• May 2016 Mummies •

if i go in naturally then idk if im going to do it naturally or not... im a bit worried tbh because i had StrepB last time and had antibiotics in labour. i know you dont need them in a section because baby doesnt pass through bith canal but if baby just comes, im worried baby will be unwell.

this is how much i dropped today...




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R they going to test u for it?
I was going to buy the online private test for £30. I had it picked up in my 6week PP check after i asked for swabs as i wasnt sure if my stitches were healing or i had something funky going on down there lol.

Obv i dno if i had it in labour, probs not as Noah was ok, i
Know it can come and go so quickly too!

I know many mums that have gone on to have a planned 2nd section hun! It just works for some ppl and if thats what uve mentally prepared for then its defo the right thing for you! xx
I don't need a test because it's not an issue if you have a section and as I have a planned section booked there's no need to test. I'm going to ask mw on Wednesday what happens if I go in naturally - will they automatically just give antibiotics or not?
Aw yes sorry i thought u meant incase u went naturally as a just incase.

But if u have a planned section would they not just rush u dwn for a section before u dilate? Spose it also depends how far gone u already r aswell! Xx
Y reasons for section are:
I hadn't first time and the likelihood of needing another are much higher
I have a raised bmi which raises my chances of having another
I didn't labour normally - in fact my contractions were written off as back pain for a long time and had no not been induced I would've been turned away
I got to 8.5cm before I had my section and the thought of going through it all to that point and having baby go into distress terrifies me
If I know I'm having a section incan plan the support I will need.
I had strep b last time and worry about it again...

I have my reasons I just feel kinda like I'm a bad mother sometimes for not wanting to try natural. But I do feel that it is an informed choice
Aw yes sorry i thought u meant incase u went naturally as a just incase.

But if u have a planned section would they not just rush u dwn for a section before u dilate? Spose it also depends how far gone u already r aswell! Xx

Well we did touch on it and they said if I went in and I was in advanced labour then they would likely see how I do before deciding on a section but I didn't think to ask about it at the time... Also despite me telling not hem about the steep B last time they haven't written it on my notes or anything which is a concern
Don't feel like a bad mum at all! The method of delivery, at the end of the day, is totally irrelevant to our parenting skills. If we get our babies here safely with their best interests at heart, then we're being awesome parents!

From my perspective, I'd hate a section. The recovery terrifies me. I've only ever had very minor "operations" and I don't like it - I couldn't mentally deal with a c section. Obviously I would if that was necessary.

Hopefully all these signs won't lead to anything for you Jojo - it would be so much easier if babies stuck to the plan right?!
See I've already recovered from one and I didn't find it too bad pain wise, but of course I have had other abdominal surgery which actually felt a lot harder to recover from (I had been very ill at the Time which didn't help). I wouldn't have chosen one for Mr first baby

The doctor said if I went into labour early they would do a section unless I was quite advanced
I had a section with my third and was pleased as it was the quickest and safest way to get him delivered with everything that was going on but I wouldn't opt for another one unless an emergency again but that's my personal choice, I've heard that planned sections are a lot nicer and more relaxing than an emergency section and as its planned there's more time to go through what you'd like-the curtain lowered at birth for example so it's a more individual experience and makes recovery easier xx
Yeah someone unknown had a natural with a massive tear, then an emergency and the third time opted for planned and it was so much nicer. I fe better because I will have a pre op assessment and because bin quite clinical I'm happy that it will be treated like any other op. When I gave birth last time I had been on since the Saturday 1pm
And didn't have my baby until he went into distress lunchtime on the Monday - it was so stressful to have that rushing and emergency that I really don't want it again... Also I was so exhausted that I passed out after he operation from exhaustion and didn't get to hold my baby for about three hours - everyone held him before I did because I was just so exhausted. I want to know I'm going to meet my baby when he is new. I can't even remember being shown him at all, even though my husband said I did and have him a kiss and named him like then just basically passed out on he operating table.
I've just got out of abate with clary sage oil in and I've just found the last two series of one born every minute on demand so that's me sorted for next few days x
Aw clary sage gives me instant migraines lol!
Staying away from that stuff! X
I'm hoping itl help me chill a bit so I can get some sleep cos I've been in a really irritable mood all day xx
Aww have u!
Enjoy OBEM! Then try and have an early night. Says me that cant sleep for shit anymore lol!!
Not a huge fan of OBEM and I'm way of or after the new series showed a woman having a baby at 34weeks (same as I was at the time) who had a baby who needed resuscitating. Nor fun for me so now I watch behind so I can fwd on ones that give me bad feels.

Rang maternity who said that the BH today sounded like labour contractions and as baby moved down they say may have moved baby down to fully engage which is why I'm in so much pain. I've been told not to take any risks and if the contractions get any kind of pattern to go in for an injection for babies lungs if it's before 37 weeks. The feeling is that I may be in slow early labour. Yikes
Aww blinking ek!!!

Wonder if ull be the first may mumma to go jojo!!!
I'm hoping I hold on until at least a week on Tuesday as I'll be cooked then. She did say that plenty of babies are born at 36 weeks and need little to no help but that babies can also be born at 40wweks that need help so you just have to take it as it Comes. Trying not to stress about it. They also suggested I ring my mw tomorrow to inform her - although I don't know what good that will do lol
Looking promising jojo.
I'm now an emotional wreck-can't believe that in a few weeks il be giving birth again! xx
I would like to hold off until May 4th of I can. That way mums holiday with alone with hubby's paternity leave nicely. I also want to be in/out in 24hrs
Morning girls.
Called hosp, scan tomorrow morning to recheck hes breech and then get booked for a ECV to try and turn the lil monkey! Lol xx

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