♡ October 2020 Mummies ♡

Yay massive congratulations @MammaOfMany. Wow only a 2hr labour! Mad! Let us know how your other kids get on with him x
Thank you ladies. His name is Aadam.

The labour went quite well but was intense. I'm so so glad I was able to avoid the induction drugs. Though they did hook them up to the machine and ask permission to give them to me, I outright refused as I was already getting contractions. I was disappointed that I had to stay hooked up to the monitors the whole time and therefore had restricted movement and no water for pain relief but I dealt with it. I managed to have the physiological third stage I had wanted in the end.
The other kids were so happy to see him. They were all lining up to have a hold, and then another hold. Let's see how things go when mummy's time is being taken up by him and the novelty wears off.
Lovely name :) I’m glad your labour went well. They wanted to hook me up to pitocin “just in case” as well, seems a bit weird if you’re having loads of contractions, like I was.

How cute that the kids were excited about him. Hopefully you’ll have lots of little helpers around! x
How is everyone going? I'm feeling the droop after the high. I don't think the lack of sleep helps at all. Then there's the worries and usual issues with breastfeeding - I don't know about for other people but it's never been a pain free adjustment for me and after getting mastitis multiple times I'm always on edge if everything is not just right. It seems Aadam has a tongue tie too which doesn't help the situation.
Emmy has a tongue tie as well. Her latch is a bit funny so she sucks in a lot of air. She gets super gassy, the poor thing. I have to burp her literally every 30 seconds. So we’ve swapped to expressing with some formula top ups for now. She’s taking 150ml per feed, which is mad to me since my first born was still only taking 60ml at this time. Other than that we’re all good. She’s a good wee sleeper and she passed her birth weight at 7 days old.
Baby Emerald was born yesterday at 40+3. <3 very quick rundown:

Contractions started 4:45

Went to hospital at 7:30

8:30 - 5cm dialated, got on the gas

11 - 7cm, has made me throw up, asked for epi

1 - 9cm, epi just gone in but not working

1:30 - pushing

2:25 - Emmy born!

Awww I just saw this! I dont know if you remember me from over a year ago. Got the weird feeling I wanted to check on a few people here and you were one of them! Huge Congratulations and what a beautiful name for your baby xx
Emmy has a tongue tie as well. Her latch is a bit funny so she sucks in a lot of air. She gets super gassy, the poor thing. I have to burp her literally every 30 seconds. So we’ve swapped to expressing with some formula top ups for now. She’s taking 150ml per feed, which is mad to me since my first born was still only taking 60ml at this time. Other than that we’re all good. She’s a good wee sleeper and she passed her birth weight at 7 days old.

Are you planning to get her tongue tie cut. I'm hoping they will cut it for me tomorrow at the Ob office.

Aadam is taking in quite a bit of air too but it's the painful latch and blocked ducts that are causing me more concern. My pump conked out after my previous baby and I'm hopeless at hand expressing so for now it's soldier on. I'm hoping we can get the tie cut quickly and fix the latch issues soon.
Oh no tongue ties are the worst! With my first the pain of feeding her was just as bad as labour! We saw a consultant at 3 weeks and had it cut which was quite lucky because a lot of people have to go private! Feeding a baby this time round without a tongue tie is a dream!
We had a day of cluster feeding pretty much all day yesterday I thought he was broken but luckily he is back to his normal self today! Hope everyone is getting on ok! <3
Are you planning to get her tongue tie cut. I'm hoping they will cut it for me tomorrow at the Ob office.

Aadam is taking in quite a bit of air too but it's the painful latch and blocked ducts that are causing me more concern. My pump conked out after my previous baby and I'm hopeless at hand expressing so for now it's soldier on. I'm hoping we can get the tie cut quickly and fix the latch issues soon.

No, I’m not getting it cut. They said it’s very minor and shouldn’t impact feeding, so her gulping in the air might not even be caused by it. I have no pain when she feeds. I’d rather just give her formula than get it cut if I’m honest though!
Awww I just saw this! I dont know if you remember me from over a year ago. Got the weird feeling I wanted to check on a few people here and you were one of them! Huge Congratulations and what a beautiful name for your baby xx

Hi Smithy, of course I remember you! Thank you!! How are you and your son going? Any plans for baby 2 yet? Hehe.
No, I’m not getting it cut. They said it’s very minor and shouldn’t impact feeding, so her gulping in the air might not even be caused by it. I have no pain when she feeds. I’d rather just give her formula than get it cut if I’m honest though!

I'm glad you have no pain. In your situation I possibly would not get it cut either.

Getting it cut is so quick and easy though, at least in the majority of cases. It's just a thin bit of skin and usually just requires one quick snip with scissors. I would put it on par (or maybe even less) with giving them a quick intra muscular immunisation. They cry very briefly then it's over and suddenly they can move their tongue.

The other thing to consider is it's potential to affect their speech. In your case that's not likely but for my kids I am sure it would have affected their speech quite significantly.

I'm glad that's not really a choice you need to make anyway. You never want to cause your baby pain if there's no need to. I suspect she will take in less air as she grows.
No, I’m not getting it cut. They said it’s very minor and shouldn’t impact feeding, so her gulping in the air might not even be caused by it. I have no pain when she feeds. I’d rather just give her formula than get it cut if I’m honest though!

Just as a note, my parents left my brother’s tongue tie but he grew up hating it and had it cut when he was sixteen. It had to be done in hospital with a local anaesthetic so a bit more intensive than when they’re babies.

Obviously she’s your daughter so you know what’s best for her :) I just wanted to relay my own experience of it.
Hi Smithy, of course I remember you! Thank you!! How are you and your son going? Any plans for baby 2 yet? Hehe.

We are very well, just sick of lockdown but who isn't? He is just wonderful, very lucky I have such a funny and beautiful boy. We would love another baby but a bit nervous to get pregnant at the moment due to track record with mcs. Definitely would love to within the next couple of years though!
Oh yeah I meant no judgement if you need to! Emmys tongue tie is very minor. The doctor told me it’s not worth getting it cut. If it was a bad one that was stopping her from feeding I’d be getting it cut right away - a few minutes of pain is much better than not being able to eat/talk in the future x

@SockVortex My friend had a horrible tongue tie that she got cut at 16 or so because she had a bad lisp. I wouldn’t leave it if it was serious like that :)

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