Update - 2nd ACU appt

Kay Kay

Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2011
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So we had our follow up appt at the ACU. The doctor talked us through the HSG results in a bit more detail - left tube is clear, right tube was a little sluggish but some dye did get through so he wasn't concerned.

Next step IUI! But as the waiting list is 18 months (yes, you read right, 18 months!) it will be October this year for us as they backdate it to when you were first referred so at least that's something. He also told us we are offically diagnosed with 'unexplained infertility' - he said there is no reason you can't get pregnant, which begs the question WHY AM I NOT GETTING PREGNANT??? (sorry just felt the need to shout there!).

Anyway it was all very positive, I asked loads of questions that I had written down beforehand. He said there's no point in clomid for me as I appear to be ovulating. The AMH test will be done nearer the time of IUI. He is happy with my cycles een though they vary each month, he was happy that the average is 34 days. So that was encouraging. He said the best thing we can do is to have regular sex, every 1-2 days and that I should stop with the opks! I said I couldn't make any promises on that :blush:

I'm feeling really positive, pleeeeeeeeease let it happen soon!!!!

Hope you guys are good - baby dust for all :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
Maybe you can view the IUI as a kind of back up plan?

In the meantime carry on doing as you are an hopefully this year is your year sweetie!

Fingers and toes crossed!

Sending you lots of :dust::dust::dust:

Back up plan!!!!! I have faith! I met a friend in Tesco the other day who was told she would never have children naturally - 3 failed attempts at IVF then she fell pg naturally and is now 7 months gone! i almost fainted when I saw her!! it will happen - believe xxxx
glad it went well and fingers crossed you wont need to go in oct cos you will already be pregnant xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
That's all great news, hun. Good luck in the meantime. Maybe it is time to just BD and throw out the rule book knowing you're going to sort it in October xxx
Hi Kay Kay, I have a really good feeling for you that it will happen before October. You know everything is great and you are having your accupunture which will keep your mind positive. I know it seems IUI is a long way away but you prob won't need to wait. Sending you hugs hon. I understand your frustration I remember sitting in the clinic saying 'but why??' it dirs not make sense. You will get there though I just know it xxx
I glad it all went well Kay Kay! Hopefully you will get your BFP before October. Im reckoning my 18 months may end up being October time too as ive been referred back since my mc in Feb! Could maybe end up IUI buddies!!!
Yeah! that's good. Looks like there could be a few of us Glasgow/ Royal Infirmary people having IUI this year. Hopefully we'll all be lucky :eek:)
Wow Oct.....that will fly, it always does in here!

I agree with your Dr.....lay off the OPK's, it defo gives you your life back. My consultant told us not to obsess over sex and just have fun and be us, we've done all we can. We need to remember we arent performing monkeys lol xxxx
Great news Hun!:)

I wouldn't be able to live without opks with irregular cycles, your's sound similar to mine were, if I'm not preggo this month I was thinking about trying without clomid but I can't imagine waiting til day twenty something for OV.

The jury's still out on clomid for me but it might be worth discussing with your doc?

Really pleased it went well for you hunny, as the ladies have said hopefully you will be nice and preggo way before October xxxx
Thanks so much for the positivity ladies :)

Laura and skeando, high five for the Glasgow Royal! lol laura that would be so funny if we bumped in to each other getting IUI haha! We can gab in the waiting room!

Chaz you are so right about the opks, I'm really gonna try and stop from now on. The witch is away now, it's cd 4 today so we're gonna start DTD every other day from tonight and not worry too much about ovulation time. Stopping opks means letting go of that tiny bit of control it gives me but think I have to for the sake of my sanity, 2 years peeing in a cup is a long time :blush:

Maybe - the doc has ruled out clomid as I def ovulate so it wasn't a long conversation. He said even though the length of my cycles vary I'm still considered 'regular' so that's that really. Think it would actually just increase my chances of multiples and I don't think I'm up for that! lol FX this is your month hun xxx

Gotta just let nature take its course I suppose....:clover:
I'm sure everything will work out for you Kay Kay, one way or another. And you have just sliced off and extra year off how long you thought you'd have to wait for IUI :)

You are still within 2 years, just, and some people do take longer so maybe you are just one of those unlucky lucky sods who it takes a while for but will still manage it naturally xx
Hi hon

I would steer clear of Clomid if you know you ovulate and are regular. Our fertility expert told us that clomid in someone like me could in fact have the reverse effect, in over stimulating my ovaries and that in turn could send me into early menopause. :-( never simple is it?? xxxx

Over stimulating ovaries also causes cancer - my risk has gone up by 2% already thanks to IVF :shock:

I'm sure i aleady asked somewhere, but when is your IVF Gizzy? I thought you said Jan?
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Hi Lou

We were given the option to start mild IVF in January privately but I wanted to get the immune tests done (now having them) plus I also wanted to get the Hycosy done. I know it does not matter whether my tubes are blocked for IVF but I wanted to make sure that we are a complete 'unexplained infertility'. couple and there is nothing more we can do to TTC naturally. (Plus all the other things I have tried ie accupunture, refloxology, hair tests, nutritionist, saliva samples, Reiki, blood analysis... & more recently hynotherapy... don't ask!!! lol)

However our NHS app came through in December (2 days after our private app) and the Doctor there basically said that if I get the Hycosy done then he will refer us straight on to the IVF clinic. He said we qualify for it on the NHS as we don't have any children, our age and the length of time we have been TTC. We get the choice of 4 clinics in London and Essex. I was sceptical because of waiting lists but my friend who lives local to me is at the same clinic and her wait for IVF is only 12 weeks with the clinic we will also chose. So if that is the case then I would rather have one go at IVF on the NHS before we spend £4-5k. That said I am still umming and arhing about whether to tak a loan out and just got for it. EVEN if we get referred in March, we are still probably looking at June/July which seems ages yet. It is only Neil who is much more sensble with money holding out for the NHS referal being quick.

So thats our update.

Gizzy xxxx

Ps I hope your birthday was nice and chilled out and you got spoilt.
Yeah I'm not interested in clomid...I admit I did have a bit of clomid envy a few months ago when a lot of you ladies were taking it, just cos it's frustrating when there is absolutely nothing they can do/give me :shakehead:

Meantime I will continue with my acupuncture, exercising, healthy eating, cutting down on booze and trying to chill....and praying :pray: xxx

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