• May 2016 Mummies •

Sweep not until next Monday so il be 8 days over, then another booked for 10 days over and then hopefully induction a week on Saturday....that's hoping they've got space. Absolutely fed up, drove home from the midwives in tears x

Aw Hun!! I dnt get why they couldnt do sweep today? Ur already overdue!

Donu have an epo and rlt to neck down you? Gym ball to go mental on?
I no the fedup feeling, so close yet still so far! I hate EDDs for this reason!!! When they come and go u feel like utter shite! Xxx
Amazing news Eaw, bet you can't wait for baby squishes in your own home. Lovely news.

Em I cant believe they're leaving you that long for a sweep, esp after all the pains you've been getting, did they examine you at all, has anything changed since you went to the hospital? I've got a sweep when I'm 40+3 if its favourable so don't understand why you can't have one now.

And Jojo, 6cm!!! Can you tell me how you've managed that, fancy some secret ninja dilation of my own!
Fab news Eaw :-) so happy for you.

Emma that's rubbish :-( they don't offer a sweep in my area until 7 days overdue either :-/ in my last pregnancy I was under a different area (only 20mins away) and I think they offered me one just before dd but luckily I never made it that far! It's rubbish how all areas are so different. You'd think they'd take notice of how much you've been through already with all the false starts and give you a helping hand. But either way, Logan will be here very soon :-) xxx

We've been thinking about names again over the weekend. OH is still set on Mya, it's growing on me but I'm just not 100%. While we were walking with Oscar yesterday, out of nowhere he just said 'Mya.....Hiya' as clear as anything! OH was dead chuffed and said it HAS to be Mya now, as Oscar has picked it �� I feel bad saying no to it as he didn't really have much say in Oscar's name (he got to 7 days old with no name and I was fed up of calling him 'baby', so I decided it was Oscar and that's that), so I feel like I should let him have the final say in this ones name. There's plenty of names I like, but not of them that really stand out to me or that we can agree on.
Why is choosing a name so hard?!
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We've been thinking about names again over the weekend. OH is still set on Mya, it's growing on me but I'm just not 100%. While we were walking with Oscar yesterday, out of nowhere he just said 'Mya.....Hiya' as clear as anything! OH was dead chuffed and said it HAS to be Mya now, as Oscar has picked it �� I feel bad saying no to it as he didn't really have much say in Oscar's name (he got to 7 days old with no name and I was fed up of calling him 'baby', so I decided it was Oscar and that's that), so I feel like I should let him have the final say in this ones name. There's plenty of names I like, but not of them that really stand out to me or that we can agree on.
Why is choosing a name so hard?!

I found name choosing easy haha! Both times!
Although i didnt pick a girl name out for Noah cos i was so sure he was a boy!

This time we actually had a set girl name but had Charlie picked just before 16wks so still fairly early on lmao!

Mya is lovely! Soon as Noah started saying 'Baby Charlie' it was 100% final For us! He sounded so cute saying it!!!
Great news eaw!!

I wasn't expecting a sweep until 41 weeks but I was hoping the latest that induction would be was 12 days over.
Them extra days are making it seem even longer.
I was hoping that the latest baby would be here would be next Friday but it looks like it'll be at least Saturday and that depends on the vacant slots on that day.
I wasn't expecting to be offered a sweep at 7 and 10 days over, I never was with my last son x
Awesome news!!

In other news, I've had s baby (around 9:30am) 8lbs 5oz. Dark hair and s gorgeous face, her name will be Anna Felicity Mary. She's on a heat pad because her temp is on the low side but they're not concerned


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Congratulations Jojo!! She is gorgeous. Welcome to the world Anna.

I want one...... Like now!
Oh my goodness! Congratulations. She's absolutely gorgeous. Soooo happy for you all xxx

Aww congratulations jojo she is gorgeous and beautiful name.

Eaw I'm so glad you are getting home with baby Stanley today.

Jenni I've been having a massive freak out over names too. My other 2 boys were easy were as this one isn't. I feel in love with Alfie early on but been having big wobbles over it and not having any back ups just incase.

My absolute favourite is Charlie but hubby ruled it out last year before we were even pregnant as it's his uncles name and Harry is named after his great uncle and James was a cousin who passed away young but also a family name. Since yesterday he said we could call baby charlie and his mum and dad were OK with it too, but the big but is we have a cat called Charlie now as hubby was adamant we couldn't use it. So now I'm torn as surely it will confuse the boys calling baby charlie too? Plus hubby and his parents prefer Alfie, I just feel unsure on it.

On another note baby hasn't been very active today, but I'm in for a ctg tomorrow at 10am anyway. Do I call or leave it? Just really awkward as hubby isn't here and I'm on my own. My mil would possibly be able to watch the boys though xx
Aww congratulations jojo she is gorgeous and beautiful name.

Eaw I'm so glad you are getting home with baby Stanley today.

Jenni I've been having a massive freak out over names too. My other 2 boys were easy were as this one isn't. I feel in love with Alfie early on but been having big wobbles over it and not having any back ups just incase.

My absolute favourite is Charlie but hubby ruled it out last year before we were even pregnant as it's his uncles name and Harry is named after his great uncle and James was a cousin who passed away young but also a family name. Since yesterday he said we could call baby charlie and his mum and dad were OK with it too, but the big but is we have a cat called Charlie now as hubby was adamant we couldn't use it. So now I'm torn as surely it will confuse the boys calling baby charlie too? Plus hubby and his parents prefer Alfie, I just feel unsure on it.

On another note baby hasn't been very active today, but I'm in for a ctg tomorrow at 10am anyway. Do I call or leave it? Just really awkward as hubby isn't here and I'm on my own. My mil would possibly be able to watch the boys though xx

I'd ring anyway, can't be too careful. I had the movement talk again off mw today, saying to ring whatever time day or night if I was at all concerned xx

Well after my major meltdown this morning I'm feeling a lot more positive, mw suggested hot curry and hot sex, well I've achieved 50 percent of that today and having an Indian later ;) xx
Definitely call if he's not as active as normal, even if just to put your mind at rest and stop wondering 'is he ok?'

Sounds like you've had a good day so far then Emma ;-) OH keeps asking how desperate I am for this baby to come, it's been a while bless him ��

It's so hard with the names isn't it. I like both names you suggested, but like you say, you want to be 100% on the one you choose.
I'm coming round to the idea of Mya, but I just don't like how it looks written down, and I just know that it would forever get pronounced wrong. Oscar's name is easy in that way, there's not really any other way to spell or pronounce it.

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Awesome news!!

In other news, I've had s baby (around 9:30am) 8lbs 5oz. Dark hair and s gorgeous face, her name will be Anna Felicity Mary. She's on a heat pad because her temp is on the low side but they're not concerned

Massive congratulations shes gorgeous!!!! Xx

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