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  • I have a blood test a week today to get a hormone profile, and if that's ok I go back the day after for a down regging injection which should stay in my system for 4 weeks, then I go for a scan on 8th July and will get a date to start gonal f injections and then that's us started properly.

    Yeah it is a bit weird its in the maternity hospital, but think it is just while the building work goes on. They are still doing all the embryo transfers etc at the Nuffield, think that will still be the case until about October.

    Can't believe how quickly it has passed for both you and laurat.... must be pretty uncomfortable in this heat tho. Will all be worth it when you have your baby tho :eek:)
    Hi missus just wondering how you're doing? I see you start ivf soon, do you have a date for when it's all kicking off? I see the royal have moved the acs to the princess royal maternity. Well I've noticed the sign when I go for my appts. Not sure it's appropriate to have it there tbh. But it was pretty grim down in that dungeon where it was before! My mum works in the royal and was telling me they are putting a lot in to the acs renovations...about time too!

    Less than 6 weeks til my due date, can hardly believe it. The time has flown. Hope you're good chick. I have a great feeling about your ivf, keep me posted. Good luck! Xxx
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