• May 2016 Mummies •

Could this be the early signs?????

Mrs H4L is starting to feel a couple of mild crampy pains and also a pressure type of feeling at back passage area. Still no show though.

Could be. Could just as easily not be! It's so unhelpful, sorry. It's so easy to get false starts!! Until they're actual contractions I don't think you ever know for sure. Good luck! When's your next night shift?
Could this be the early signs?????

Mrs H4L is starting to feel a couple of mild crampy pains and also a pressure type of feeling at back passage area. Still no show though.

Could be. Could just as easily not be! It's so unhelpful, sorry. It's so easy to get false starts!! Until they're actual contractions I don't think you ever know for sure. Good luck! When's your next night shift?

Its so frustrating. Shes always said she would run late though.

Im back on shift tomorrow for five nights. Was really hoping for this weekend so i could start holidays without worrying when i go out at night. Ah well it wasnt to be.
I had those pains from 34weeks- sorry to disappoint but of course it could be labour.
Well I ended up back at the hospital this afternoon as I'd only felt a couple of movements all day, nowhere near the usual. Trace was absolutely fine again but still didn't feel any movement while there. The MW was at a loss and didn't know what to suggest, apart from maybe she's got herself into a comfy/awkward position with her arms and legs behind the placenta cushioning the movements. She said they would probably admit me to the antenatal ward, but they were full. She said the doc wouldn't advise induction or anything yet until nearer 40 weeks so not much point waiting for him to come round. I've got the scan booked for the morning, and she's said to go back in again any time before then if I'm still worried. She was so lovely, and I could see she felt bad that she couldn't really do much more. Since we've got back, baby has moved a fair bit so I'm feeling a bit happier. Just need to wait and see what this scan says in the morning.

How did your monitoring go Kanga?


I had those pains from 34weeks- sorry to disappoint but of course it could be labour.

I dont see it being labour. She must realise we still have too mu h to do around the house. Its neverending and like :wall2:
OK I'm freaking out. I plugged the gro egg in to see how warm our bedroom is and it's red with a sad face. It's far too hot for a baby in here!!! What am I going to do?! I'm going to roast my newborn :-( and it's not even properly summer yet!!!!

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OK I'm freaking out. I plugged the gro egg in to see how warm our bedroom is and it's red with a sad face. It's far too hot for a baby in here!!! What am I going to do?! I'm going to roast my newborn :-( and it's not even properly summer yet!!!!

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The week Noah was born it got between 26-30degrees in Cardiff!!
He pretty much lived in either just a nappy in the day or a vest for night!

Poor boy also had heat rash for 2 wks.

Nut yeah he slept in a vest & a thin celluar blanket.
Some nights i had the fan on in the bedroom, not directed at him obv, but it cooled the room xx
Try not to panic! It's just a guide to tell you how warm it is so dress baby in a bit less and they'll be ok!! Like babyslog says, a fan will help cool the room too. Leave windows open and curtains shut in the day. Honestly, baby will be ok with the heat - just wear a bit less xx
Jem don't worry. You can't predict, nor decide the temperature. You just have to be a bit creative with clothes, blankets, windows and fans. Baby will be fine.

We did a weekend course before I had Dexter and the woman running it asked what we'd do if the temperature got that high and my husband said he'd put ice packs in baby's cot!!!!! What a total dick! I swear the woman had us on surveillance with social services before Dex was even born!!! :) xxx

Well still no baby!
I'm now 3cm but baby is back to back which the mw thinks is delaying it.
Contractions got so bad that I was crying with them but still not officially in labour so just have to keep taking paracetamol.
Sweep at 11.30 so hopefully might be a bit more happening by then.
Also urine gone off because of suspected uti.
I'm shattered, had 5 hours broken sleep since 6am Saturday morning x
Oh good lord. It's never easy is it?! Bless you Emmam. I'm obsessed with getting sleep at the moment, just in case, but I have this twitchy eye that is driving me ****ing INSANE! I swear if I went into labour now, something would get it (probably hubby) thanks to my twitchy eye.

Fingers crossed that it moves on and happens for you love xxxx

Wow bobkat amazing birth story. I would have gone mental if the took the gas and air off me for pushing, it was the only time I actually got it as was already wanting to push when I got into the labour room with James.

I am also jealous of all these babies being born, although I know I may well be queue jumping this week!

Emma I seriously can't believe you are still waiting, you are a trooper going through so many "false" and painful starts! I can sympathise with a back to back labour as Harry was, I would try everything you can to try and spin him as I ended up with an emcs due to him being distressed.

Jenni, I'm glad you went back to the hospital to be checked even though she was still so quiet. Hope the scan goes well this morning.

My monitoring went fine and the midwife was really happy, but I just burst into tears after as I still wasn't feeling anything. She wasn't the most sympathetic but she did feel bad that there was nothing she could do it say just keep coming back if you're worried. Thankfully baby can a bit more of an active evening, no where close to normal but better. He has been moving a bit this morning too which is reassuring as the last week days I've not had any movements by now.

My scan is at 4:25pm then have to wait to see an on call consultant and have another ctg done so could be there quite a while. Anyone want to do some weight guesses? I'm going with 5lb 7oz xx
29+6 2lb 11oz
33+5 4lb 1oz
35+4 4lb 12oz
Now 37+4
IheartDex your poor poor man. Youve got him in your twitchy sight right now.
Wow bobkat amazing birth story. I would have gone mental if the took the gas and air off me for pushing, it was the only time I actually got it as was already wanting to push when I got into the labour room with James.

Ha, I did nearly belt her but it was because I was using it too well to breathe through the contractions she said I wouldn't be able to push as effectively, and she was right, I just couldn't believe I was at the pushing stage already so I got really confused while she was explaining. I got it back for the crowning lol!

Hope you're appt goes well today, I guess 5lb 8oz.

Emmam I can sympathise, Freddie was back to back and that slowed it down, hands and knees job to get him to turn, hope you get your baby cuddles soon.

We found opening all the doors and windows upstairs allowed a breeze to circulate which cools off the room, it was hot last night.
Thanks ladies for the responses, I've calmed down now. Think I was having a crazy moment last night as I had a couple of hours of very painful tightenings. Have had some more since I've woken up but if it's the start of anything it's going to be a slow process!

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When it's really hot we used to dress like in a nappy and a grobag
Just out of the hospital again. She went nuts while they were scanning, literally the most movement I've felt all weekend! Growth is all fine still, estimated around 7lb 7.5oz, blood flow and heart rate fine and waters all ok. The doctor looked over my notes, not sure why I haven't been feeling much movement but they've let me home for now. He said if I go more than two hours without movements, try all the usual tricks, then go back in and they'll look at inducing me as baby is 'fully cooked'. Still not happy about having barely any movements all weekend, but happier that scan was good and she's moving lots now and we now have a plan in place. I have a feeling I'll be back there before too long waiting for an induction....

Glad acan went ok hun!

Charlies turn to be a little monkey. Im currently sat waitinf to be monitored too. Been hear 1.5hrs tho and there was 10 women before me.
Not sure how many left to be called though! he literally hadnt moved ALL morning and since being here has given me a gd few kicks lol! Typical.

Im sure hell go even more mental on the trace!

Im roasting and starving. Just sent my mum downstairs to the cafe to get me a sandwich lol x

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