♡ October 2020 Mummies ♡

Baby Sophia Mabel was born on Monday by section. First stage of labour was incredibly fast - waters went at 2.30pm then bloody show about 45 mins later, it was very bloody so they said to come in and be checked. By the time I got in and had my VE I was 8cm!!!

It was another 7 hours or so until Sophia was born though. She was fully back to back. I had only gas and air until I was fully dilated and pushing about 3 hours, first on my own then being coached. She wasn't budging so theatre it was, had spinal and they couldn't even move her round with forceps so ended up with a section which was actually fine to be perfectly honest! She weighed 8lb 11oz and I don’t think I'd have pushed her out myself with her back to back.

Unfortunately on day 2 Sophia started having seizures. Shes been in neonatal since but is now doing really well. Seizures have stopped and the scans showed that she suffered some loss of blood flow to her brain at some point. We don't know what this means for the future in terms of development, possibly some restricted movement or use of her right hand side. But for now she's doing so well. She's our absolute world. I got home last night after a horrible few days on my own and hopefully it will be a few more days until she joins us.
Baby Sophia Mabel was born on Monday by section. First stage of labour was incredibly fast - waters went at 2.30pm then bloody show about 45 mins later, it was very bloody so they said to come in and be checked. By the time I got in and had my VE I was 8cm!!!

It was another 7 hours or so until Sophia was born though. She was fully back to back. I had only gas and air until I was fully dilated and pushing about 3 hours, first on my own then being coached. She wasn't budging so theatre it was, had spinal and they couldn't even move her round with forceps so ended up with a section which was actually fine to be perfectly honest! She weighed 8lb 11oz and I don’t think I'd have pushed her out myself with her back to back.

Unfortunately on day 2 Sophia started having seizures. Shes been in neonatal since but is now doing really well. Seizures have stopped and the scans showed that she suffered some loss of blood flow to her brain at some point. We don't know what this means for the future in terms of development, possibly some restricted movement or use of her right hand side. But for now she's doing so well. She's our absolute world. I got home last night after a horrible few days on my own and hopefully it will be a few more days until she joins us.

Oh gosh! I’m sorry you’ve all gone through that Natalie :( I hope she comes home soon! Congratulations on your little girlie though! You did it :D
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Congratulations @Natalie8964 , that was quite a journey! I hope she's home with you soon and that she has the best possible outcome.

I'm going pretty well @kj1. At times I feel like labour is very close and at other times it feels like we have ages to go. I got out and did weeding today hoping that the bending and everything would get baby to move down a bit more.
@MammaOfMany No way could I have done weeding at 40wks, good on you! I had a clary sage bath the night before I went into labour.. maybe it made a difference, who knows. :p
Congrats @Natalie8964!! Welcome little Sophia! I hope she fully recovers soon. Babies are so resilient and they heal so quickly, I hope this was just a temporary set back.
I can't imagine what you must have felt. The birth was already a challenge, your hormones wreaking havoc on your body and then those seizures. You are one strong woman Nat!:hug:
@kj1 how are you going? I'm guessing you have probably had your baby by now or close to it with the booked induction and all. I hope everything went/is going smoothly for you.

I'm still going. Am I the last one?

How is everyone settling in with their newborns?
‘Baby’ arrived yesterday evening at 5:30pm after a very quick 4.5 hour labour - I had the pessary fitted at 1pm and contractions started within 9 minutes!! It was super intense but an amazing birth experience. Feeling terribly lucky that it went so well considering my first birth wasn’t so great...

We are still in the hospital for monitoring as there wasn’t time for antibiotics during labour for strep b but all seems good so far. Hopefully we can make our way home this afternoon once visiting hours start and Daddy is allowed back in.

Here she is having a little morning snuggle and looking exactly like her big brother! 8lb 1oz

Any signs @MammaOfMany? We are still awaiting an update from @MandiF too xx

‘Baby’ arrived yesterday evening at 5:30pm after a very quick 4.5 hour labour - I had the pessary fitted at 1pm and contractions started within 9 minutes!! It was super intense but an amazing birth experience. Feeling terribly lucky that it went so well considering my first birth wasn’t so great...

We are still in the hospital for monitoring as there wasn’t time for antibiotics during labour for strep b but all seems good so far. Hopefully we can make our way home this afternoon once visiting hours start and Daddy is allowed back in.

Here she is having a little morning snuggle and looking exactly like her big brother! 8lb 1oz

Any signs @MammaOfMany? We are still awaiting an update from @MandiF too xx

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Congratulations, @kj1 :D I’m glad you had such a positive experience! Does she have a name yet?
Thank you @SockVortex <3 we’re back home and settling in. Big bro is not remotely interested! No name yet...
@MammaOfMany We’re loving newborn life, though it’s a bit hard juggling two little ones who always seem to kick off at the same time! My eldest daughter loves her new sister though and is always trying to hold her hand or pat her head. I’m happy she’s not jealous or going through any regressions (so far anyway). I hope you’re not pregnant much longer, pretty sure you’re the last one left now! x
Baby Sophia Mabel was born on Monday by section. First stage of labour was incredibly fast - waters went at 2.30pm then bloody show about 45 mins later, it was very bloody so they said to come in and be checked. By the time I got in and had my VE I was 8cm!!!

It was another 7 hours or so until Sophia was born though. She was fully back to back. I had only gas and air until I was fully dilated and pushing about 3 hours, first on my own then being coached. She wasn't budging so theatre it was, had spinal and they couldn't even move her round with forceps so ended up with a section which was actually fine to be perfectly honest! She weighed 8lb 11oz and I don’t think I'd have pushed her out myself with her back to back.

Unfortunately on day 2 Sophia started having seizures. Shes been in neonatal since but is now doing really well. Seizures have stopped and the scans showed that she suffered some loss of blood flow to her brain at some point. We don't know what this means for the future in terms of development, possibly some restricted movement or use of her right hand side. But for now she's doing so well. She's our absolute world. I got home last night after a horrible few days on my own and hopefully it will be a few more days until she joins us.

Congrats Nat xx I hope Sofia is with you soon X
Baby Sophia Mabel was born on Monday by section. First stage of labour was incredibly fast - waters went at 2.30pm then bloody show about 45 mins later, it was very bloody so they said to come in and be checked. By the time I got in and had my VE I was 8cm!!!

It was another 7 hours or so until Sophia was born though. She was fully back to back. I had only gas and air until I was fully dilated and pushing about 3 hours, first on my own then being coached. She wasn't budging so theatre it was, had spinal and they couldn't even move her round with forceps so ended up with a section which was actually fine to be perfectly honest! She weighed 8lb 11oz and I don’t think I'd have pushed her out myself with her back to back.

Unfortunately on day 2 Sophia started having seizures. Shes been in neonatal since but is now doing really well. Seizures have stopped and the scans showed that she suffered some loss of blood flow to her brain at some point. We don't know what this means for the future in terms of development, possibly some restricted movement or use of her right hand side. But for now she's doing so well. She's our absolute world. I got home last night after a horrible few days on my own and hopefully it will be a few more days until she joins us.

congratulations Natalie, I also had an 8lb 9oz baby fully back to back, you have my full sympathies and I hope you are recovering well! One of my friends who has 4 kids said her back to back labour was in a whole other league to her other three labours and she wouldn’t wish it on her worst enemy! Well done for getting through it. I hope Sophia is making a good recovery too and can be home safe and well with you soon x
@kj1 Congratulations! I'm so happy you had a wonderful experience. She's gorgeous... and her scrumptious cheeks and lips!

So far nothing really happening here. I get occasional stronger BH but nothing consistent. I can tell things are slowly preparing though. Another non stress test today. My car is going into the mechanics today so I'm actually hoping I won't go into labor just yet.
Congrats @kj1!! Welcome little one! I'm happy your birth went so easily! Enjoy those baby cuddles now!x
Thanks ladies, we are over the moon! My son, not so much. He’s pretty intimidated by her and will need some time still before he comes close or acknowledges her!

@MammaOfMany it really can’t be long now! Were your other babies overdue? I feel like you have posted the gestation at which you gave birth to them before but I can’t find it x
@kj1 have you considered buying your son a gift from your daughter? I'm not sure what else to suggest other than maybe there are some books you could read him that would encourage him to want to be more involved. It's always a big adjustment when a new baby arrives.

All of my babies except this one and one other were born in the range of 3 days before to 3 days over. The other one that went over was by 6 days but she was so low for so long.

We tried so hard to get things going yesterday but it didn't eventuate. Today we have an ultrasound booked to check baby and fluids. They have also moved the induction forwards to go in on Friday night although I am slightly considering whether I want to resist or not. We will see what the ultrasound shows first I guess.
@MammaOfMany yes we bought him a little gift but that didn’t do much. He has been a little better today and is showing more interest - he even stroked her head!

How did the ultrasound go? Have you decided on whether to go for the induction or not? X
They were not forthcoming with any information when we had the ultrasound. I guess we will just need to turn up tonight and have a good discussion about it then, unless I go into labor naturally before then which I'm really hoping for.

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