• May 2016 Mummies •

I know, the ctg I was on it an hour and the monkey didn't bloody stop moving I can't believe it :( Really can't see them offering induction now!

Yesterday was bad food wise because I wasn't on the ward, thankfully they are pretty good otherwise. Got cereal and toast for breakfast and they have already taken my lunch order so I know I will eat, even if it is bad lol

Hope the sweep works for you Kim, sounds like things are heading in the right direction.

Sounds like Anna is doing fab jojo, and sleeping 5hrs must feel awesome :) don't feel bad about the breastfeeding hun, it's not like you haven't tried to do it and you need to not have to stress about it so that you can be happy for Anna. She is doing fab however you feel her xxx
Not long seen a consultant and she said they are mostly concerned about the reduced movements than his size. She has said induction today if space or tomorrow if not, eek! She also just done a sweep and I'm 1cm and she could break my waters so that's what they will do on labour ward!! Baby very soon hopefully!

How have you got on at the hospital Jenni? xx
Just got home again.
Trace was ok again, I felt three movements this time which is more than any other trace I've had over the weekend, but it took nearly an hour to get to that. I heard the MW talking to the doctor, she was saying that it's probably down to my anterior placenta. Luckily it was the same doctor that I saw yesterday, he remembered seeing me and said that as the reduced movements are persistent, to get me booked in for induction as soon as they have a slot - so I'm booked in Thursday at 10am!!!!!
Not sure how to feel, dreading a long, possibly failed induction that leads to emcs. But the doctor seemed to think I stand a good chance as Oscar came naturally at 39+1, fingers crossed.

Oh my goodness kanga and Jen ur babas r going to be here sooo sooooooon!!! EEEEK!!!

Is anyone actually joining me in the overdue club? Lmfao!
H4L hows ur lovely lady doing!?
Kanga I missed your post, we must have posted at the same time! How exciting!! Hope it all moves nice and quickly for you :-) good luck xxxx

I've had a few movements since I got back, but still nothing compared to normal. They all joked as I left triage that they'll probably see me tomorrow as I seem to love the place so much this week....hoping I get a day away from the hospital before I'm stuck there for a few days.
I'm just glad I've still got the rest of today and tomorrow to make sure I've got everything sorted ready. It's making me slightly emotional thinking tomorrow will be the last time it's just me and Oscar :-( he'll be a big brother by the end of the weekend, but he still seems so small!

Yes love, me! There's no way this baby is coming any time soon. I didn't realise so many babies came before their due dates but looking at the front page, so many have! I'm so bitter :) I'm so uncomfortable and big and tired and exhausted and bored of being pregnant...xxx

I take it back, there's not THAT many born early, it just feels like it!!! :) xxx

Can't believe it's May and we are all having/had our babies. It's crazy. Stanley is over 3 weeks old now. Doing really well and is back up to birth weight. Love seeing all the names pop up on the front page!!


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Congratulations Emma! Glad your little man is finally here.

Been to midwide this morning and baby is 1/5th engaged. So that would explain the "burrowing" feeling down there!! Have an appointment with consultant on thursday to see whether they will let me go over my due date or whether the plan to induce me. Getting very real now! Cant wait to be having baby cuddles with my little one x
I love all the baby news! Sorry you're getting all these RM girls. Extra, unneeded stress isn't it?

I'm 38w today. I was so uncomfortable last night, bath sorted it... Then I got out and the pains came back. Sleep got rid though!!! 2 more work days left after today. I'm off tomorrow then just Thursday and Friday to get through. I did get offered a sweep because I'm being so bad tempered but I've refused - it didn't work with Jake and just made me think something was happening for a whole week!!! I just need a really good sleep now... I'm exhausted! My colleagues don't seem to be letting up and considering the fact I'm 38w pregnant.
Forum is being really bad at loading up but I am on labour ward and waters have been broken. Getting a few irregular niggles but just about to wander about the hospital xx
Hope it won't be too long for you Kanga.
Hope things happen for you soon too tigger, although I'm sure you'd like a few days off work first?! Xxx

Still not much happening so just had drip put up so fingers crossed it speeds up now xx
Can't believe all these babies being born, I am soooo jealous!!!

Emma congrats on finally giving birth, been a long time coming. Kanga hopefully you will be next by the sounds of it. Eaw, Stanley is really doing well now.

Had my last midwife appointment today, my blood pressure was good, urine clear, measuring 42 weeks, head nice and down and really good heartbeat. Next appointment will be to see consultant on 23rd May if I go overdue in regards to induction process. I saw doc last week in regards to having an elective section but have now decided to proceed with the vbac as planned.

The little madam needs to arrive soon (anytime after Thursday when my son finishes his SATS), I'm glad I finished work last Friday now as I'm struggling to sleep due to not being able to get comfy and my back is aching.

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