♡ October 2020 Mummies ♡

You can tell FTMs from second time mums at this point.. the ones who have nothing organised are always us second timers. I had everything 100% ready at 34wks last time!
Haha totally! I was completely ready by 30 weeks last time I think, bar the hospital bag which I had packed by 35 weeks. For some reason I have it in my head that that’s why the last weeks dragged so much as I felt ‘ready’ so I’m just leaving it last minute now lol x
I'm all ready other than putting the car seat back in the car. We had it installed but took it out so I could fit more kids in my car. I think we will probably put it back in around about 37 weeks. I also need to put the birth stuff in the car probably around about the same time but it's all packed ready to go.

I've got bad sciatic pain right now. I think I keep scaring my oldest because the sounds I make when I try to move are similar to when I'm in labour.

I have finally had my first real appointment which was at the hospital - at 32 weeks! Craziness if you ask me. I've been told I most likely won't see them again until I am in labour now. I'm now seeing a new GPO along with the midwives that work with her as well as at the hospital I'm booked into. Hoping that care will start to become a bit more normal now.
So after a bit of time on Google it seems it's pelvic girdle pain, not sciatic.
@MammaOfMany Oh you poor thing, I've got PGP/SPD too. Its borderline crippling at this point! The physio at the hospital gave me some exercises to do and support belts to wear, but they're not doing anything for me. Its worth getting a referral to see a physio anyway though, maybe they can help you.

Where in Aus are you? Not seeing anyone until 32 weeks seems really weird!! I have face-to-face appointments at the hospital fortnightly until birth now.
I've booked in to see a physio next week. I didn't want to wait until after my next appointment since that's almost 2 weeks ago and right now I can not sit down because it's absolutely excruciating to stand back up and I can't stand for long either so I'm laying in bed or on the couch most of the day. I'm hoping they will be able to help. Sorry to hear that it hasn't really helped you though @WinterWolf.

I'm in Perth. My regular GP stopped working towards the beginning of the pregnancy and the new one I transferred to was only doing phone appointments and was really hands off. I got the referral written up for the hospital at about 13 weeks and every time I told the GP that I hadn't heard from them she kept saying that it's normal to not hear from them by this stage until finally they chased it up and a referral had not been received so a new one was sent and then there was the whole waiting period for all of that to go through. Thankfully this is not my first pregnancy.
Ohh I'm sorry your GP has messed you around so much! I'd have been freaking out if I got to tri 3 and still hadn't heard about the hospital referral. At least its sorted now :)
35 weeks now and I've just started getting carpal tunnel. Another thing to add to the list of aches and pains I guess. Still, only 5 weeks to go! <3
Oh no, you are having such a hard time with these pains. It is good that we are on the homestretch now.
I was suppose to be back at work tomorrow with all the kids being back at school but my head emailed to say I ‘can’t come back into school’ and should work from home!

I’ll be shocked if I make it to my due date. I think it’ll be mid Sept to late Sept for me!! X
So I had to go to the hospital at 10pm last night due to reduced movements and a bout of contractions that were 3mins apart for over an hour (they stopped after I had a nap but baby didn't move properly afterwards). While I was there baby seemed fine but they're making me have a scan on Monday to be sure. They had me on the contraction monitor and I was having constant little contractions and then about three big ones every 20mins. They said it "could be the start of something or could be nothing". Eep.

Today, since 7am (its 1:30pm now) I have been having on/off irregular contractions and I feel like vomiting. I've taken Paracetamol, had a lie down, and had a shower and they're still there. I hope this is just a false alarm because if I go into labour before 37 weeks I can't give birth at my local hospital, have to go to the big one with the bad rep! Currently 35+5, will have to see how the rest of the day plays out I guess.
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So I had to go to the hospital at 10pm last night due to reduced movements and a bout of contractions that were 3mins apart for over an hour (they stopped after I had a nap but baby didn't move properly afterwards). While I was there baby seemed fine but they're making me have a scan on Monday to be sure. They had me on the contraction monitor and I was having constant little contractions and then about three big ones every 20mins. They said it "could be the start of something or could be nothing". Eep.

Today, since 7am (its 1:30pm now) I have been having on/off irregular contractions and I feel like vomiting. I've taken Panadol, had a lie down, and had a shower and they're still there. I hope this is just a false alarm because if I go into labour before 37 weeks I can't give birth at my local hospital, have to go to the big one with the bad rep! Currently 35+5, will have to see how the rest of the day plays out I guess.

Sounds bloody stressful. Here's hoping she stays put a little bit longer! Goodluck!
Fingers crossed she stays put! Not long now until 37 weeks! I had to go in a couple of times for reduced movements with no.1 she moved on the monitor but I just couldn’t feel her!

That’s funny you say that about contractions I woke up Thursday night having what felt like contractions them Friday evening I had them on and off every 10 mins or so for an hour ish and it was a bit painful. I thought they might be braxton hicks but they said they aren’t painful :? Nothing on Saturday though. I didn’t have any twinges, aches or pains last time but waters broke and that was it!
So I had to go to the hospital at 10pm last night due to reduced movements and a bout of contractions that were 3mins apart for over an hour (they stopped after I had a nap but baby didn't move properly afterwards). While I was there baby seemed fine but they're making me have a scan on Monday to be sure. They had me on the contraction monitor and I was having constant little contractions and then about three big ones every 20mins. They said it "could be the start of something or could be nothing". Eep.

Today, since 7am (its 1:30pm now) I have been having on/off irregular contractions and I feel like vomiting. I've taken Paracetamol, had a lie down, and had a shower and they're still there. I hope this is just a false alarm because if I go into labour before 37 weeks I can't give birth at my local hospital, have to go to the big one with the bad rep! Currently 35+5, will have to see how the rest of the day plays out I guess.
Oh blimey! I really hope it's just a false start and she stays put for the time being. Try and rest as much as you can! X
So I had to go to the hospital at 10pm last night due to reduced movements and a bout of contractions that were 3mins apart for over an hour (they stopped after I had a nap but baby didn't move properly afterwards). While I was there baby seemed fine but they're making me have a scan on Monday to be sure. They had me on the contraction monitor and I was having constant little contractions and then about three big ones every 20mins. They said it "could be the start of something or could be nothing". Eep.

Today, since 7am (its 1:30pm now) I have been having on/off irregular contractions and I feel like vomiting. I've taken Paracetamol, had a lie down, and had a shower and they're still there. I hope this is just a false alarm because if I go into labour before 37 weeks I can't give birth at my local hospital, have to go to the big one with the bad rep! Currently 35+5, will have to see how the rest of the day plays out I guess.
Oh gosh, stay put a little longer little one! Hope things settle down...rest up x
I hope your little lady stays put @WinterWolf! I had loads of contractions with the second one too but only delivered 1 day after due date!x
Thanks all. They stopped last night but now that I’m up for the day they’re pretty frequent again. They hurt quite a bit too, I have to stop and breathe through them. I don’t know what’s going on - prodromal labour?
@Kitana You’re giving me hope! One week all of a sudden feels like such a long time. I hope we make it to 37 weeks (watch me go to 42 now that I’ve said this lol)

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