Closed - old IVF thread

Thankyou Louise! She said that she doesn't want to rush it as I've just had keyhole surgery but i don't care that I've only just had it done I've been up and about since the day after. I'm looking at the middle of December so ages away :wall2: how soon after that do you usually start?xxx
Not sure about IUI, but for IVF I saw a fertility consultant who agreed to refer me and then about 12 weeks later the funding was in place I could start during my next cycle.

You might already be a step ahead with having had clomid, I don't know xx
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Welcome Tillie, middle of December will come around a lot quicker than you think :)
Hi Tinkerbell when is your next scan?
Just to let you know my follicle sizes/numbers were similar to yours and I scraped through and was allowed iui, so glad!! I think I had a 17, 16.5, 16 and the others stopped at about 14 after they'd coasted me for a day with no meds. So massive fingers crossed they will let you do the same!! Xxx
Well they say they only want 2 max, but I think Laurat had 3 although one ended up a bit smaller than the rest and they never cancelled her although it was on the cards for a while. She was at same hosp as me so I'm guessing 2/3 is their limit.

My 5/7 just wasn't gonna happen ;o/ Starting to get over it a bit now...... just need to look forward to a new year and new start.
Next scan is tomorrow which I'll be cd16 and if I'm not cancelled I think I'll be ready to trigger. If the smaller of the 4 is just on the edge of reaching 14 I think I'm going to really push them, plead and beg to let it go ahead.
Your sizes do sound very similar to what I expect mine to be tomorrow, I wish I could try coasting to slow the smaller ones but my body is in charge as I've had no meds since cd9.
Hope I don't get cancelled, have a lovely 10.2 lining waiting for a lovely egg to implant itself.

Skeando I really hope they can get your med doses perfect next time, seems like you are doubling what you need.

I went through similar problems with IVF, thought I wasn't responding too well an then realised I was risking over responding just a couple of days later.
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Hiya ladies :)

Does anyone wanna take over this thread?

The main page doesn't really need to be updated if you don't fancy, but someone who'd update the title might be nice when people get BFPs.

Just start a new thread with the same title and away you go ;)
Gosh 12weeks is good for ivf I think its about 12months where I'm from! I hate the waiting game though lol!xxx

Think, than you, I hope it flys by!! Do you have ivf or iui?xxx
That's rubbish you have a 12 month wait for IVF, I was lucky that there was no wait but we were only entitled to one cycle.
We did IVF first and now as we're paying having to try IUI.
I'm sure its 12months, not positive but I'm sure I've heard that before. However we do get 3trys on the nhs. Are you trying iui as its cheaper, sorry if i sound nosey. Did you have iui before ivf?xxx
Blood test tomorrow morning to check that the Buserelin is working and if so, I start the Gonal F injections tomorrow. Eek!
I'm sure its 12months, not positive but I'm sure I've heard that before. However we do get 3trys on the nhs. Are you trying iui as its cheaper, sorry if i sound nosey. Did you have iui before ivf?xxx

Yeah it's all down to money, IUI is costing £1000 where as IVF would be about £5000. We went straight to IVF with ICSI after investigations as if we had tried IUI before we wouldn't have been entitled to our nhs funded IVF cycle plus was initially told hubby's count was too low for anything but ICSI.
I how ever think my CM is causing a lot of the problems.

Hope you're ready to start Gonal F tomorrow Jacq, I have my scan to check if my IUI will be cancelled or not so big day for us both

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