2012 Roll Call!!

Urrrgghhh bummer!
Cant have the HSG X ray - ink through tubes this month as no one is available to do it!
What a load of rubbish - you have to have it done between day 8 & 12 of your cycle only.
Same could keep happening month after month they said! Great! Peed off now.
Oh well! xx
Urrrgghhh bummer!
Cant have the HSG X ray - ink through tubes this month as no one is available to do it!
What a load of rubbish - you have to have it done between day 8 & 12 of your cycle only.
Same could keep happening month after month they said! Great! Peed off now.
Oh well! xx

Hey hun im waiting for my appointment to come through for the same thing but they said because my periods are so irregular that they will accept a negative pregnany test so that i can have it done - otherwise i could be waiting month!! worth a try asking about it?? xxx
oh really , my periods are not irregular though,?
and I did say can I not have it done on Friday (day 7) as my period has already stopped and she no as your not in the 4 day window?
Just hope I can get in next month, otherwise I will try something else.
Just really hoped I would have all the testing done b4 Christmas. x
Different areas do it different ways. In my area you call on the first day of your period for am apointment a week later and it's pot luck whether they can fit you in
Yeah our gyno told us about the 4 day window but she said its because the ink is dangerous for pregnancies. so i think the 4 day window is before a person with a "normal cycles" ovulation. But obviously i could be waiting another 6 months for another af so she wants all the tests doing now.

Are your periods regular as clockwork? Do they last the same amount of time every month? x
Hey Corrinne,

I am having a HSG along with my lap and OD and on my hospital appt letter is simply says:

" You should not be having a period at the time of your procedure. The procedure should take place after day 6 of your cycle. You should abstain from sexual intercourse from the start of the period just prior to your planned procedure"

Personally if I were you I would just ring back and say you got your dates wrong and you are on the right day in your cycle to have the HSG.

I will be on CD38 on the date of my procedure, like you I have irregular cycles so have no idea if AF will arrive before then or not, hoping in this case that it doesnt.
Thanks ladies I did try to call back but no joy, no one to do it this month.
quote ' I understand how you feel but I cannot book you a slot if it isnt there'
Not even if I pay privately, apparently only 2 people in my local hospital can do this procedure!
So will just have to wait until next month. They better be able to do it then or ill get really mad!!! xx
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Sorry to hear that hun! My quote from the yesterday was "you may have all the paperwork to book it at home with you, but you dont have a referral here for it" I wonder if they would be more sympathetic if they knew what it felt like to go through all this!!!

I have my fingers crossed for you for next month chick xxx
In my area, I was told that the appts are booked so far in advance (like 2-3months) no one can be sure what date in cycle they are at when they get dye test done that basically you need to stop having unprotected sex from last period date before scan up until scan so you know there is no chance of being pg.

Trying since June09, had all basic tests done on me and hubby all clear, regular "normal" cycles since Dec 10, appt with ACU 22nd December
Arghh Corrinne what a nightmare, at my ACU I was told I need to call on the first day of my next period to book my Hycosy and it will be about 2-3weeks later but we are not to have unprotected sex that cycle. Hope you managed to get booked for it next cycle.
May I join you all too?

Waiting for our first fertility specialist app. to come. Expecting the appointment to be sometime in january (damn 12 wk waiting list).


J x
hi girls! Just wanted to drop by and wish you lots of luck!!!!!

Here's to you and for a new year with new opportunities!!!


:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
Please add me, I saw fertility dr today and have been given metformin to take as well as clomid and next appt is 28th April 2012 xxx
Can you add me...I had fertility appointment Dec 1st, started Clomid cycle 1 Dec 2nd and have progesterone bloods Dec 21st.

Add me please. I have my 1st fertility app on 8th December :)
just bumping this so it doesnt get lost in all the posts xx
hi hun can you edit mine - hycosy scan is tues 20th december! thanks xxx
Can I add mine please.

Progesterone bloods weekly until my follow up appointment at fertlity clinic on 4th Jan :)
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waiting for 1st appt to come through, likley 12 week wait :( so will be around early-mid March.

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