♡ October 2020 Mummies ♡

Good to see others are experiencing them. So basically hiccups at this late stage are normal? X

Thread hopping from September - with my son, he had hiccups same time every day from about 25 weeks til he was born (and for his first few weeks after that too!!) This little girl hasn’t been as frequent but still a couple of times a week up to now (35 wks today) So definitely normal for me xx
My son had hiccups in utero pretty much my whole pregnancy haha. Totally normal. Hasn’t been as frequent this time round x
Thank you everyone for hiccup replies. <3Bloody hate google some times x
Ugh, remember the varicose vein in the VJ chat! Well I thought I might have one too but wouldn’t look. I did a bit of landscaping down there yesterday and thought oooooh this is definitely a bit puffy and yep there’s a flipping varicose vein! What’s the deal? Will it go away after? I feel like I’m falling apart now! My feet have started to swell and midwife has told me to phone physio about my coccyx! :?:?

Hope everyone’s ok! X
Ugh, remember the varicose vein in the VJ chat! Well I thought I might have one too but wouldn’t look. I did a bit of landscaping down there yesterday and thought oooooh this is definitely a bit puffy and yep there’s a flipping varicose vein! What’s the deal? Will it go away after? I feel like I’m falling apart now! My feet have started to swell and midwife has told me to phone physio about my coccyx! :?:?

Hope everyone’s ok! X

Landscaping :rotfl:
Ugh, remember the varicose vein in the VJ chat! Well I thought I might have one too but wouldn’t look. I did a bit of landscaping down there yesterday and thought oooooh this is definitely a bit puffy and yep there’s a flipping varicose vein! What’s the deal? Will it go away after? I feel like I’m falling apart now! My feet have started to swell and midwife has told me to phone physio about my coccyx! :?:?

Hope everyone’s ok! X
I haven't looked at mine since haha I keep meaning to landscape but its such a chew.. the only thing I can bear to use is hubbys trimmer :rotfl: I think they do go away after! Hopefully! I hope you get your coccyx sorted x
I got hubby to look and he’s not normally phased by that sort of thing and he was a bit shocked and asked if it would go away!!!

It was a big job! Really didn’t want to go into labour with a 70s porn bush!! :rotfl:
I got hubby to look and he’s not normally phased by that sort of thing and he was a bit shocked and asked if it would go away!!!

It was a big job! Really didn’t want to go into labour with a 70s porn bush!! :rotfl:

Pleased to inform u that mine has gone away after giving birth just a week ago. All back to normal already.. thank god lol
Has anyone started washing baby clothes, putting prams, cots etc up yet? X
Has anyone started washing baby clothes, putting prams, cots etc up yet? X
Almost all my baby clothes are washed and put away/in the hospital bag. Pram has been up weeks, just need to suss the car seat when I get my new car next weekend. And the nursery furniture is all up :)
Has anyone started washing baby clothes, putting prams, cots etc up yet? X
Not yet. I think I’m going to go shopping next weekend for hospital bag essentials and then start washing clothes around 35/36 weeks. I’ll probably start sorting and bringing out all of babies stuff around 38 weeks x
I’ve washed baby’s clothes and put them in the dresser in the spare room. Realistically she won’t be sleeping in her own room for a year so I’m not taking down the spare bed etc. this time. The cot won’t be set up until bub outgrows the next-to-me (which is also not set up). Last time we had the cot set up in the nursery and had to take it down anyway to get it out of the nursery and into our room. So assembling it before she was born was a giant waste of time haha

My double pram is still in the box, and will probably stay there until 5mins before our first outing as a family of 4! It’ll just take up space and/or get dirty sitting out.

Car seat will go in the car at 38wks or when I go into labour, whichever comes first! I’ve already played with how to install it and it’s just a few clicks so won’t take more than 10mins.

Hospital bag is a work in progress. It was done but the hospital just announced tougher restrictions (no visitors at all, your one support person can’t leave at all once they’re in the hospital) so I really need to pack more just in case I have a longer stay for whatever reason. Hubby and I went to the local markets on the weekend to get some high waisted baggy hippy pants to wear if I have a c-section. He was very happy because he got to haggle and got me a good deal (why do men like to haggle?). I also need to get some warmer preemie size clothes for bub as she’s probably going to be small like her sister was, and I had no clothes for her in the hospital!
Wow you’ve been busy @Natalie8964
Reassuring @kj1 and @WinterWolf that your not ready. When I got home from my hospital stay I made my husband get everything out of the house. Seems a bit silly now but felt right at the time. Starting to think I want it back now and to get a little bit ready!! X
Wow you’ve been busy @Natalie8964
Reassuring @kj1 and @WinterWolf that your not ready. When I got home from my hospital stay I made my husband get everything out of the house. Seems a bit silly now but felt right at the time. Starting to think I want it back now and to get a little bit ready!! X
I just like to be organised! I have the bags and lists laid out in babys room lol. I just figure it as I want as little to do when I'm getting towards the end and probably twice as uncomfortable as I am now haha. I'm 34 weeks now so figure baby could technically come at any time now (although I hope they don't of course) and I'd hate to be rushing about when I could be relaxing as much as possible! I never understood the superstition about keeping the pram out of the house. Everything else is here and they have their own room so why not have the pram too lol x
You can tell FTMs from second time mums at this point.. the ones who have nothing organised are always us second timers. I had everything 100% ready at 34wks last time!
Im trying to be a bit more organised this time! When I got to 37 weeks last time I kept saying to my hubby baby could come anytime now but I didn’t mentally prepare myself and she did come!! I’m going to try and get everything sorted by 37 weeks but it’s just a case of setting up what we already have and finding breast pump etc. I’ve sorted through a years worth of my daughters clothes and washed the newborn bits. We’ve had a lot on with moving to a new house but the end is definitely near! Biggest waste of time for me is setting up a cot that baby will probably never sleep in!
Had my 34 week app today. Baby measuring 'big' still.. over the 97th percentile on my chart :shock: however I am following the same curve, bump was 28cm at 28 weeks, 33cm at 32 weeks and 35cm today at 34 weeks. Midwife didn't seem bothered, but I dont gel with her at all - does this sound OK? I'm sure it is and the main thing is they're growing each time!
Had my 34 week app today. Baby measuring 'big' still.. over the 97th percentile on my chart :shock: however I am following the same curve, bump was 28cm at 28 weeks, 33cm at 32 weeks and 35cm today at 34 weeks. Midwife didn't seem bothered, but I dont gel with her at all - does this sound OK? I'm sure it is and the main thing is they're growing each time!
Honestly, don’t worry! My son was predicted 90th centile and born 50th so bang on average! You could just be carrying a lot of amniotic fluid x

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