she’s currently breach with her back to my back so her kicks are literally right in my fairy at the moment!! Haha.
The next day I went to see GP with terrible hip/pelvis/rib/back pain and they’ve diagnosed me with SPD/PGP. Anyone else with experience of this? I’m reallt struggling with driving, sleeping, being at work etc. Going to see a physio next week. Midwife says if it gets worse and worse then they will look to induce me earlier than 40 weeks. But I don’t know anything about being induced. Is there loads of risks? I’m really worried about work because I’m alreasy finding it difficult and only 25+2 :-(
At least you got checked out.
I also have a high anterior placenta, i only found out when i checked my notes from my 20 week scan. All my movements are low or to the side, the odd one at the front but its getting more frequent and harder.
I have days where she realy pushes what is iether bum or back out x
I have days where movements arent as strong or frequent but Im trying not to panic too much as 2 days later shell be constantly moving all day so Id feel really silly for bothering the midwives. But like you said Beth they always say theyd rather you bother them than ignore it and something be wrong.

I have SPD too Beth. Mines not excruciating but if Im stood in the same position for more than 5 minutes or if Im walking for longer than 10-15 minutes I get shooting pains down my legs and a massive ache in my hips. It sometimes spreads to the bottom of my back too. The midwife had suggested physio but I had physio a while back for my knees and I found it a waste of time so I have opted out of that and I now need to find a support belt. I dont think theyd induce you earlier than 37 weeks so there wouldnt really be any risks that would be the result of being induced. Work is tough for me too and because of that Im taking my maternity leave from 30 weeks. So from the end of jan/start of Feb I will have finished work :) looking forward to that not going to lie!!!
Eeek 27 weeks today. Tri 3 for me.
I worked an 8pm til 2am shift last and around midnight I cane over all nauseous like in the 1st tri. It went for a while after some digestive and water but I felt awful again at 4am. Not even sure what it was but it wasn't nice x

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