• May 2016 Mummies •

Do u think a sweep today would help Em?

I have mw on thurs and im asking lol. Even tho I had 4 on Noah lmao! Im praying this one helps quicker x
Someone needs to have their baby today with me. Baby needs birth buddy
Good luck with the mw today emmam, I hope your not waiting til next week for Logan to arrive.

I've not batch cooked and haven't previous times either. Will see how that pans out with 3 to look after lol

So excited you get to meet baby today jojo xx
Good luck Jojo ��

I'd LOVE to get baby out today, but pretty sure that's not going to happen lol. I've got the 12th/17th in my head for some reason...we'll see!

Good luck with the MW Emma. It's getting close for you too now :-)

I've tried to do loads of little meals and bits for Oscar too just to try and make life a little easier - when he wants food, he wants it NOW so helps to have some prepared!

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Do u think a sweep today would help Em?

I have mw on thurs and im asking lol. Even tho I had 4 on Noah lmao! Im praying this one helps quicker x

I doubt it, if it's Sarah or maybe Coleen il play on my worries a bit and say I've been having pains etc in the hope they might at least offer an examination to see if any things happening.

I would love to be a baby buddy with u today Jojo but I don't think itl be this week x
I could hear Oscar messing with something while I was in the other room, came back to see him happily settled in his old bouncer, playing away with the toys! He looks so big! Not sure how he'll react when his sister starts using it soon!
Awwww he's so cute.
I've currently got a mr.tumble doll wrapped up in the crib thanks to my 5yr old....he can't wait to be a big brother, it's Tuesday again so he thinks it's the day Logan will be here-don't know why he's set on it been a Tuesday. He came out of school last week and I was holding my 6 month old niece and he was all excited because he thought I'd had the baby.

I've got the front room to gut before the mw this morning and a tip run to do, the sun is shining so I might attempt to walk to the mw as its not too far away then Chris is making me bacon sandwiches for brunch x
Lol bless him!
I miss my boy already :(

I'm second in the list do shouldn't be too long. I'm also 6cm dilated but not having regular clothes traction do do figure that out if you can haha. I don't gbi k my body labours well at all on its own.
Omg!! Definitely a good job you're booked in. Hope they don't keep you waiting too long. Enjoy those squishy newborn cuddles. Xxx

Good luck with everything today JoJo. Hopefully this is the start of all the May babies making their way into the world!
Line up ladies, who wants to go next? 11 days to due date so I'm happy to wait until next week! Gives me a chance to finally finish sorting the nursery out, can't believe it's not done yet

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The sooner I get this baby out, the less stressy I'll (hopefully!!) be about moving house! And I'm just uncomfortable and want my body back so I can walk a decent distance and get down on the floor to play with Oscar again :-( xxx

Im due Friday and I already have a feeling ill still be pregnant by Monday morning lol x
6cm! Bloody hell.

I'm very jealous.

Just waiting for me now, there's a que already-how is that even possible when I'm the 4th appt of the day lol x
Hosp just called, Scan tomorrow 11.30 just to double check hes not breech again lol.. Feel so over dramatic!
Hosp just called, Scan tomorrow 11.30 just to double check hes not breech again lol.. Feel so over dramatic!

Better to check than to find out in labour though.

I'm hoping they'll say 10 day induction which means next weds at latest....don't recognise any of the memes that have come out so far so doubt il get any extras like a sweep lol x
We are going home today!!! Just waiting for the hubby to get us!!!
Sweep not until next Monday so il be 8 days over, then another booked for 10 days over and then hopefully induction a week on Saturday....that's hoping they've got space. Absolutely fed up, drove home from the midwives in tears x

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