Hi Guys, I am posting this in both 2nd and 3rd tri threads as wanted to share with everyone...Now everyone has probably tried the tapping on the belly to see if they get a response but what I tried today had amazing results...I have a chime ball on a long chain that I usually wear every day and the length means it rests around my belly button. Clearly our baby girl has gotten used to this as this morning I tried two things. First of all you should lie in bed with sunlight coming in the window (if you can) and take your pj bottoms or whatever down below belly so basically your baby can sense the light...don't know about you guys but my baby girl ALWAYS kicks soon after sensing the light but only recently....
anyways, get into a comfortable position either completely flat or propped up on pillows. Now the first thing you will notice is that if you can get the sunlight to show shadows you will see more than you can feel...this amazed me as thought she was only kicking when felt her but clearly not. If you watch for a while it is like a scene out of aliens with gentle or erratic movements across your belly beneath belly button and if you're at similar week to me above also. Once you have ascertained your baby is awake. what I then did was take the chain from around me neck and lay the chime on my belly, what I then did was gently tap on the chime 2-3 times making sure to push a bit in with it and then wait. Now I though I would just have some fun with this but amazingly she responded by kicking/moving/rolling in exactly the same place as the chime ball, so I rewarded her with words and a stroke in that area and then moved the chime ball to another area and repeated the process, expecting this to be a fluke...it wasn't...she did it again and for the past 45 minutes have been playing this game. If you don't get a response straightaway simply tap the chime ball again in the same position regularly every few mins until you get a response...wow it was amazing and very clever...the thing is the minute I decided I'd had enough (she seemed to be reacting slower also and my back was hurting lol) and removed the chime ball she gave two almighty kicks as if to say 'again, again' lol. What fun! I had to tell you all as its an amazing feeling not only knowing you have a baby moving in there but that they can respond to sound and touch so accurately like that! OK thatch me...phew...also probably best for sunlight and positioning to be first thing in the morning to try this as don't know bout you guys but thatch when my baby girl is most active...