Glad the scan went well Jenni, I know they feeling about suddenly getting a flurry of movements whilst under watch by mw's or doctors! Then go home and get absolutely nothing, makes you feel crazy. Glad there is a plan in place for you now though.
Not Charlie too Dani, what is up will these May babies the last couple of days! Hate it when there are lots of ladies being monitored and you have to wait, I was waiting 2.5hrs the other day for just 10mins on the monitor and kicked out because they were so busy! Hope your not waiting too much longer.
3.5 hours til my scan now, getting more nervous and anxious xx
Sweep done....nearly 4cm, 70% effaced, cervix still a bit thick but he's started to move round, both the midwife and the student reckon he'll be here tonight xx
Maybe it's the heat getting to these babies? They're certainly playing us up these last few days! Hope Charlie behaves for you Dani.
I'm surprised the suggested induction tbh, with all the problems some of you have had being listened to, I feel pretty lucky! I think they maybe would have kept me in, but the ward is full and they'd got another 6/7 ladies due to come in! Must be something in the water.
OH is due to be away Wednesday - only for the day, but will be 4+ hours away so hoping everything is ok until then, or happens before then so I'm not calling him panicking to come home.
I hate these last few weeks of unknown :-/ xxx
Eek! Emma I really hope the sweep really kicks things off. You have been waiting long enough.
It is good that your hospital is being so good with you Jenni, I hate how different it is in different areas. Induction has been mentioned to me so much I just hope that they follow through with it all after my scan today, if not I think I will have a major breakdown. Baby is still hardly moving, more than yesterday but still not enough to keep me happy. Just hope they listen today.
Wow dani, I really hope you have been seen now. xx
Heading back in shortly I think, contractions still not as regular as if like but they're agony and almost on top of each other when they do come. Currently easing them in the bath-I was going to add clary sage but daren't! x
Had scan baby still below the 10th centile at 5lb 11oz but they are concerned about the continued reduced movements. Just going to have a ctg and then being admitted so I can see my consultant on ward rounds in the morning and possibly be induced!
Dani that was a long long day, but glad all is OK.
Glad baby is being more active for you today jenni xx
Aww Kanga i do hope u get induced tomorrow.
Even at that weight tho thats still good.
Ive had 2 friends both delivered in the 39th week & one had a 5lb 10 baby and other 4lb 10!! Both perfectly healthy.
But agree i think with all this RM its safer for him to come out now and be with his mummy!
Keep us updated for tomorrow!
Good luck Em! Im hoping ur staying in hosp now until Logan is born!!!! Xx
My tiny girl and I are back in hospital for high jaundice levels. She has to have light therapy and absolutely screamed the ward down when she went under it - first time I've heard her cry! Was absolutely heartbreaking and made me sob.
Its so so common in early births. My niece was 5wks early and had to spend almost a week under there too. Shes in the best place and will be tip top and back home soon!
Apart from that how is life as a new mummy kitty? Xx
OK whatever these pains/tightenings are, they're not playing around. Roughly every 5 minutes or so, but not hugely painful for the whole duration, they amp up and then die off quite quickly. I don't think it's the real deal just yet
Its so so common in early births. My niece was 5wks early and had to spend almost a week under there too. Shes in the best place and will be tip top and back home soon!
Apart from that how is life as a new mummy kitty? Xx
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