• May 2016 Mummies •

I'mOoh Emma :-) sounds like this really could be it! Let's hope so! Xxx

I'm off down the hospital as soon as we've dropped Oscar off with his grandad. Haven't felt baby move yet this morning, I normally feel loss through the night every time I wake up but haven't felt anything :-/ I normally have to persuade them to let me go in but the lady I spoke to was lovely and said to go straight in. I'm sure as soon as I get there, she'll have a good dance just to make me feel silly. But I'd rather be checked while there's someone to have Oscar and while OH is home.

Fingers crossed Emma this is the real deal and baby Logan doesn't make you wait too long.

Good for going in Jenni, hope baby is ok. Let us know how you get on.

I'm still waiting for baby to move this morning too, after his party from 8:45 til gone 11pm he has been very quiet again. In at 2pm for a ctg anyway but will monitor this morning xx
Just dropped Oscar off, on our way over to the hospital now. I'll keep you all posted.
These babies are certainly playing us up these last few weeks! Xxx

Had a few big ones then fell asleep for what felt like ages but was only about half an hour. Had 2 in 15 minutes after waking and I'm now up and about, in my mind I'm gonna plan to take the boys out as originally planned but realistically I don't know if il manage it. Plan was lunch, park and ice cream but I think lunch might be a tall order lol x
Congratulations Sarah :-) fab weight and gorgeous name.

Been on the monitor, trace was fine but still not felt any movement. MW was so lovely and reassuring, wish they were all like her! She could see I was worried and has made me promise I'll return later if I still don't feel any movement. She's booked me a scan for 10.30 tomorrow as this is the second episode of RM. still not happy she hasn't moved, but feel better knowing trace was good and that I can go back any time.

Oh Jenni I know the feeling, I've had 2 pokes all morning but heard his heartbeat on my doppler. I'm in at 2pm for a trace anyway.

Definitely go back if no movement as this is what I did yesterday, glad you have a scan booked up for tomorrow too.

Congratulations on baby Aria Sarah, so very jealous lol xx
Congratulations Sarah!

I've just lost a big glob of plug so had show and plug in last 13 hours-hopefully things are moving a bit x
I'm pretty sure I'll be going back later. I felt a tiny movement in the car on the way home, but nothing else since. It's just not like her at all. Even the MW was prodding my bump trying to get her to move but she was having none of it. It's so frustrating isn't it?!

Hope your monitoring goes ok again today.


Now I've said that, she's just moved again!! Yay :-)

Eek! Exciting emma, it must be you turn now surely!

I know it's really putting me on edge now. At a birthday party and just got a few pokes whilst doing pass the parcel sat on the floor lol

Hope she livens up for you Jenni xx
Eek! Exciting emma, it must be you turn now surely!

I know it's really putting me on edge now. At a birthday party and just got a few pokes whilst doing pass the parcel sat on the floor lol

Hope she livens up for you Jenni xx

I hope so, surely the plug means that my cervix has altered from this morning. Still getting contractions-they're about 10 mins apart now. I'm currently sat in the car whilst Chris has taken the boys off in the park because I really don't want to have to walk in public x
Bloody hell I go off for a day or two and all hell breaks loose!

Congratulations Sarah on baby Aria, hope Logan will be joining us too soon. Wishing all of you with rm well, sounds like you're all being listened too now and I'm sure all your babas will be fine.

Came home with baby Joe about 3.30 yesterday afternoon, only took that long because it was a Saturday and they started doing discharge checks later. It all happened very quickly in the end, got.in the bath about half 5, only managed an hour in there until I felt we had to go to hospital. By the time we got there after dropping Freddie off it was half 7. Was 5cm by the time got examined and went through to birth centre about half 8, straight into pool and had gas and air. Contractions were on top of each other and felt like wanted to push pretty much straight away. They were worried about baby's hb dropping in each contraction so got dragged out the pool and they broke my waters to put a clip on his head. This is what happened with Freddie so I felt there was still ages to go and asked for an epidural if I had 24 hours of this to go (that's how long my active labour was last time). But they said no and then took away the gas and air as well!!! I didn't understand why, thought they were being mean until they said but baby is coming now and you need to push. Pushing was weird, had an epidural last time so didn't know what it felt like, I was a bit scared to let go and do it properly but once I did it wasn't painful, just a really bizarre sensation, my body sort of convulsed itself when I let it. Head emerged ok, had to do a bigger push to get shoulders out but he arrived safe and sound at 10.42 and I only had a graze.

Amazed at myself and what the human body is capable of. Joe was 9lb 12oz, 55cm long and had head circumference of 38cm. He's big but perfect. Bfeeding going ok, still got some latch issues to sort out with practice and cluster fed all last night so tired and achey today but Freddie and hubby being great and letting me put my feet up when I can.

Will post some pics later x
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More babies! I'm going to pretend I'm not jealous, fat and miserably still pregnant and say a huge CONGRATULATIONS! Lovely, perfect weather for bringing babies home!

:) xxxx

Congratulations bobkat :-) sounds like a lovely birth story. Oscar's head was 37cm born, and he was only 8lb 4oz
Love all these may babies popping out all of a sudden! I'm really hoping for next weekend, even though I know it's never going to happen!!!
Love all these may babies popping out all of a sudden! I'm really hoping for next weekend, even though I know it's never going to happen!!!

You are so impatient.....get in line! :lol:
Could this be the early signs?????

Mrs H4L is starting to feel a couple of mild crampy pains and also a pressure type of feeling at back passage area. Still no show though.

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