• May 2016 Mummies •

Lots of lovely baby pictures, they're all so scrummy! I'm loving Logan's thumbs up lol.
Kanga you're looking fab! Everyone keeps telling me I've lost all the weight already, definitely doesn't look like it with no clothes on tho �� I managed to squeeeeze into my old jeans yesterday, hopefully won't be too long before they fit properly.

I think I'll continue with the bfeeding while OH is still off work for the next week or so, but definitely thinking I'll just stick to formula from then.

We've got a viewing on our house next Friday :-) they've already sold their house so are in a position to move quickly. Keeping our fingers crossed!!!

Here's a few pics of my babies too :-)
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Oh I'm so jealous of all these scrummy babies!!! They're all so gorgeous :-)

Bets are on for whether this sweep works today. Counting down to my appointment at 2pm. If my cervix isn't favourable I think I'll cry!!

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Scrummy babies, ladies!! So jealous.

Due date tomorrow but no signs yet. Been on the pineapple juice already but that just gives me heartburn! �� So ready for her now! Daytime telly is killing me!!! And if I get one more bloody text asking me if theres any news yet im throwing my phone out the window!! Sorry for the rant lol!

Good luck for your sweep Jem. Hoping I may be offered one on Tuesday at my next midwife appointment. I will be 40+ 3 then so they should do shouldn't they?
Should do. I'm 40+6 today. Bit surprised they've left it this long! You can always ask anyway :-)

Yep I'm sick of the texts too. I had 5 before 10am yesterday. Honestly, do people think we wouldn't tell them?! Any that say "how are you feeling?" are just getting a standard "good thanks, you?" response haha I'm not mentioning the baby. And those that are stupid enough to ask where the baby is are just getting "same place it's been for the last 9 months, I'll let you know when that changes". And smiley faces of course. Mustn't be rude... haha

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Aww lovely scrummy babies ladies.

Hope your doing ok Emma, must be so tough with Logan feeding so much and looking after the other boys too. We are here if you need to let it all out.

Jenni I'm actually gutted I've only lost 10 lbs of my 2st gain so far, but I do feel good, even if my belly is all jelly like still! Fingers crossed for the viewing on your house next week.

Good luck for your sweep later today Jem. I'm glad I missed out on all the is baby here texts or calls. I actually got to surprise everyone as didn't tell them I was being induced xx
Oh my word that was unpleasant. I don't think I want any more of those. Am home, in my pj's and drinking yet more RLT. Baby did not like having its head poked! I'm 1cm dilated, cervix is softening but still thick. She's fairly confident it worked though. I just feel icky!!

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Hope everyone is well! Sweeps are a bit uncomfortable aren't they Jem! Just had my second one, still 3-4cm dilated, baby's head low etc so effectively no change from Monday, but I haven't had a show or anything from this one. Had minor back ache but that's about it, so don't think it's going to work either :-(. Induction is booked in for 27th, so atleast I have a date I will finally meet her if not before! X
Should do. I'm 40+6 today. Bit surprised they've left it this long! You can always ask anyway :-)

Yep I'm sick of the texts too. I had 5 before 10am yesterday. Honestly, do people think we wouldn't tell them?! Any that say "how are you feeling?" are just getting a standard "good thanks, you?" response haha I'm not mentioning the baby. And those that are stupid enough to ask where the baby is are just getting "same place it's been for the last 9 months, I'll let you know when that changes". And smiley faces of course. Mustn't be rude... haha

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Yea ive been a bit the same with my replies. My SIL came round yesterday and said "is that baby not here yet" and i said "yea, shes upstairs!" Jokingly of course!
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Aw i hated all the 'is he here yet' comments! Had it on both the boys and drove me INSANE!!!! X
I never had any of the 'is baby here yet' messages, my babies are too impatient and like to come at 39 weeks!!

Happy due date poispinner :-) xxx

Jack George born at 8.14pm weighing 8lb14oz after 14 hours of regular contractions. He's just so perfect, I'll upload a picture when I'm getting myself back to normal - 90 minutes of being stitched up has worn me out! He's also in the nicu as he was a bit shocked to arrive, they're keeping an eye on him for a bit longer

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