*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

2 big purchases today.
The pram and the nursery furniture x
Ooo nice Loula! We are using DSs travel system as its fairly gender neutral and we are just getting a cot bed as they will have to share a room as we only have a 2 bedroom house with no chance of moving anytime soon!

But we need to buy bedroom furniture for our room first as ours is literally disintegrating. We will be using the Moses basket that we have kept from DS so we will be just getting a new mattress for that x

Yeah because of the huge gap we didn't keep much so it's basically starting again for us aswell as it being my partners 1st baby.
I currently use the 3rd bedroom as my wardrobe room so major sorting out to be done in the next few weeks. We need new wardrobes but I'm not sure of we will get it or not.
Decided not to have a Moses basket just because she won't be on it long and I never had one with my 1st but they look so nice x
It must be kind of nice having to start again. I like the handiness of having some stuff already there but I have moments where I just think I would like to get everything new again.

We are having a Moses basket because not only did we use one with DS and we found it really handy having him by us for night feeds but because we have no idea how having a newborn around will affect DSs sleep. At least if she’s with us we can get her fed ASAP and it shouldnt disturb DS too much (fingers crossed!) x
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Happy new year ladies, hope you all had a lovely Christmas.
We've been so busy I'm exhausted today!
Getting mummy guilt feeling unorganised for this little one but like you Cossie we already have most things from A which are neutral because we stayed team yellow last time.
We got the next to me crib for this time round, especially as it'll likely be another c-sec so it'll be easier with night feeds hopefully. And we bought a blanket in the sale but that's literally all we have bought so far.

How are you all getting on?

Happy new year all, hope you all had a lovely Christmas, I’ve been ill the entire time and my sickness has ramped up a few notches, add heartburn to the equation and I’m struggling, could cry the heart burn is so bad :-( and the sickness is driving me nuts, the cough I’ve still got isn’t helping at all as I just feel exhausted 24/7 am struggling :-( and I’m back to work tomorrow, although we do have take two of our 20 week scan tomorrow which is at least something to look forward to!

Excited that we can finally say we are having our babies this year <3 cannot believe how fast it&#8217;s going!! What pram did you get loula?? We are also reusing Toby&#8217;s old stuff, we have his cot bed (just need new mattress) the Moses basket, mamaroo, bouncers his silver cross, everything we kept it all lol, even his highchair we kept! Had literally given up hope of having another baby and had just started passing all his old toys onto where I work, his baby play mat as well then I find out I was expecting this little one so stopped in my tracks, can only be thankful that I hadn&#8217;t got rid of the bigger more expensive things lol I even kept all his clothes, so I&#8217;ve sorted through then all and they are on the boys bedroom ready to be washed and ironed nearer the time. Now I&#8217;ve just gotta hope baby no.2 is definitely at he lol (fingers crossed) I blooming hope they get a clear image of the babies bits tomorrow!
We went for the mamas and papas sola 2 and the atlas furniture
All being delivered end of Feb as I hope to be ready by beginning of March.
Can't wait to go in the lofts here and mum's to see what we have.
Definately need bottles but I've found then cheaper on Amazon at the moment.
Think we will get a puddle pod or sleepy head for the cot at the moment she will go straight into her room or at least in the pram upstairs until it's taken outside.
Starting to get excited
I'm sure I'm nesting I've started cleaning cupboards and sorting things in the kitchen. I need an empty cupboard for the baby or at least a big shelf x
So exciting that we&#8217;re in the year of the babies!! Not long ladies. I&#8217;m going for a Moses basket because we&#8217;ve been given a cot bed which is huge and also baby&#8217;s room will be on the middle floor and we&#8217;re on the top so I think to begin with I&#8217;ll feel happier with her next to me!!

Its just been total panic stations in my house as I hadn&#8217;t felt baby move properly for a few hours and started getting myself really worried!! We were like 2 mins away from driving to the MAU to get checked out. OH usually really calm but I could see he was getting worried which was making me worse. Anyway, lay on my left side and had cold drink and within half an hour she was moving around and kicking again. Her kicks feel quite deep so I wonder whether she&#8217;s turned herself around or something!? Which could explain slightly reduced movement. I&#8217;ve just had some chocolate orange and she&#8217;s back to being a gymnast again. It&#8217;s scary how much we love these little munchkins already isn&#8217;t it! Xx
Mines been pretty quiet the past few days too Sunday's and Monday's are quiet days for little one. It's worrying but then I feel a little movement. She's right down low again too. I think where we've been so busy too over the festive period. I've found just being on my own for half an hour gets her shifting x
Happy new year ladies and hope you all had a magical Christmas! So sorry you were ill Kerry,heartburn is killing me too just like last time and Rennie's and gavsicon are doing sweet fa lol. Sickness has eased a bit tho so greatful for that. Had a lovely christmas staying with family and dd loved it all,seeing her face christmas morning was magic! Cant believe there will be another addition next time!!

Im so unorganised this time we've literally bought nothing! My mam got us loads of boys clothes for christmas which was nice but other than that haven't got a sausage! Were reusing most of dd's things too,got her travel system,car seat,cot bed,crib for our room,Moses basket for downstairs,baby swing,bath,high chair and play mat so most the big things are sorted. Just need to go through her clothes and pick out the gender neutral stuff then sell the rest and sort his room which needs a new carpet and a new coat of paint x
God tonight has been an emotional rollercoaster!! I was resting on my OH and all of a sudden felt a bit damp so sat up to realise ... one of my boobs has started leaking!! Haha. Anyone else at this stage?? My OH has had a few drinks and his reaction was hilarious - &#8220;OMG your boob is leaking!! This is a monumental moment. I&#8217;m so proud of you!!&#8221; Then he touched my boob and went &#8220;it&#8217;s a bit damp, I&#8217;m so proud of you!!&#8217;&#8221; &#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533; Cracked me up xx
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God tonight has been an emotional rollercoaster!! I was resting on my OH and all of a sudden felt a bit damp so sat up to realise ... one of my boobs has started leaking!! Haha. Anyone else at this stage?? My OH has had a few drinks and his reaction was hilarious - “OMG your boob is leaking!! This is a monumental moment. I’m so proud of you!!” Then he touched my boob and went “it’s a bit damp, I’m so proud of you!!’” &#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533; Cracked me up xx

Hi Beth,

I realised that the same is happening to me overnight, as I’ve started leaving stains on the sheet around boob level! It’s been happening for about a week now. Never in the day time though which is weird.
Oh that&#8217;s interesting that it happens at certain times for you both. I&#8217;ll keep an eye on mine and see if I&#8217;m the same. It&#8217;s very glamorous isn&#8217;t it haha x
No boob leakage for me! I didn't have any with DS either.

Heartburn is taking over and today I've started getting some serious braxton hicks. I don't remember ever having these last time, but they are actually quite painful! Hopefully they'll stop before I go back to work on wednesday!
No boob leakage here either but never had it last time,my nipples as rediculously dark though haha.

Cant believe you're having braxton hicks cossie,means were getting close to the home straight aahhh. Inever had them till right at the end last time so wonder if it'll be the same this time! Baby is moving non stop at the moment,i keel waking up cos he's squirming and kicking me like an octopus!! Dd has been able to feel him loads tho which has been nice,she keeps putting her hands on and saying "i feel seb kick" x
They say Braxton hicks get worse with each child.
Can't say I've had them but not sure what to look out for.
After a quiet few days she's making up for it today for sure x
Theyre supposed to not be painful, just like your tummy going solid and your womb tightens. But mine have been a bit like period pains quite low down along with tightenings and theyre very irregular.

Movements are good. Ive had a quiet few days too Loula but shes back to squirming around now :)

I've come to realise that when I start a new week on a Saturday, Sunday and Monday are fairly quiet. Maybe they are growing days as I get like period pains too like in the early days when there was alot of growing.
I don't think I've had Braxton hicks from what you describe. My bump goes hard and I can see a part of her pushing out I think it's her bum haha her sister did the same x
This one has gotten bigger again the last few days.

Bought some outfits for her that I've been eyeing up for weeks with some Xmas money from family.

We got a second-hand double buggy that will take the car seat same as DS's original single buggy did. Just need the raincover.

We have a Lullago crib for beside the bed (like a next to me but without the drop side). DS used to nap in a cocoonababy but our cat peed on it. Bugger as I got it stupidly cheap in a charity shop who had no idea how much they go for! Might see about finding another cheap second-hand.

Booked my whooping cough vaccine for 22nd January. Need to book in GTT for the same week. Then we're hoping to have our 4D scan the first week of Feb.

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