*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

I have days where movements arent as strong or frequent but Im trying not to panic too much as 2 days later shell be constantly moving all day so Id feel really silly for bothering the midwives. But like you said Beth they always say theyd rather you bother them than ignore it and something be wrong.

I have SPD too Beth. Mines not excruciating but if Im stood in the same position for more than 5 minutes or if Im walking for longer than 10-15 minutes I get shooting pains down my legs and a massive ache in my hips. It sometimes spreads to the bottom of my back too. The midwife had suggested physio but I had physio a while back for my knees and I found it a waste of time so I have opted out of that and I now need to find a support belt. I dont think theyd induce you earlier than 37 weeks so there wouldnt really be any risks that would be the result of being induced. Work is tough for me too and because of that Im taking my maternity leave from 30 weeks. So from the end of jan/start of Feb I will have finished work :) looking forward to that not going to lie!!!

Oh it’s awful isn’t it Cossie :( I feel totally naff. And work is getting harder. I wanted to try and go as long as possible before going off but may have to re-evaluate. Bet you can’t wait. Proper countdown for you!! What does being induced actually mean?? Like what do they do?

Loula I don’t know how you manage night shifts!! I couldn’t do it!
It’s really hard, I wanted to go to at least mid March but it’s just not going to be feasible. I can’t wait though. It’ll be nice to spend some time with DS before baby girly comes along.

I wasn’t induced with DS but from what I understand they start with a pessary which contains a small dose of the hormone that your body produces that kicks labour off. And if that doesn’t work I think they put it into your system via a drip. Which kicks off the contractions and everything is a go from there. Labour is the same as if you were to go in naturally it’s just brought on artificially!
It's either do 2 half night shifts or do a 12.5 hour day in one go on a weekend. I was supposed to be working all day tomorrow but we have a family meal..
Only another 10 11 weeks to go and I'll finish x
eeek cossie not long til you're off work at all!! I've got 2 shifts this month and 2 shifts next month and im done,the restaurant i was working at has closed only opening for special events now so less shifts to do so ive pretty much broke up!

Cant believe some of us are tri 3 now! Just over a week to go for me!

Lovely clothes Kerry,I've been sorted through dd's old things this morning,got quite emotional haha.

Sorry youre both suffering with SPD beth and cossie,I've not had it but heard it can be torture. Hope it eases for you both!

My sis in law is a midwife so she told me all about induction last time,i was due to be induced at 41 weeks but waters broke at 40+6 so she came on her own terms before being evicted haha. They try a pressary to get your contractions going and if after a couple attempts that doesnt work they use a hormone drip and or break your waters which she said doesnt hurt at all. She said to me the drip can bring on contractions fast so she told me to get a epidural if i had to be induced but i didnt need to in the end. Suppose its different for everyone but end result is just the same as going into labour yourself. Must be nice knowing in advance the day baby will come,i rememebr the last couple weeks really dragging last time just hoping shed come everyday! Xx
Also did you ladies see in the ttc forum,melly got her bfp? Lovely to see she's pregnant again after her loss earlier in our group. Just fab news!! X
Thanks for the info girls I’m seeing MW on Tuesday so I’ll ask her to explain my options. If the SPD keeps getting worse I might end up being a March Mammy!! Lovely news for Melly xx
Aww what lovely news.
I've heard contractions can be more intense with an induction not sure how true that is x
Also did you ladies see in the ttc forum,melly got her bfp? Lovely to see she's pregnant again after her loss earlier in our group. Just fab news!! X

Ahhh sooo happy for her!! :) that is amazing news, thank you for letting us know! X
Aww what lovely news.
I've heard contractions can be more intense with an induction not sure how true that is x

Hi loula just jumping threads briefly. I had induction with DS and contractions definately got intense quicker than when i had natural with DD. Altho labour was quicker for me with induction x
Aww what lovely news.
I've heard contractions can be more intense with an induction not sure how true that is x

Hi loula just jumping threads briefly. I had induction with DS and contractions definately got intense quicker than when i had natural with DD. Altho labour was quicker for me with induction x
Also thread hopping, Ive had a emcs, a natural labour and an induction. I can say my contractions were more intense with my 3rd than my 2nd labour but better than my 1st which was a back to back labour which gave me continuous pain and was by far my worst labour.

But I can't say if the intensity of the contractions were just because of the drip in my 3rd labour as contractions didn't start until I had been on the drip 1.5hrs and turned up 3 times I think. My labour was only 40 mins long!! So the crazy contractions could just because I laboured really really quick xx

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V Day for me today!! Feel like that's another milestone reached.
This little lady is so low down, I feel like if I walk any distance I'm starting to waddle already, managed to avoid that with A until 35-36 weeks!
I've started getting heartburn. A woke up at 4 this morning needing a cuddle and I've not been back to sleep because of heartburn,OH & the dog snoring in sync and little lady playing football in there. Today shall be fun! On the plus side I've pretty much decided what I want for her nursery. Have any of you got Obaby furniture? They do a 'mini' cot which could really help with a very small room but it's mostly online I've seen them so don't know where I can go to see the quality of it.

Amazing news, congratulations Melly. Hoping for a very healthy pregnancy for you.

No experience of induction here but have heard from friends the drips make things more intense.

Can't believe you are starting to move to tri 3, home stretch!

Happy v day
We went out last night and then had people back here. Got onto bed at 230am OH is suffering bad and we have a meal with his family today haha.
Just out of curiosity would anyone like a Facebook group set up so we can keep in touch more and also when the babies are born to keep up with progress etc???
Congrats on v day CD!!! :D loving all these milestones now! Next one will be tri 3!

I was in bed by 9 last night :lol: but had a terrible nights sleep because my arm is hurting so much from that whooping cough jab and every time I moved it hurt so much and woke me up :(

Ooo that could be good Loula! Good thinking! :D

Pm me you Facebook's and I'll set one up if you want.
We've got one from the last time I was here and it's still going strong. X
Sounds a fab idea loula,i was thinking of suggesting the same. We had a facey group for November mummies back when i had dd and it was so nice having other mums to talk through all the frustrations of the newborn phase! We still chat and do secret Santa now 2 years on! Xx
That's lovely I have your pm. Currently out but will get the group up and running before midweek hopefully get some more recruits x
Has anyone dared to get on the scales to see how much they've put on or lost x
Aaaw that’s ace Loula! Hopefully this group will go strong for a long time to come! A friend of mine had a FB group from 7 years ago and they have now swapped it to WhatsApp instead :) but it shows that strong friendships are definitely formed at this stage!!

I got on the scales the other week after Xmas! I’ve put on half a stone x
Sorry to all those suffering with spd, hopemit doesn’t cause you too many issues.

So happy for melly, such amazing news :)

Happy v day for those who have reached it, I got there yesterday :) happy days

Love the idea of a Facebook page, our one from July 2014 is still going strong, we are all super close and I’d say they are
More extended family than friends, it’s been amazing to have such a great support network to. So I’d happily be part of a Facebook group wh you all :)

Today started well for us, took my son to soft play so he went off and did his thing and had loads of fun whilst me and his daddy chilled out, contacted midwife due to my itching getting worse and she tolde to go mau, so from 1pm till 3:30pm we’ve been there!! Had bloods done, got to call for results at 7 tonight, had urine done, for very high levels of sugar in them so they are pretty sure I have gestational diabetes gotta get my gtt done in the next couple of days and i also had blood in my wee so that’s been sent off to test for infection, just my blooming luck right there it don’t ever rain with me, it pours lol but at least all has been checked none the less.

Hope all is well with everyone else x

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