So I had to go to the hospital at 10pm last night due to reduced movements and a bout of contractions that were 3mins apart for over an hour (they stopped after I had a nap but baby didn't move properly afterwards). While I was there baby seemed fine but they're making me have a scan on Monday to be sure. They had me on the contraction monitor and I was having constant little contractions and then about three big ones every 20mins. They said it "could be the start of something or could be nothing". Eep.
Today, since 7am (its 1:30pm now) I have been having on/off irregular contractions and I feel like vomiting. I've taken Paracetamol, had a lie down, and had a shower and they're still there. I hope this is just a false alarm because if I go into labour before 37 weeks I can't give birth at my local hospital, have to go to the big one with the bad rep! Currently 35+5, will have to see how the rest of the day plays out I guess.