♡ October 2020 Mummies ♡

Congratulations ladies! Lovely to see the birth announcements :love: xxx
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Hey everyone! Thought I would pop an update on here!

Miles Grant (Lastname) was born on 9th October at 851am. He is 8lbs 7 and 3/4oz and just the most amazing little man in the world.

I was overdue by 6 days in the end and absolutely miserable. Spent the day of the 8th pretty miserable and just wanting to be on my own. I had taken a couple of baths during the day and was feeling crampy but put this down to my cervical sweep that I had the day before. I had already lost my mucus plug and had a bloody show from the first sweep that I had had on the monday.

About 10pm I went up and had a bath and noticed that I was having very clear contractions that I could finally tell when they started and stopped. I started timing them and they were 8 mins apart lasting about 1 minute each. I got out the bath and phoned the hospital and they said to make my way in once they were about 6 mins apart.

I spent the night in bed with my son cuddling him and labouring away, it wasn't overly painful and I had a couple of snoozes.Woke at about 230am and they seemed to be about 5 mins apart so I woke up my partner and said I think we should think about heading in as the hospital is about 35 mins away.

We said goodbye to my son and woke up my mum to get him to look after him and headed off. Turns out there were road works on the way and we had to follow a convoy system for about 4 miles at 10 mph! I was raging.

Contractions sped up in the car but were not lasting as long. When we arrived at hospital we were taken to triage for assessment and I was only between 3 and 4cm dilated. I had some dihydrocodeine and paracetamol and was able to sleep in between contractions.

At about 6am I was in tears, they were really becoming much more intense and the pressure in my bum was building. I was getting seriously frustrated because I hadn't been checked again and was pretty much just left to it with no info on progress. It all got a bit much and I had my partner buzz and ask for gas and air in the room. Once I got that I was laughing... literally haha

They checked me again and I was at 6cm. I was pretty gutted as I thought I would be further along but I was like at least I'll get an epidural. It was at this point I got taken to the labour ward and delivery room. This is all pretty much a blur now as I was pretty much screaming with every contraction.

I didn't even get a chance to get on the bed before I was saying that I needed to push. No time for that epidural then. They wanted to insert a canula (don't know why they waited until I literally was in agony to do this) and it took 2 attempts in different hands - which would prove completely futile because during pushing I accidentally ripped it out...

I was up on the bed on my knees bent over the back of the bed and I started pushing. After the first big push I felt my waters go, and it came out in gushes for the next 2 or 3 contractions. At one point I must have pulled the adapter off the gas and air and I was screaming for it to be fixed - this was as his head was crowning and I thought I was going to be ripped in half! It got fixed in the end and his head was out but his shoulders were not. The midwife was telling me to wait for the next contraction and to give one last big push. The contraction seemed to just never come and little Miles started to cry while he was still half inside! They were all commenting that it is so strange for a baby to cry whilst still in the middle of being born!

Eventually that contraction came and he came out. They passed him between my legs and I just started sobbing. It was absolutely amazing. I was a bit worried because it was when my placenta was delivered in my first birth that I haemoraghed and it all got a bit mental. The placenta was delivered and nothing happened so I was totally fine!

We did some skin to skin and he latched on for a bit of colostrum. I got my tea and toast (magical) and then after about 2 hours I got helped for a shower and a change of clothes.

Miles had pooped inside me on the way out so we were told we would have to be monitored for 12 hours to make sure all was fine. We were taken up to the ward and just spent our time cuddling and feeding.

We got home the next morning to a very excited big brother and have just been having amazing family cuddles ever since.

Can't wait to read the rest of your stories!
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Hey everyone! Thought I would pop an update on here!

Miles Grant (Lastname) was born on 9th October at 851am. He is 8lbs 7 and 3/4oz and just the most amazing little man in the world.

I was overdue by 6 days in the end and absolutely miserable. Spent the day of the 8th pretty miserable and just wanting to be on my own. I had taken a couple of baths during the day and was feeling crampy but put this down to my cervical sweep that I had the day before. I had already lost my mucus plug and had a bloody show from the first sweep that I had had on the monday.

About 10pm I went up and had a bath and noticed that I was having very clear contractions that I could finally tell when they started and stopped. I started timing them and they were 8 mins apart lasting about 1 minute each. I got out the bath and phoned the hospital and they said to make my way in once they were about 6 mins apart.

I spent the night in bed with my son cuddling him and labouring away, it wasn't overly painful and I had a couple of snoozes.Woke at about 230am and they seemed to be about 5 mins apart so I woke up my partner and said I think we should think about heading in as the hospital is about 35 mins away.

We said goodbye to my son and woke up my mum to get him to look after him and headed off. Turns out there were road works on the way and we had to follow a convoy system for about 4 miles at 10 mph! I was raging.

Contractions sped up in the car but were not lasting as long. When we arrived at hospital we were taken to triage for assessment and I was only between 3 and 4cm dilated. I had some dihydrocodeine and paracetamol and was able to sleep in between contractions.

At about 6am I was in tears, they were really becoming much more intense and the pressure in my bum was building. I was getting seriously frustrated because I hadn't been checked again and was pretty much just left to it with no info on progress. It all got a bit much and I had my partner buzz and ask for gas and air in the room. Once I got that I was laughing... literally haha

They checked me again and I was at 6cm. I was pretty gutted as I thought I would be further along but I was like at least I'll get an epidural. It was at this point I got taken to the labour ward and delivery room. This is all pretty much a blur now as I was pretty much screaming with every contraction.

I didn't even get a chance to get on the bed before I was saying that I needed to push. No time for that epidural then. They wanted to insert a canula (don't know why they waited until I literally was in agony to do this) and it took 2 attempts in different hands - which would prove completely futile because during pushing I accidentally ripped it out...

I was up on the bed on my knees bent over the back of the bed and I started pushing. After the first big push I felt my waters go, and it came out in gushes for the next 2 or 3 contractions. At one point I must have pulled the adapter off the gas and air and I was screaming for it to be fixed - this was as his head was crowning and I thought I was going to be ripped in half! It got fixed in the end and his head was out but his shoulders were not. The midwife was telling me to wait for the next contraction and to give one last big push. The contraction seemed to just never come and little Miles started to cry while he was still half inside! They were all commenting that it is so strange for a baby to cry whilst still in the middle of being born!

Eventually that contraction came and he came out. They passed him between my legs and I just started sobbing. It was absolutely amazing. I was a bit worried because it was when my placenta was delivered in my first birth that I haemoraghed and it all got a bit mental. The placenta was delivered and nothing happened so I was totally fine!

We did some skin to skin and he latched on for a bit of colostrum. I got my tea and toast (magical) and then after about 2 hours I got helped for a shower and a change of clothes.

Miles had pooped inside me on the way out so we were told we would have to be monitored for 12 hours to make sure all was fine. We were taken up to the ward and just spent our time cuddling and feeding.

We got home the next morning to a very excited big brother and have just been having amazing family cuddles ever since.

Can't wait to read the rest of your stories!

What a story! Giving birth is so intense!
He's such a cutie!:love:
Welcome little Miles! Good job Mummy!x
Congratulations to all you October Mummies who have already given birth <3
An update from me, I'm still pregnant. My blood pressure has been high and I've been feeling dizzy and spacy. I don't have any other symptoms but they did test me for pre-eclampsia twice just to be sure. I'm getting regular monitoring. The Ob keeps mentioning induction. She did a stretch and sweep but it doesn't seem like it's done a great deal to get things going.

Oh, to make things even more fun my urine test strip yesterday came up as a rainbow indicating I have a UTI.
@monkey1988 We have very similar birth stories! Congratulations again.

@MammaOfMany How far along are you now? Hopefully baby comes naturally on his own and you can avoid the induction. I’m sorry you’ve got a UTI - it’s really the worst possible time for one isn’t it!!
Happy due date @MammaOfMany! Hope baby doesn’t keep you waiting too long!

Has anyone got any tips for sciatica? I can hardly walk! It’s so infuriating to have this now when I’ve been fine pregnant! :confused:
Thanks ladies. Still going though.

@Xsarahh I suggest seeing a physio, otherwise you can find some stretches and exercises online that may help. A physio will probably be able to help you faster though as they can work out the problem areas and work on them based on your specific situation.
I’m still pregnant too but have been having lots of regular cramping over the past 2 days so don’t think I’ll be waiting too much longer. My consultant has really been pushing me for an induction from 39 weeks due to size of baby which I’ve declined however I was in for reduced movements yesterday and so have reluctantly agreed to induction on Sunday (due date) if baby doesn’t make an appearance before then. Hoping she comes by herself naturally before then x
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The race is on @kj1 . Thankfully my blood pressure was down yesterday so they weren't pushing for an induction but are still wanting to book me in for one in about a week or so.

I was out walking yesterday. Time to get serious about getting this baby out.
It is @MammaOfMany! Going to spend all day tomorrow doing everything I can to get things moving. When are you booked in for induction?
They called today. They are (currently at least) willing to let me go for a while and have booked me in for the 25th for induction.

This is the first time ever that there has even been talk of induction let alone actually being booked in for one. So much about this pregnancy is so different.
@MammaOfMany I’m sure baby will arrive by then, 10 days from due date is quite a long time! How are you feeling? Are you all ready otherwise? I still can’t believe I’m having (another) baby hahahahaha

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