• May 2016 Mummies •

Oh no Jenni that's awful. Do you have a reason as to why? You got the offer pretty quick, didn't you? Hopefully the next one will be just as quick!

I can't be bothered today. I feel really off. I've got up and had breakfast.. Then climbed back into bed!! Hubby is taking the toddler to nursery in about 10 mins, and I've got zero planned today, so no real need to get up anytime soon!!! I can't decide what to do "for myself" to give me the best relaxation and make the most of this next few days/weeks. Hubbys off on annual leave from Saturday so I've only got 2 more days of it being JUST me!
Sorry you're feeling rubbish tigger, enjoy your last few days of freedom!!

We had the offer within 5 weeks, hopefully we get another even quicker this time!! The buyers have 3 flats that they rent out, the lease is up on all three and is costing £10k each to renew, they're having to 'redirect their funds'. As if they didn't know about the leases ending until know? Something seems off to me.

Belle was fab last night :-) she cluster fed from 8-11, loads of breastfeeding and even more top ups, but she eventually settled for daddy at midnight. She then went til 4am. I fed her at 8, supposed to be topping up with formula after each feed, but she's been flat out ever since. I think my milk is coming in properly now, it was dripping down me while I was changing her this morning
Sorry not posted past few days, have been reading, can't believe Joe will be 2 weeks old tomorrow. So pleased Belle is ok Jenni but sorry to hear about your house, being in a chain is so nerve-wracking. Tigger, hope you enjoy your last 2 days and can relax before your oh is off and baby arrives.

Joe got discharged from the mw on Tuesday, altho he lost 12oz by Tues 10th so down to 9lb, he was up to 9lb 15oz by this Tuesday so really pleased with his feeding even tho its really tiring. Freddie's shown his love for his brother as well by passing on a snotty nose so past couple of nights have been harder, we had got to feeding every 2 hours.

Hope all of you still waiting don't have long to go and it goes smoothly for you and hope all of you who have had your los are enjoying lots of cuddles with your new squishes.
Hope everyone's getting on ok....breastfeeding is absolutely knackering me-thinking of introducing a formula feed each day so I can get some rest. Little man is feeding every hour at least. I feel a bit sad about not exclusively beast feeding but it's making me and him cranky, he's been really restless today, apparently it's a growth spurt but it's upsetting to see him so upset xx
Sorry to hear about the house sale falling through Jenni. Fingers crossed for you that you find another buyer soon. I'm so glad we live in Scotland where the house buying system is completely different!!

Bobkat, Emmam - sorry to hear things are tough with breastfeeding constantly. I suppose I will just have to wait a few more days until I can fully appreciate how tough it is!

I can't decide if I am now excited or scared knowing that baby will definitely be here soon. I'm really not looking forward to the sleepless nights, although the midwife has assured me that our bodies are designed to get better quality sleep, even if the quantity is greatly reduced. I have booked myself in for some reflexology on Monday to see if that might help kick start things a little. If not, it will be a nice relaxing treat before the carnage of bringing a baby home next weekend!
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Waddling round the house after a bath tonight and I can feel the water retention in my feet jiggling. So disgusting!!!!

I'm ridiculously excited for my sweep tomorrow. It's also a full moon on Saturday. I need to calm down, neither of these things are guaranteed to get me my baby, but I can't help it!

Breastfeeding sounds tough, it's probably the thing I'm most nervous about. People keep trying to make plans with me (latest is OH talking about booking me a spa DAY with MIL and SIL for MIL's birthday in a few weeks) without considering that I might not want or be able to express, so I can't leave baby for all that long. It's frustrating

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Bfeeding is tiring and I have had low moments with it but I do find it really rewarding and I love just being able to sit and gaze at him whilst I'm doing it. He can be hard to keep up with, especially as he's a big boy and needs more (not sure if that's right but it makes sense in my head) but he is starting to go longer between feeds, especially as my milks come in, I'm like a fountain most of the day. Its been more difficult past couple of days as his nose is a bit blocked up so its harder for him to feed so he's been really fussy which is understandable. Going to start expressing and introducing a bottle of that each day. Going to try and do that from 3 weeks plus.

Something that really helped me understand why they feed so much early on, is not only the waiting for the milk to come in, but also the fact that their stomachs are only the size of a marble when they're born. They don't take long to fill and they are quick to want re-filling. Knowing there was a reason why I was constantly feeding the first few days made it a lot easier to get on with.
Bfeeding is a lot harder than I ever imagined, I've introduced formula for night feeds so my oh can help. I can express but tbh I hate it. It's so painful. Just got back from emergency dr app, little one has been screaming for the past 24 hours absolutely inconsolable, barely feeding from breast or bottle. So he's got oral thrush but apart from that he's a healthy boy and has pro alley got very trapped wind. I guess as a first time parent and you've tried all the normal options dr is a last resort. Just glad he's ok. :) hope everyone is doing ok. Get bouncing on them balls(that sped up my contractions!) xx

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I'm with you on bfeeding being hard! It has got much easier in the last couple of days, but I'm just not making enough for her. In hospital, we were having to top up with formula after every feed, she was taking up to 70ml a time. They said to carry this on for at least 24 hours, which we have. But I think she's got used to having so much extra formula now, I can't see us being able to stop. I tried expressing while we were in hospital, but was only getting a couple of ml, they said it was good but I just don't see how it can be enough to satisfy her.
I'm going to keep going as long as I can, but I can't see me suddenly producing enough to be able to stop the top ups. And selfishly, I haven't got time to do both. She ha a good half hour bfeed, then a full bottle. Which is fine while OH is home, but I'll struggle once he goes back to work and I've got Oscar to look after too :-/

Bfeeding is a lot harder than I ever imagined, I've introduced formula for night feeds so my oh can help. I can express but tbh I hate it. It's so painful. Just got back from emergency dr app, little one has been screaming for the past 24 hours absolutely inconsolable, barely feeding from breast or bottle. So he's got oral thrush but apart from that he's a healthy boy and has pro alley got very trapped wind. I guess as a first time parent and you've tried all the normal options dr is a last resort. Just glad he's ok. :) hope everyone is doing ok. Get bouncing on them balls(that sped up my contractions!) xx

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It's so worrying when they're so upset and so hard to know what to do for the best. Oscar used to suffer from trapped wind, it was horrible to watch and there's not much you can do either. Glad to hear all is ok now tho :-)
Logan definitely doesn't suffer with trapped wind....I can honestly say that I've never heard such loud farts from a baby before-he proper let rip in front of the registrar the other day lol.
Last night was definitely an improvement, between 1 & 2 hours between feeds and straight back off to sleep in his crib, stayed in his crib until 7am as well which is the longest yet x
Hey ladies, I've been trying to keep up with this thread too but with 3 to look after I don't get much free time at the mo!

Jenni glad you're back home with Belle, it must be so exhausting breastfeeding and then doing a bottle I wouldn't blame you for switching to just formula. It sucks when you so desperately want to breastfeed but your body doesn't produce enough. Did you have problems breastfeeding Oscar? Also I'm so sorry about the buyer for your house pulling out :(

I agree breastfeeding is one of the hardest things to do in the early weeks as you are the only one who can do it. Even with hubby here he hardly does anything with Alfie as he is sorting out the boys and I've given up waking him at night to help as I'm just sat there awake waring for him to do his nappy so I can feed so may as well just cracking on with it.

Although it is so frustrating when you change his nappy, fully dress him and then he poos again! All the while he is screaming the house down. I don't remember the boys being so loud and his cry is a proper angry cry too.

Good luck to all those overdue still waiting for their baby's xx

My 39 week "bump" for yesterday!
Hi ladies. Finding it hard to keep up with thread but for anyone who's had thier little bundles congratulations!!!
Stanley is finally piling on pounds :) 7lb 7 now :) and feeding well
Hope you are all doing well xx
Thread hopping! Just want to say congratulations to you guys that have delivered how exciting!! Xx
Ahhh it's nice to see the baby photos! Excellent news on Stanley too Eaw.

Nothing to report here. Due on Tuesday. Feel like I have no right to be complaining about anything until Wednesday :lol: but I'm SO uncomfortable. I think it's 16 days max left now? I like seeing those numbers go down!!!
Glad Stanley is doing well eaw, must be a relief to see his weight going up now. How old is he now?

Tigger I bet it is so frustrating waiting still when so many babies have arrived early. Not long to go now!

Here are a few more pics of my little man, all 5lb 15oz of him! xx

Stop with all the adorable baby pictures. It's making me so jealous!!! ����

Can't wait to finally meet our lo. Only 8 more sleeps maximum to go.
We've just had hv visit...she's coming back in a few weeks because I'm an emotional wreck so she's gonna come and see how I'm getting on.
Logan slept better last night...back to 1-2 hours between feeds and settling straight away but I discussed combination feeding with hv and she said if I wanted to offer a formula feed in the evening then go for it and not to feel guilty.
Here's a very gorgeous Logan looking so much older than he is....


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